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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Perhaps Josh is the one who leaked them? If so, beheading oneself seems to be a bit difficult.
  2. Despite the moral fabric of America having been destroyed, my life doesn't seem that different.
  3. I think BruceVC is plotting something sinister, nobody is that positive and friendly.
  4. It will be an ally, because instead of showcasing broodmother love, it will instead focus on porn star paper cutouts.
  5. I dunno GD, putting the moves on an ex is tricky business. In my experience, if they seem too willingly to have more "intimate" time or are down with more exotic stuff, something is up. The more relevant question is " what if you find you aren't attracted to her anymore" Use the backdoor and GTFO?
  6. While I agree in most cases, rolling up the legs to the ankle or one inch above the ankle is acceptable in my book. What, so you look like Huckleberry Finn? Not that high, you goon.
  7. On XP: Would all of you be fine with awarding XP for dealing with random encounters, but have it tied to overcoming them so no matter how you dealt with them you would still get rewarded with XP?
  8. In order to foster a sense of exploration, you can't have an encounter around every corner. I think you still need to leave a good chunk of an outdoor map free of threat in order to cultivate a sense of drama. Otherwise it just degenerates into an action game. True, but I don't think that "more-content rich than BG" needs to be taken so far where you have encounters around every corner.
  9. Seems to me we should just ask the mods to delete the creepy stuff and make this the "attractive women in flag-based swim wear" thread. I endorse this idea.
  10. While I agree in most cases, rolling up the legs to the ankle or one inch above the ankle is acceptable in my book.
  11. Damnit Wals, if I can post a pic of a sexy girl in an American Flag bikini, you can post one of a girl in a Union Jack or St. George's Cross bikini! Moar wimminz, less creepy child murderer who can't even hunger strike properly.
  12. The article is right I believe. I think pretty much anyone will chose their beliefs over evidence to the contrary. Unfortunately, in many cases(like economics), there is evidence to support a wide range of beliefs, because the high abundance of factors end up creating situations that can lead to many different assumptions. Nice guess there.
  13. Or Houston. Except more sunglasses and perhaps lighter clothes, because the heat is usually around 100+ Fahrenheit or 38+ Celsius. Yeah, I would guess it is because with the Internet people are able to discover the fashions that they like that sprout up in other places that they would not normally be exposed to, thus creating an environment where fashion is not as "nation-exclusive" as it was in past decades. And perhaps you could christen the Copenhagen fashion "Hipsterbilly" or something. It also reminds me of Austin.
  14. Don't feel bad KP, it took me 10 years to finish my undergrad degree. I never took more than 1-2 classes per semester and always at night and I worked full time the whole way. You just have to stick with it. Whatever you do, do not ever take a break, it's too easy to not go back. Yeah, I'm slowly churning through it. My grades did slip last semester when I took night classes, so I think I'll avoid them this semester.
  15. Perhaps we should start betting on where he will pop up next? I've got $50 on Iran.
  16. I feel bad that I've been working towards a degree and done only about 1.5 years worth of progress in 3 years. Having a full time job really sucks ass.
  17. I had too much to drink today and am very depressed, because I mistakenly believed that Shadowrun Returns would be released on June 25th, which is in less than an hour for me.
  18. Damn that guy sounds like a real monster. I feel like posting something a bit more positive, so I can read this thread without wanting to throw up.
  19. You just had to voice that idea. Now it won't leave my head, and I keep thinking about different ways to **** with time travel to benefit porn. Hate you SO much. I blame Kaine. You sound like my ex.
  20. I've just finished the Graveyard quest from substitute commander. Thoughts so far: I didn't like the inn, I hate the bladelings' and Duergars' combat barks(If I never hear "STONE-CLEAVER!" again I will count myself as lucky). Khelgar's reason for joining the PC felt pretty weak, but he is well built and good for comic relief. Fort Locke is a huge improvement over the previous areas. It feels like a poorly funded outpost surrounded by wilderness, which as far as I can tell it was intended to be. The substitute commander has a small role, but is written in a way that makes him seem less like a paper cutout and more like a realistic villain. I thought the graveyard was well designed and makes pretty good use of traps. @PrimeJunta I love Paladins. Their defensive abilities make them excellent against mages, Smite Evil is fantastic to use against powerful foes, Divine Might(or Shield) is probably one of the better buffs in the game, and the low-level spell casting saves me money on magic weapons. That said, I think the PE Paladin looks a lot cooler and that is the first class I am going to play. I think it is a good mix of the Diablo 2 Paladin(variable persistent auras that enhances allies), the 3.x/PF Paladin(boost to defenses), and the 3.X Marshall(powerful ally buffs). I do admit I was concerned when I heard that the class was similar to the D&D Warlord when I linked to this, but I quickly realized my error.
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