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Falkon Swiftblade

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Everything posted by Falkon Swiftblade

  1. It would help if you added in some anticipation like having him lean back at the start and lean more forward at the end to make it feel stronger. Also add a little momentum forward at the end will make it feel much stronger.
  2. Speaking of entire area's going ablaze, are there any environmental damage you can do? I love having oil slicks or barrels you can catch on fire to make fights more strategic.
  3. I totally agree the mechanic's currently with the Pet and Ranger don't mesh well. I'm 100% with you in that taking you out kills 2 birds with one stone and it's just not implemented well. What if they treated pets similar to how a druid or mage would summon creatures, except the Ranger maybe blows a horn or whistles which bring's in 1-3 animal beasts for that encounter? Or maybe they last for x amount of time and runs away. Maybe that could also be part of the game mechanic. I haven't played the Chanter, but it sounds like that mechanic could transfer over to the Ranger in a similar way with their pet to maintain a Spiritual bonding. Possibly there's a chance of moral failure or loss of "spirit connection" (call it whatever you want.) where the pet runs away during the fight. I also think that the pet should be customizable for the type of damage they perform. Such as claw attacks or horn attacks, and biting may all have a specific kind of damage they perform that could make them more unique. Maybe one causes bleeding over time, one may bruise or hobble the movement speed, or stun the enemy, etc.
  4. just out of curiosity, is the combat log necessary? I noticed they really get down to the nitty gritty with what's going on under the hood. I feel like the current implementation it is immersion breaking to have to micromanage the log in so much detail to understand what you're doing. You spend more time watching that, then paying attention to the combat or the environment. I would suspect if I'm playing the game, I just want to play the game and not have to read a wall of text every time an action is taken.
  5. actually, I was just watching the BB video put out last week and in the options is says there's a checkbox for solid hud background. I think that's what I was asking about. Could someone post a picture of what that looks like on and off please?
  6. Is it still that really irritating repetitive dadda da dadda da dadda da horn sound and over the top percussion that was in the first beta? I saw a 30 min video of this build but they turned off the music so I couldn't tell. I did notice the audio as a whole hasn't been normalized so you had people with indoor voices and outdoor voices like someone with Tourette syndrome and it comes off a wee bit obnoxious sometimes, and yes the voices seem pretty uninspired and inconsistent, like some sound like they were done in a dry environment, while others sound like they were done over google hangouts. They probably did everything in one or two takes, instead of nailing it. They raised a lot of money for audio, other than a live orchestra which can be costly, I don't know where the budget has gone. Likely they got a couple A lister's that we haven't heard yet, but I'm hoping they'll have some better combat music in there too.
  7. that's pretty clever Bester, could you also target vertical and horizontal as well? Also, I heard talk they were going to also have a beefy gui skin as well. Is that currently in the system? It certainly looks like it was for many of the screen's just not the main ui when you're going about the town.
  8. I'm not in the BB, but I've heard that the new build has a couple different animations for monks now. Can anyone with the current build who's tried them out let us know how they play, and do they use the same animations depending on the weapon or unarmed attacks they use?
  9. I suspect the fx guy is working in a vacuum without having a character model to work with. That would be my top priority when designing vfx. I'd have a test chamber for characters standing around and the fx all happening on screen next to each other so I could see how they all work together. I'd try it on single targets and groups, tall players, short ones, naked and fully geared. What's kind of funny is they literally work less than 2 miles away from a place on the same road that teaches you professionally how to do these types of fx. I think it would have been my prerogative to either go in and talk to them, or hire them for a day to teach the workflow.
  10. I agree with your for the most part Sen, it's a little tricky to know what you're trying to test for sometimes when there isn't communication and we're not mind readers. I'm not in the BB and I come to the forums to see how thing's are progressing, and I get confused by the patch notes too. I think part of the issue is there are a dozen people working on this game, and that's hundreds and hundreds of man hours and changes that get put in per release. From Brandon's standpoint, it's probably a bit overwhelming to decypher what is relevant to this patch. Changes today may have been changed internally 12 times in the past week. Keep in mind, this is only a snippet of the much larger game, he probably has to filter that out cognitively what's relevant in the BB. There certainly could be better feedback about the changes given. This is still a work in progress, sort of like cookies being baked in the oven, and they sent the patch out early like it would be as if you pulled the cookies out early to eat them.
  11. geeeeeeez that friggen combat log is twice as long as any man lol!
  12. here's a video of some chap showing off 392. For us non backers it's looking pretty decent, still some polish to go, but it's getting there.
  13. I love the art details and the ui I've seen so far. That monk you showed Sensuki is fantastic except the arms look like they have a fan blowing through the sleeves. If they can scale down the sleeves about 20% that looks great, also don't make it so perfectly round, I'm hoping to see some playthroughs of this build.
  14. When you say upgrade Unity, what version are you currently using?
  15. I also found the wing's/arms and hands missing context. From a utility standpoint the wing's are too small and thin to lift something as massive as the dragon, and it's arms are like a pro wrestler, but it's tail is so long the creature is so heavy, no way he'd be that lean. That thing would be moving like a slow boat to China. I think they took too many ideas and said eff it, it's a game weeeeee! I half expect it to sound like a honky horn when it roars. It does look pretty neat though, roaaar... bagok!
  16. Well I'm playing free games on my android with better 2d animation than they currently have with the 3d that they've been working on for over a year. And they do complex animations like rats fidgeting with their hands on their faces and the attack animations feel weighty and powerful, unlike these do from the last time I saw any game play back in october. (the game I'm referring is also on Iphone as well called honorbound.)
  17. after replaying IWD EE currently, I can appreciate the work that's gone into this, and I find that the character's not being micro machine size in POE which helps. I do hope they touch up the animations, but since unity has the ability to import animations of motion capture I have a feeling someone will find a way to make the animations super awesome.
  18. just out of curiosity, I'm assuming when thing's like this get's pushed back due to a major bug like you're discussing, that the other departments are also still chugging along the way and by the time the major bug is fixed there may also be dozens of other changes that get pushed into that fix too? At this point, is everything pretty much in game and locked down and you guys are just bug fixing, or are you still creating quests or other assets for the game? I'm glad to hear that a lot of the vo work is getting into the game. I hope there's enough variety since you have your party of six, it may get old using male thief #2 4 times cause the rest just don't cut the mustard
  19. also an issue for modded maps is creating pathing for the new maps probably won't be possible since that's done separately after they're created and monsters have to be placed and scripted, etc. and requires a bunch of coding.
  20. I heard Josh mention specifically that maps would probably not be moddable due to their current methodology and pipeline.
  21. if you guys figure out what files they're using for spell fx let me know. I know how to create that sorta stuff a bit in after fx, photoshop, 3ds max, and a lil bit in the shuriken particle engine in unity, but I've never attempted to put it in a game engine and I have a couple weeks off next week and I might try modding something for fun.
  22. -interesting, I wonder what volume one means?!
  23. We had the fx guys from Naughty Dog come do a lecture for us before I graduated from college, and I pretty much saw their pipeline, but they used a custom engine, and it was a really ingenious technique of creating jpg or png files they animated with a alpha mask to create realistic fire in their games. The actual files were pretty tiny. I know how to create particle fx in the Shuriken Particle System in Unity to some extent, so I thought it would be fun to try it out.
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