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Falkon Swiftblade

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Everything posted by Falkon Swiftblade

  1. I know it's a big game, but I was really hoping npcs had some momentum and inertia while attacking or running. There's a lot of heavy stuff characters wear and wield, yet everyone kind of moves the same regardless of size and stature. Including just a tad of lean in or swaying forward at the start of movement would help.
  2. One thing I've learned since the inception of this game over the past two years that I didn't consider initially but I will for my own projects going forward. If I make a game that lasts many dozens of hours and I'm going to be killing hundreds or thousands of thing's, I'm going to create a lot more fighting animations and stances. I kind of get the impression even though you get a few new skills, the monk's going to have the same 2-3 or so attacks the whole friggen game, and that is not fun at all to me. I love these kinds of games, but I think maybe they should have stuck with 4 man group and added more variety because I also wanted to solo as a monk, but I'm actually feeling like I might have to play with some other folks just to get some variety in the combat.
  3. Looking good. There's still that really yucky light wood texture being used on the save screen when you load your files which needs to be much darker cause the contrast is nil and the white font on top of it is illegible. Also, I wonder if it were possible to add some easing in and easing out when the characters run and stop and start running? Something about the running animations that feel a bit too mechanical and rigid. Also, the portrait icons next to them are so tiny and I suspect are going to be right on top of each other it would be nice if there was either a bigger tool bar, or a tad of negative space in between icon's so you know what's what.
  4. I'm going to go buy a new mouse and keyboard now, maybe a new computer chair too :-D
  5. Well when I said 2-4 wks I was more or less talking about a few of the thing's like the audio transitions and mixing and a few other thing's they were currently working on, plus I think obsidian has a much larger team than inxile and they just pull folks from wherever there's a need. But yes I'm sure they're still going to want to test it, so if anything maybe it'll come in a nice patch sooner than later.
  6. Unity 5.0 was released this week with more new and improved feature set's than ya can shake a stick at! Read this at your leisure. http://unity3d.com/unity/whats-new/unity-5.0 There's too much there to link here, but there's enough new and improved features there I'd be willing to let the release slide 2-4 weeks because the level of polish would definitely be noticed. Without knowing their pipeline I don't know how long it would take to transition from their current version of 4.61 to 5.0, but it just seems like it would be a win win for optimizing the game, fixing their audio streaming issue, physics issue's, lighting, animations, audio mixing of fx, music and transitions, and a slew of other hot button issue's being discussed on these board's. Plus there seems to be some new changes which will help us with modding in the future. At the very least the expansion or pillars 2 will look and perform way better!
  7. I was reading the exhaustive patch notes on the new unity 5.0 release and there's so many great new features in there I'm willing to give them an extra month to release with all the new changes that would just make this go to a whole new level. Lot's of improvements across the board from animations, physics, lighting, shaders, audio mixing, optimization, and tons more. http://unity3d.com/unity/whats-new/unity-5.0
  8. perfect timing, I get off at 4pm, just enough time to get some grub and check out the latest shenanigans!
  9. i've not followed their dev cycle, do you know where they mentioned that? Also, it looks like Obsidian's scheduled for a Saturday Afternoon presentation 4:30-5:30 EST for Pax East, so kinda weird they're there so early since it looks like they left yesterday. So it def doesn't look like we'll be getting another update before then. Although, they had plenty of stuff to work on to fix beforehand either way.
  10. Unity 5 was released today. I doubt they switch versions, but there's def some nice changes in it that they could've benefited from like improved animation, better lighting, and very helpful audio mixing tool which gives the much requested individual adjustments for fx ambient sounds and music.
  11. off topic, but do we buy ammo or arrows, or is it infinite?
  12. I haven't played the BB yet, is there a skill that makes a player super dodgy? I wanted to play something that was super fast attacking and dodged a lot. Wasn't sure if the rogue was for me or not?
  13. I prefer it that way. If I didn't have to click on portraits so much I'd be ok on the right, but I feel like it saves time starting from the left and going to the center, or from bottom center to middle of the screen. Also I think it feel more balanced this way too.
  14. Their Lead Audio guy is aware of this, and he said he'd bring it to the attention of the developers. Not sure if it will make it in for launch, but they're at least aware of it.
  15. There should certainly be an award cause I bet he's turned in more bug reports than some internal guys haha! Maybe there'll be an optional boss in a dungeon that's a giant bug named after him or something.
  16. Hey Mazisky here's the old music they put out. enjoy https://soundcloud.com/obsidian-entertainment
  17. Is it possible it's a byproduct of the fog of war? I wonder if there are different layers of the effect they are using for the fog of war, and I wonder if once it's been completely removed the effect goes away? Is this effect present all over the world?
  18. At this point I'm pretty sure the final build has to go to gold master in about 2-3 weeks max. I think it would be counter productive to release a bb a week before they ship, so I suspect it'll be out maybe today or next week early. Actually, I forgot I think they elected to not ship the disks in time, so it could go out maybe a week prior. Usually the press gets it in a couple weeks prior to review it, and sometimes they don't get it early enough so reviews don't come out in time. From everything I've heard it sounds like they'll need at least a week to play it for review.
  19. I'm a big fan of thing's being shown in context, and don't like to be pulled out of immersion. If the bars above the heads must be shown, I'd prefer it to only be there when I activate it, or if it only shows for a second and fades away. The dev's have over complicated the combat so you need so many visual cues to know what the heck is going on. I feel like they should have stuck with a 1 or 4 party max for a game this complex. It's completely counter productive to have a gorgeous world to play in and then have to concentrate so much on the tiny #'s on screen and try to decipher who's engaging who etc. At least their open minded to listen to our feedback. Maybe by the 3rd or 4th post launch patch it'll be more streamlined and pretty.
  20. cool stuff. It would be neat if Bester could create a snap to margins so the elements would snap to bottom of the U in the corners or have some type of a grid overlay so we could see how to align stuff. Great work though, I do wish there was a black stone like lava rock or obsidian I guess, but hats off to Bester
  21. You certainly can't deny his efforts. It's clear he's passionate about these types of games, and I'd hate to see what came out had he not been a bug submitting fool. That first release for the beta was a cluster mess. I wouldn't have even considered releasing it to us at that stage. At least thing's are coming along better now. I'm very curious to see what's come together in between the current version and this next one coming out, and then the final one a few weeks from now. I hope they squash a bunch of the bugs!
  22. oh dang, that's the opposite of what I want. I just want some chatter everyone in a while or when you crit it say's, "Ohhh, that's going to leave a mark!" Or something like that.
  23. holy crap weapon sets, I didn't know that was a feature, and in other games typically it's like 2 sets max so that's kinda awesome actually!
  24. what are the roman numerals for? Might not be needed, unless it's hot keyable. Also, can you post how it would look with the smaller square with a lighter bg color or darker. I feel like it could use slightly more contrast in the boxes to distinguish the bigger box and smaller one because the hierarchy is lost. The main weapon should be seen first, then the second, and the bounding box should be third. I know it's tricky cause the art and icon's they've shared so far, but ideally the bg would probably look more like this forum bg with the lighter colored icons for the weapons and stuff on top to give the best contrast for easy finding quickly. In game those are kinda small.
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