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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. and here's Deus Ex design doc by comparison: I assume that the ME document is full of love confession scenes and that they figure the rest of the game will somehow turn out all right. Honestly, I'd prefer Fallout to explore other areas than what has already done. Maybe the next one should be in Mexico... Still, if Obsidian is behind it, it will be damn good.
  2. Well, when the Big 2 are being run by the same people who were behind the 90s and all the gimmicky stuff, I don't see how it could be any other way. Then, even if someone likes most of the content, comics are $2.99 or $3.99 a pop, which is pretty damn expensive. Getting into comics is harder than ever because a potential new reader will be eithernconfused or bored by the content of a comic, keeping up with comics will be too expensive for them, and deciding which of the 11 Batman series, 6(soon to be Avengers series, 7 X-Men series it is best that they keep up with may be a daunting task.
  3. Who do you think would win in a fight, this thread or Hurlshot's RV Trip thread? Right now its mostly "What else will DC break with their New 52"... I'm seeing more "how long until the next DC reboot", "I wonder what series will be replaced by Batman next", and "When will Peter be back as Spider-Man", although that is definitely common.
  4. I think that they believed that Mass Effect was the way to go, and DA2 was an attempt to refocus the franchise around "fantasy Shepard". I think Zor and Gorth make good points about DA2's changes for the worse, they had a combat system that needed a fair bit of tweaking, but didn't need to be thrown out in favor of a terrible action/party-based system that doesn't work well as either. I do think that dramatic changes to the art style harm a series as a whole. I blame Morrigan's terrible look on the engine more than art style or artist ability, but IMO that doesn't really excuse it if they can do better. Gaider trying to blame complaints about how she looks on misogyny is intellectually dishonest at best and classless demonizing at worst. This isn't any different from people complaining about a badly drawn picture. On the whole I'm not very optimistic for DA, which I did enjoy the first title(even if it was more "fantasy KOTOR" than "BG spiritual successor" IMO), because instead of sticking to the original concept of the series, the devs seem keen on reinventing it with almost every title.
  5. QFT. If I wanted to play a realism simulator where the party would most likely die slowly and painfully from an infection if they were hit, I would get my head examined. I play video games to have fun, not to see my party slowly rotting away because they were nicked by an arrow and didn't bathe in suitably clean water(something that has been relatively rare until recently) or some other realism induced death.
  6. Went to work, got home and found that my new case had arrived, but the components won't get here till tomorrow.
  7. Fixed. Of all the things Bioware was inconsistent about DA2, the art direction was the least problem.True, it seems that they want to change almost every aspect of each release in the series. Which IMO sort of defeats the purpose of having a series. To score points with people who see misogyny around every corner?
  8. What I meant when I said that they had the weakest kit was, simply they had a weak kit. Everything that a paladin could do a cleric could do better. The only good thing the paladin had was lay on hands. The biggest weakness for me was their inability to dual class I dunno, Inquisitor was excellent with the "super-dispell" and true sight. YMMV.
  9. If they are going to reveal something big, I doubt they would want to spoil it too early.
  10. Now I am really stoked to play a Paladin. Anyone want to help me build a time machine to jump to 2014?
  11. I do agree that non-linear level design is optimal in most cases, although I wouldn't mind a few areas that are fairly linear. Oh and OP, there is a thread in computer and console right now about DA3 actually. I think it could benefit from your perspective, seeing as you made a very long video about the flaws of DA2.
  12. I think he is crusading against linear level design in PE mechanics. Someone should really nudge him to this thread...
  13. You could always recommend bombing them all to oblivion. Technically that would result in peace.
  14. 1. I already explained, that you could get much better damage with dual wield. Also the silver sword was a great weapon too. Though if you really wanted to play with it you could always go fighter/thief, get "use any item" ability, and use THA to it's full potential. Also many, if not all, classes have items restricted to them. 2.So you are saying BG was a bad game? Where did I mention what is the best in the game? 1. The fact that another style or another weapon type is more effective is irrelevant. The point is that the best 2-handed sword in the game is restricted to one class(two of you count the fighter/theif work around) and is completely unaccessable to any other characters who might specialize in 2-handed weapons, which I don't think is good design. While other classes did have exclusive items, none were of the caliber of The Holy Avenger. 2. I do believe the mechanics of BG were bad, but that has more to do with D&D mechanics which do not work very well outside of tabletop. Perhaps I was confused by what you meant when you said "paladin class has the weakest kit", could you clarify about that? I think that would be a very cool way to do legendary weapons in PE. Sort of like the Silver Sword of Gith in NWN2, but a but less specific.
  15. 1. First of THA, wasn't the best sword in either BG2 or ID2, in baldur's gate 2 because it was 2-handed (so you couldn't dual wield) and it was restricted to paladin class, in which you can only put 2 points (out of 5) in to great-sword proficiency, for ID2 the stats where not as impressive. 2. Second the paladin class has the weakest kit in the BG series, so THA kind of offset that by giving them an awesome item. 1. But it was the best weapon of it's type, which was two-handed sword. 2. Then then the classes should have been balanced better, which I have no doubt PE will accomplish. Furthermore, I disagree, Inquisitor was the best warrior kit in the game IMO.
  16. Looks like I have to wait to cower in the corner.
  17. Looking through the PE wiki just now, I realized that there wasn't much information on level advancement. Since I couldn't find anything solid, I want to get a general feel how the community feels about it. 1. Should the growth of stats like accuracy, defense, skill points, and health/stamina be dependent on class? 2. Should stat growth be more exponential or linear? 3. How often(if at all) should attribute growth happen? 4. At what rate should a character get talents, and should some classes get them faster than others? 5. How should the XP requirement for leveling up be determined?
  18. I would like to see a legendary weapon(s) of the Holy Avenger's caliber, but would prefer it to be class neutral because I think restricting the best weapon(of it's type) in the game to one class is unfair to char enters of other classes who would wield weapons of that type. Now class-exclusive equipment(sets) composed of armor, jewelry, etc. on the other hand I would love to see as long as every class has something of around the same quality. That blows if that's true. I know Josh cares about the balance of the game, but sometimes I think aesthetics should overtake balance to provide interesting gameplay experiences. I very much like weapons that have a story and are unique to certain characters, classes, or races. I think that only applies to item types, not specific magical items. For example a wizard would be able to wear full plate and wield a greatsword, but wouldn't be able to equip a barbarian exclusive weapon or put on a fighter exclusive armor.
  19. While a person in real life might not be able to withstand fireballs or several critical hits with a greatsword, there is no reason to think that people in a fantasy setting who can use the power of their souls to alter reality play by the same rules as people in real life. Frankly, PE shouldn't try to apply realism-derived mechanics in a setting where almost everyone has access to supernatural abilities. If you want to play a game that is realistic, try Age of Decadence.
  20. Perhaps we need a what you've been eating thread... And GD, while I disagree with your politics, I have to salute you for recognizing the clear superiority of beef.
  21. Man that was my favorite drinking game.. A shot for every time a delegate walks out. That must have been brutal on your liver....but awesome for your mind!
  22. Nice one with the weight loss, I've lost 4.5 KG since the beginning of the year. But I have started going back to gym and I'm doing 60 minutes of cardio a day. That sounds like a delicious spread you did for your friends You seem to be quite the accomplished amateur chef How dare you sir, I am no amateur! Are you a qualified chef? I was making a joke.
  23. I don't mind instant death as long as it occurs at high levels and is a high risk high reward tactic. I think it could work as a critical hit for negative energy based spells if how I understand hits and misses in PE to work is true.
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