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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Personally, I would love to see Obsidian make a Fallout game(like NewVegas) set in the ruins of New York City. Would be worth it to see Deathclaws infesting Madison Square Garden.I'd be interested to see Europe for a change. That's still uncharted territory. I don't know if I would. Quite a bit of the setting of Fallout is tied to the American 50's, Cold War paranoia especially, and I don't know if it would work as well in Europe. That said, a Fallout(or Fallout-esqe game) set in London, Paris, Berlin, or Madrid would be pretty interesting.
  2. Heh, the only visible comment from the author of the article is too funny. He admits he has no proof, but still goes on with the original point. Frankly, I'd take the opinion of neocons with a cinderblock of salt, as they aren't happy unless the US is bombing or invading someone.
  3. Personally, I would love to see Obsidian make a Fallout game(like NewVegas) set in the ruins of New York City. Would be worth it to see Deathclaws infesting Madison Square Garden.
  4. Bruce, all of your posts concerning romance remind me of this...
  5. I've just installed this, which mod(s) should I use and are there any builds I should avoid?
  6. If I may make a claim slightly less offensive than the notion Serbia benefitted from being bombed, I think the WH40k universe is a bit boring.
  7. So Serbia was enriched by being bombed, Bruce is some variety of expletive, and this might end without a need for either Russia or the US to jump in, that about cover the last few pages? BTW Malc, is Rob Ford the mayor of the city you live in? How the hell is he still in office?
  8. I'd prefer a good amount of high quality content. Not a fan of trash mobs or filler, so if the game runs a little shorter due to the lack of that I'll be good.
  9. About 3 shots of vodka and 4 minutes of conversation.
  10. The new campaign is superior in every way to the old. I'd pick it up if you have the money or the time.
  11. Studied quite a bit. Going to play New Vegas then get some sleep. *psst* Wrong alt.
  12. Today I crammed for exams and removed some malware from my PC. Last time I ever let my roommate use the machine.
  13. Oh, I thought I was the only one dealing with that.
  14. AD&D had sorcerers? I was under the impression that the only arcane casters were Mages, Mage multis, and Bards. Anyways, I thought Pathfinder had the best implementation of the sorcerer. They still lag behind Wizards in terms of access to spells, but the bloodline powers are pretty cool.
  15. What is even more funny is seeing you people crusade on the forum, because boobs are showing under a armor. I don't know what is more pathetic, the "ban bossy" campaign or the ban boobs in games campaign. What is the funniest bit is that the logical conclusion of the argument would be to only have one character model, regardless of race or anything else, because differing character models are visual aides. Who needs "visual aides" when you have cursors?
  16. Eh, to be honest, I can understand why they would put boob numbs in the armor. I'll agree with Gromnir that being ok with this but raging such a fuss over boobplate is silly. Both are unrealistic and both emphasize a woman's breasts. Anyways, I'm very happy with what has been revealed about PoE so far. I was promised an isometric game with exploration, tactical combat, and great story telling and it seems that is what I'll be getting. The absence of hard counters, death spells, or healing and resurrection does not not bother me at all. As far as codpieces go, Sex Machine from Dusk Till Dawn has the best by far.
  17. PoE is different from DAO because... 1) lack of cooldowns 2) no stamina/mana pool 3) no healing potions or spells 4) permadeath, for realz 5) complex weapons system 6) 11 classes with no specializations, rather than 3 with specializations 7) no dump stats engagement rules 9) no aggro 10) no class restrictions for equipment Those are just differences in combat mechanics. In terms of plot, well I'll just say that Gaider is not quite up to MCA's caliber. If you honestly think PoE is an imitation of DAO, you are delusional.
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