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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I keep all of my used condoms preserved just in case such a situation arises, doesn't everyone?
  2. I've been craming for my final two finals. Only slept four hours and have consumed enough tea to fill the Boston Harbour. Going to celebrate when I get home tonight.
  3. I misread it as Indiana criminalizes same-sex. I need sleep.
  4. I think he would rob several banks for that. If they release the big update tonight, I will do it in celebration. If they don't, I will restart the thread because I like looking at women.
  5. Neither does abstinence, that is the first thing that they teach in Christianity.I laughed hard enough for tea to come out of my nose.
  6. I have to agree with the OP. In certain circumstances a man should be able to renounce his fatherhood. Of course it should be reasonable, as one should not be able to renounce fatherhood several years after the child's birth. I also agree about divorce being too lucrative and family court matters being more favorable towards women.
  7. So is Putin going to speak? If so, will it be unintentionaly hilarious?
  8. Ultra sexy = unattainable. See? Still bad! Not for me.
  9. That is strange. Haven't watched any TV recently, any recommendations?
  10. I've come to the conclusion that ultra anything is typically bad. Aside from ultra sexy or tasty, but I prefer very myself.
  11. Today I'm very sick. Going to watch netflix and study.
  12. I just saw who they cast as Wonder Woman. What are they thinking? No, the actual strip Judge Dredd.
  13. Finaly got around to watching Dredd. I now have a burning desire to get my hands on trades of the strip.
  14. I've been slacking lately, likely due to finals and a hectic work schedule. Going to do intense cardio tomorrow.
  15. Nelson Mandela's death. Cultist being an **** is generally a given.
  16. Have I posted anything unusually dickish lately? Will update password tonight.
  17. Yesterday I ate leftover fried rice and orange beef before rushing out and consuming some expensive drinks. Made myself some eggs, toast, and sausage this morning. Drank green tea afterwards.
  18. Well, it certainly is nice to have a sexy woman to spend a rainy day in bed with.
  19. I take it the date went well then? Today I'm going to class, then going home and getting some sleep.
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