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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Either way, I couldn't give a ****. In fact, I think I'm at the point of giving negative 10 ****s. Whatever happens, the fallout is sure to be spectacular.
  2. On the fence about Da Vinci's Demons. I can't decide if it is more dramatized historical fiction, or creepy historical fan-fiction. It was definitely one of the better episodes of this season. Hopefully they have finished feeding the emotional junkies their "friendship is magic and solves everything" fix and can continue delivering episodes with solid plot.
  3. I don't always post on forums, but when I do, I prefer Obsidian Forum Community.
  4. End of the world... Project deadlines... roughly the same thing, sometimes. Well, looks like it is time to start a war with Best Korea, then set out with a female companion to see of I can stop Kim Jung Um from destroying the world and not become sexually attracted to and fall in love with said female companion while doing so. Maybe I could provoke Oby into getting Best Korea to fire some rockets or something...
  5. Ahh, but when was the last time you were pulled into an adventure that resulted in saving the world, with a female companion at your side the entire time? o_O Well I have had to work on projects alongside females, close enough?
  6. Choosing how to play the PC does not involve controlling how NPCs react to the PC. As a man, I am perfectly able to be friends with a woman without wanting to have sex with her or loving her.
  7. Or we could use a 2d100 and get even more exact. Which would be quite tedious. D&D stats are an abstraction and should remain so, IMO.
  8. This thread just won't die will it? Just let Obsidian do what they want. You don't need romance to make a game good or realistic, and the inclusion of romance will not cause the game to implode and turn into a Bioware crap heap. Also, can we actually talk about other kinds of relationships besides romances?
  9. Well the biggest problem with D&D stats is that they don't take into account differences between individuals with similar stats. For example, I highly doubt that two people who would score 16 would be able to lift the exact amount of weight in every single muscle group, even though they are ranked the same by D&D standards.
  10. I address the validity of the poll's results further down. Also, thank you, confidence is more important than skill. I disagree. Finding someone who is essentially average in every conceivable quality is going to be less common than finding people who excel in certain areas and are weak in others, or someone who is better/worse in all categories. After all, every D&D stat can arguably be improved with work or deteriorate with a lack of effort. IRL, yes of course. However, this poll is not representative of real life any more than Oby's ramblings are in touch with reality. Take into account that the questions in this poll that determined ability scores had four answers each, which essentially were a negative, a neutral, a positive, and a super-positive. If one were to chose the positive response for the questions concerning one attribute, they would end up with 15 or 16(as I did with STR, CON, and WIS). If one were to chose an even mixture of positive and super-positive for questions concerning a particular attribute, they would end up with a score of 17 or 18(as I did with INT and CHA).
  11. Someone, somewhere spent his commendable talents and a lot of time making a rape scene. Must be that guy from Austria that kept his daughter in a basement. Or like half of deviantArt.....
  12. If the fight is over who has the most neckbeard, the Chechen police.
  13. Unless you're the most charming genius athlete in your country, I'd say some of the other stats are a bit off too. heh Well I am quite strong, have good endurance, was in the top of my class, and scored excellently on my SATs. I like to think of myself as charming, but that interpretation may vary between individuals. I typically use logic rather than outright charisma when convincing people about something though, so perhaps Charisma is a it off as well. Wisdom should be split into "Perception" and "Willpower" to account for those of us whose that do not have equal ability with both.
  14. Lawful Good Human Paladin (3rd Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 16 Dexterity- 13 Constitution- 15 Intelligence- 18 Wisdom- 15 Charisma- 17 Morality is right on, but I think Wisdom is off.
  15. Eyes are on Dragon Age 3 now I forgot that was even in production. Who wants to bet on how much it will piss people off?
  16. Well DC had a whole "holding the line at 2.99" thing, but apparently that was retconned with the New52... Of course, Marvel's slogan "We charge an extra buck, we don't give a f**k!" has been used for he last few years.
  17. Glenn Beck's and Alex Jones' ratings...
  18. Do you think this is a significant enough amount of people to make them care? IMO, most people probably dont care, its only we hard core nerds that even notice. And even out of us its a small fraction that is bothered enough to actually not buy the product. I dunno, I'll buy a few products that do not require DRM, but I have been buying a lot less games lately because of DRM. I'm also not buying any EA products, but that is mostly due to their games being low-quality crap.
  19. I have fond memories of Whedon's run on that book. I'd recommend that. I may hype the book a bit more than it deserves because of my bias for Kirby creations however. The new Scarlet Spider has been amazing, so I'd check that out if you haven't already(although #15 was a bit of a disappointment).
  20. Ahh, the old "well children in Africa are starving" argument. Actually, you could go with that since it is by "The Consumerist", they will be dealing primarily with consumer goods. As far as companies that primarily provide consumer goods go, EA is definitely among the worst. That being said, this poll has as much significance as the "who will be the next president of the United States" Internet polls, which if correct would mean that Ron Paul would have won the election with 90% of the vote.
  21. When the new 52 was announced, Demon Knights was the title I was most interested in. There were a lot of DC's fantasy characters and others that could fit the title. Paul Cornell was coming off two well done comic book works KNIGHT AND SQUIRE and CAPTAIN BRITON AND MI13. Cornell in interviews was playing up the idea of an adventurous fantasy story lobbing around references to LOTR and Dragon Age. And then the book we got was a group of people stuck in a town being snarky to one another while the big bad went around killing everyone in their path (for no clear reason) while searching for some MacGuffin. Needless to say I thought it was terrible. After four issues I gave up on it; sadly it was the Paul Cornell who'd written some really poor Doctor Who stories, and not the one who wrote some really good Doctor Who stories who showed up. That said I'd agree the SoS 1st issue was bad. If I hadn't bought the 1st and 2nd issue together I'd probably have dropped it with #1. Same thing happened with the recent KATANA title; although in KATANA's case, I think the 2nd issue was actually intended to be the 1st and the published 1st issue was a last minute editorial edict comic. Mark Waid's 75th Anniversary Quiz:http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=44987 I only got #3 and #8. LOL, DK is like SoS then. It picks up rather nicely around issue 6, IMO. IIRC, SoS and DK are on the chopping block. I only got 1 right in that quiz...
  22. I might have to pick up a Lantern book if that happens. I just hope the creative team is decent.
  23. I picked up #1 of SoS and couldn't get into it, IMO Demon Knights is much better. Also, Happy 75th Superman!
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