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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I'm thinking of picking up Manhattan Projects, does anyone here follow that. Also I swear, Dan Slott never ceases to surprise me with how bad he is at writing.
  2. Sometimes I can't tell if I drink to get drunk or for the "after-drunk" zombie feelings. Watching movies or listening to music seems so much more rewarding in the latter state.
  3. The most important element in a role-playing game is the ability of the player to consistently role-play a character as they see fit. To do this, two things need to be implemented. 1. Player has full control of PC 2. The PC is not privy to any knowledge the player is not. Everything else is secondary.
  4. Im currently reading: New 52 (which only has 19 episodes so far), The Astonishing X-Men (have the first 6 of those), Crisis on Infinite Earths (only have the first episode) and have my eye on Civil War.I'm a bit confused by what you mean by New 52. DC is currently calling the whole line of in continuity series "The New 52". Also, I would pick up Civil War, but would avoid most Marvel events. Avatar Press: Über DC: Demon Knights, Phantom Stranger, Justice League Dark Image: Invincible, Witch Doctor, East of West, Saga Marvel: Daredevil, Scarlet Spider, Indestructible Hulk, Captain America, Avengers, New Avengers, Venom, Thor, Wolverine and the X-Men, Avenging Spider-Man, Superior Spider-Man, Iron Man, All-New X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Secret Avengers, Uncanny Avengers, Deadpool
  5. Which book are you reading? Sorry, I don't understand your question (and I may be using the wrong terminology). Im reading these on my iPad using the Marvel and DC Comics apps. WRT the New 52, I just finished the fourth episode (which is really numbered as three since they started at zero) and this episode introduced Wonder Woman. Which ongoing series are you reading?
  6. Well if everyone acts like a teenager, I suppose that might be expected. Our heroes hopefully won't be sitting around waiting to die though, think of a combat team rather than some civilians tempting fate. I'd definitely hope a team trying to save the world would try to not fraternize, weakens the unit and all.Heh, maybe they should put in romances but no successful ones. So the NPC always dumps you. Everyone will be a teenager! PE is really Avellone's high-school RPG!
  7. Haha.......yyyyyyyyyyyyy...... nice joke ... but i don't know what soviets has to do with slavic ... Besiacly we Poland fight soviets ... and after second world war Americans and British (who was our allies) Sold us to USSR. So if you are jokeing first lern history and secondry don't mix ethincs with political movements ... bocouse someone can be offended. But i also have a joke.... A little sample on USA inteligence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cey35bBWXls Ahh yes, a game show called "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" is an accurate example of the average intelligence of Americans I definitely wouldn't trust those morons with money to make a video game...
  8. Hope you've been enjoying it so far. IMO, it would be best to avoid the megaevents.
  9. With the access to most of the knowledge in the world, we decide to spend our time arguing over a poll on the Internet.
  10. Internet polls are serious business.
  11. Romance and joy are not mutually inclusive. If you want a joyless game, stick to The Witcher(which has a bit of romance subplot in it).
  12. Science can't be all bad, if it allows me to skip commercials and binge on TV when I feel like it.
  13. D&D really needs to break up their mental stats into separate categories...having Wisdom being a combination of Perception and Willpower was not very good design IMO.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Nb_mH4Q4mw I just can't think of anything else when I see this thread. Damn you Oby!
  15. Or a stick up the ass and a burning desire to smite opposition, which we Paladins have in spades.
  16. Judging all TV shows like "Here comes Honey Boo Boo" or (Insert Jersey reality show) is just plain stupid. I do have to chastise you for not including Dexter on your list however, that show is excellent. Most of my time is spent studying, working out, or other things, so I have a hard time catching most good television programs. The only thing I loyally watch is Doctor Who.
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