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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Hopefully dying in the pits of KS. Or being made with mechanics that aren't complete **** and either turn-based or RTwP only combat instead of a multiple choice that was awful.
  2. A female gamer explaining why many female gamers are not present on these forums because they would likely not be as interested as their male counterparts are in the niche that these forums fill? I'm surprised that it took to page five of this thread to get that.
  3. Ugh, I'm sorry but she looks like she has had some work done. Nothing TOO obvious, but I would wager she has had some surgical enhancement. That is a bit of a turnoff for me. Anywho PC is what is killing the world. Some of the left take it to the point where everyone thinks of them as a bunch of spineless pussies, some on the right use it as a club to bash "obscene" statements(or maybe I'm using PC when I should be using moral decency). It isn't very good in either case.
  4. Ah yes, insulting people. That always raises oneself above contempt and helps underline the truth of one's own opinion *nodnod* Interesting how the most venom in this thread does not come from the people who disliked her, but from her supporters. Eh, this thread is actually pretty mild. I think that this one is a bit better.
  5. I do have to thank Thatcher for pissing off British comic creators enough to create such fine things like Judge Dredd and Hellblazer. So thanks for making life in the UK so miserable that some people made some excellent comics. In the spirit of privatisation, you should install a toilet above your grave and charge people for the privilege of desecrating your grave.
  6. So that is why the British keep posting "Ding Dong the Witch is dead" on twitter. I agree with their sentiment.
  7. For some reason, I'm a bit angry that this raised more than PE.
  8. Well this week, Uber and Hulk were fantastic and Spider-Man was much better than Slott's usual stories. Gaiman's run was definitely fantastic.
  9. This is a bit out of character for oby. Needs more pro-Russia crap and violations of English to be believable. Maybe he got confused, between LoF or the superchristian guy and whatever other acts he uses, he does have a lot to juggle.
  10. The ability for a player to consistently role-play a PC exactly as they intend to do so is the most important factor in a role-playing game. The player should have control over the PC at all times, and must expressly consent to anything the PC does. This means that any dialogue system where the player does not know with complete certainty what the PC will do should not be used. There should be no cinematics where the player loses control of the PC to witness explosions.
  11. So, okay, it's been a while, I want to make sure I've got everything straight. I'm Kreyzak, obyknven, and Cyclone Man, right? No, not Krez. Krez is a real person. EDIT: you WISH you were Krezack. I thought he was Felithvian as well.
  12. This is ridiculous. Teen bangs a MILF and then yells rape. That deserves envy, not sympathy. Now identity rape is a much more sinister conundrum than this crap that should upset you a teensy bit more. Unless you are one of those "white upper-class males are the most oppressed people in the world!" Paultards.
  13. Anyone who can't spot this as a scam deserves to have their money taken. That being said, KS should really remove this project. It does violate their rules after all. BTW, if there are any supporters of this project on here I could use some money for alcohol school.
  14. IIRC it was pretty half-assed, had quite a few plotholes, and never got patched to fix the multitude of bugs. It didn't generate near the sheer amount of negativity that DA2 did, but it got the ball rolling.
  15. BSN was always insane. It wasn't until Awakening and DA2 that it went from annoying friendly neighbor crazy to mutilate your genitals and rape your dog crazy.
  16. I quit marvel after that whole Schism debacle in the X-Men turned into the Phoenix Five, the blundering stupidity of the characters was too much for me to maintain any suspension of disbelief. Would you recommend any of those for a now jaded ex-Marvel fan? If you managed to stay through Civil War, Dark Reign, various other stupid crossovers, and the dread BND, I would recommend them. Hickman sometimes trips over continuity, but his work on Avengers/new Avengers has been excellent so far. I would also recommend Daredevil, Hawkeye, and Indestructible Hulk(stupid name I know) which are pretty good books. Scarlet Spider is IMO the best book Marvel is currently putting out, and almost makes up for the mediocre(at best) Spidey books. I agree for the most part about Avatar. Uber does look like it will have pretty good art though.
  17. Does anyone ever? On-topic: Sorry OP, I do enjoy a few American/British comics. Will admit that most are predictable crap with hack writers(like Bioware games!) but the few gems are definitely worth picking up. I'm currently closely following Witch Doctor, Saga, Daredevil and Scarlet Spider.
  18. I don't know why, but I have the sudden urge to watch Doctor Who now. On-topic: The game looks very promising.
  19. Who cares about an IGN poll? IGN will probably bash the games because they won't be cinematic trainwrecks that throw good writing away for explosions and ****.
  20. I will be more than happy if PE is relatively short if content is rich and well thought out. Filler content and trash mobs for the sake of 40+ hours would not enhance the game at all.
  21. That's kind of the point, don't you think?Character differentiation doesn't mean anything if every build will be as good in all circumstances. I'd much rather see a game where a ranger is genuinely more at home in the wilderness, a well-bred rapier-carrying noble in the royal palace, and a rough knife-wielding street thug in the back alley.This kind of diversity would make for much better replayability and would encourage you to build a diverse, well-rounded party. The only real pitfall is that you'd have to be careful to avoid situations where your critical path is completely blocked due to your character concept, but I think the Obsidian devs are smart enough to avoid that.I'm not arguing that all builds should be equally viable in all circumstances, I'm pointing out that having weapons restrictions does not impede certain classes and is not very effective at damage control in cities.
  22. So I got to thinking, one relationship I would love to see is an intense rivalry. I think that having a character driven by the desire to best the PC at X would be quite cool. What would make it even better is if it could be a friendly rivalry or a bitter one depending on the PC's interactions with the NPC. I think having multiple sub-types of a relationship would be a nice break from a binary choice of friendly or unfriendly. Also try to make all relationships have plenty of content.
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