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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. If DAI doesn't let me play an Arcane Warrior or equip a Warrior with some kind of ranged weapon, I will teepeee alanshu's house.
  2. I'm having a protein shake and some brown rice for lunch.
  3. True, the game cannot react to something that doesn't exist in game(like a backstory and personality the player creates for the PC) and in Skyrim's case often doesn't react to things that do exist in the game. However, the actions that character takes in game will be determined by their back ground and personality.* Frankly, I think that trying to make a cRPG that is capable of reacting to any background that a player could possibly come up with will either fail badly or end up restricting a player to a background that he/she may not like. IMO, it is better to have a (mostly)blank slate, let the player create a background and personality for the PC that they use to determine the PC's actions in game, and have the game react solely to actions(and race, class, faction, etc.). YMMV, but I'm perfectly fine with a game not recognizing that my character is a disgraced knight as long as it doesn't contradict that halfway through and doesn't force a motive on my PC. Can Gods remove parts of their souls? If they can, does that fragment become a separate entity? Would that entity actually be human(oid) and not some monster that would be attacked on sight? I'm pretty versed on the updates and can't recall an answer to any f the above questions, so I don't really know if your example fits the setting. I will likely get to play as an insane Paladin who attempts to kill almost anyone his order deems evil, a masochistic Monk who likes getting hit as a way to pleasure himself, and(if soul grafting is possible) a Cipher who believes herself to be a fragment of a god and harvests souls in an attempt to become better. I wouldn't be able to do that if they decided that (a) Paladins stop being Paladins when reputation falls below X (b) Monks are forced to be "Lawful" and being crazy is considered "Chaotic" © Ciphers have some "pure soul" bull**** that prevents them from being damaged. While PE won't have restrictions like these, they were rampant in IE games and did prevent certain types of characters. *Unless the player is playing a self-insert or metagaming for the best rewards. That didn't really help me at all. I didn't see a good reason why my physically fit wizard was restricted to daggers, quarterstaffs, and crossbows in BG2. I would assume that someone with the highest intelligence possible for a human would be able to figure out how to correctly wield a sword.
  4. I wasn't the one behind the wheel but I was in a car that was moving.
  5. Possibly offensive to overly uptight fellows. I ended up drinking much more than I should have and spent an hour driving around to various fast food places to satisfy the midnight cravings of several drunk friends and I pissed in a parking lot. All in all it was a disappointing but still fun night. Also, Indie music is generally ****ing terrible.
  6. I'm currently very drunk and learning how hard it is to post on here with a phone. Waiting for this gir I've been flirting with to get some more drinks
  7. I enjoyed the **** out of some modules. Enjoy it mother****ers.
  8. If I wanted to watch porn I'd go to a goddamn porn sit, not watch that tease bull****.
  9. ^videourl currently listening to some ****ty indie music while this girl I've been hitting on is in the bathroom.
  10. The greens are cooking quite nicely, and I'm marinating the chicken in vinegar and Hatch peppers. Should make a fantastic breakfast. I had Subway for lunch as well.
  11. I suppose Chelsea is a better name than a 'feminized' version of Bradley. I wonder if this means they will have to find a more femine actor to play him/her in the miniseries or movie?
  12. Just got home, going to play some videogames and shower before going out with some friends. i'm having trouble deciding whether I should be trying to get incredibly drunk or try to hook up with a cougar, seeing as some of you have informed me that women in their 30s are more fun.
  13. I like my mages to be warrior mages and weild weaponry fit for killing in martial combat. I prefer not to have them spend time stroking a small rod.
  14. I would argue that 'playing pretend' is the essence of a RPG. i would also stress that a good ruleset allows players to create any type of character that would fit in the setting, and not force nonsense restrictions like 'mages can't use swords because they cast spells'.
  15. I think Martin easily puts Salvatore to shame. I can't wait for Skin Trade.
  16. A bad ending can ruin the whole experience, at least for me. I've always thought the ending of the game is very important if the game is story driven, it's the culmination point of everything that has happened and affects my overall opinion of the game a great deal. I very rarely, if ever, come back to a game or even remember fondly a game that left me with a "that's it?" feeling.While I personally see ME3 just only slightly worse game than ME2 (which I think is a great game and have played from start to finish about 3 times) I truly can't see myself playing ME3 for second time. Just because the ending was far from what it could, and probably should have been. I just don't see the point to play a story driven game if it ends badly, leaves me with a feeling the whole game was a waste of time.This wasn't a heinous attack against only ME3 btw, games have suffered from bad endings ever since they were invented. NWN2 has one of the worst I've seen. I don't think that is necessarily exclusive to endings. Pretty much any very badly done thing can risk ruining the game for some people. Arcanum is unplayable for me due to the terrible system and that fact that technology is inferior in every way to magic.
  17. I take it you don't get along well with your parents Hurlie?
  18. I'm looking to...get lucky as much as possible, not wake up in piss and vomit next to a cow. Regret is the mindkiller.. Just remember that girls get a lot more freaky in their late 20's I know, I try to go for older* women when I can. Not only for the freak, but they are also more likely to not be broke. *older than me, which is probably around the same age or quite younger than many posters on this forum.
  19. I'm more interested on what could go right myself. If it goes wrong...**** it I'm under 30 and single now.
  20. But you felt okay with these things in Mass Effect 2? No. ME2 was much less enjoyable for me than ME.
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