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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I should put that I play Obsidian games on my next resume! I also agree, we tend to be deeper thinkers who appreciate good story telling rather than those mongrels who frequent such hellholes as IGN.
  2. True, and in Oby's case we have a pretty unstable board member.
  3. Who would have thought a videogame forum would be a prime place to talk politics!
  4. It would be funny if they did. Come to think of it, wouldn't it be funny of every group had a "cold, dead hands" phrase? On topic: I don't like the NRA, I own guns and would benefit from the insurance benefits that come with a membership, but I have no desire to support any sort of lobbying organization on principle, especially one I disagree heavily with and am sometimes startled by what high-ranking members say.
  5. The new Deadpool series has been pretty damn good.
  6. IMO, this just sounds like some hipster "Western Dragons are too mainstream" thing. I'm all for having more unique creatures, but they should just invent new names for said creatures instead of slapping on "Dragon". And I had to laugh at the "sapient" vs "sentient" comments.
  7. I want a chimera with the exploration and freedom of BG, the gripping story of PST, and the well-designed encounters of IWD.
  8. Well that was a little disturbing... I'm a bit creeped out that this was probably sold close to where I live.
  9. I'm thinking of trying this, how is it? Does it use the abomination that is 4E?
  10. So it is somewhat similar to the 3.X feats and alternate rulesets that allow the Druid to take on aspects of animals/nature rather than take the form of a beast or elemental? That sounds really damn cool. Will there also be an elemental spiritshift available at higher levels?
  11. In a Bioware game, they are going to be having sex with the Orcs, so a different spelling of "come" works.
  12. Yes, because then my "evil" PCs would have a valid reason for butchering elves other than they suck.
  13. Well you can run through the older issues if you want. If they have all of Spider-Man 2099 then it is worth the $60.
  14. The dialogue wheel is much more a "BioWare" specific thing than an EA thing. We do it for both of our games because there's a variety of advantages in doing so. There'd be little reason for Obsidian to adopt it, and less of a reason for EA to require it. And who is the most likely candidate to make KOTOR3 now that EA has the license? Hint: You work for them.
  15. Highly unlikely... It is somewhat likely, but rather than the enjoyable RPG that was KOTOR or the masterpiece a completed KOTOR2 would have been, KOTOR3 will be much more actiony, feature the dialogue wheel, and badly implemented multiplayer. Frankly, I'm hoping someone creates an old-school RPG set in an original space-faring setting so I won't care whether Bioware butchers KOTOR3 or not.
  16. [biodrone] Will the multiplayer romance be PVP or Co-op?[/biodrone]
  17. They should have a colossal creature that is a large mass of tentacles that drain life on contact. When said creature kills something, it absorbs the victim's soul into itself.
  18. I keep hearing very good things about Young Avengers, would you recommend it? Is anyone else currently following New Avengers thinking of dropping it?
  19. I agree that Loeb is terrible, but I have to insist that Slott is worse. He brought back a character simply to write them out of character and kill them off within 5 pages. Not to mention the way he writes everybody but SpOck in SSM, it is a wonder humanity manages to successfully feed themselves. And the icing on the cake is having Do**** be morally and mentally superior to Peter Parker because he is an egomaniac super villain who doesn't care about doing the right thing.
  20. When Loeb manages to write a story about the Red Skull taking over Cap's body and having the Red Skull be a better Captain America than Steve Rogers(bonus pints of the reason he is better is because he is a Nazi), then he will sink to Slott's level. Until then, Loeb isn't quite that bad.
  21. Slott is worse than Jeph Loeb. He writes the entire cast of his book out-of-character, has to rely on plot induced stupidity in order to keep his SpOck thing going, and is incredibly predictable. Dan Slott is to comic books what David Gaider is to video games.
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