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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. So in FR canon the Bhaalspawn who managed to defeat a demi-goddess, a supermage, Kangaxx, dragons, mindflayers, beholders, and a ****load of other powerful creatures was a 4th level fighter? Eiter 4th level in 5e is insane or the fellows in charge of the lore have done a **** job.
  2. "The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory is that conspiracy theorists actually believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is chaotic. The truth is, that it is not the Jewish banking conspiracy or the grey aliens or the 12 foot reptiloids from another dimension that are in control. The truth is more frightening, nobody is in control. The world is rudderless." -Alan Moore On another forum I post on, someone posted this about 30 minutes ago. Bit strange.
  3. So you mean you're a lunatic or a reprobate if you assume a shadowy, and possibly fictional, organization is behind every atrocity with flimsy evidence(at best) to support that view? I'm saying that if you take the logic that an absence of evidence is evidence of guilt then you may as well start burning witches. I'm always up for a good witch-burnin.
  4. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, those you call sheep are actually people impervious to manipulation by people who push shadowy agendas disguised as conspiracy theories? No, you're just a brainwashed sheep because you don't believe what I believe.
  5. Too true. They should really shove this "darker and edgier" crap up where the sun doesn't shine. I would apply this to almost all media.
  6. So you mean you're a lunatic or a reprobate if you assume a shadowy, and possibly fictional, organization is behind every atrocity with flimsy evidence(at best) to support that view?
  7. You should lead a coup and install yourself as GM. But yeah, spellcaster fantasies are bad enough without fusing them with a GM fantasy.
  8. I can't stand Fallout 3 myself. It just feels too....bland. Especially when compared to New Vegas.
  9. "I agree. Why so butthurt because people like playing games differently than you, Kain Parker so much so you feel the need to bash them?" No.
  10. I'll disagree with Nonek on DA1 and DA2, and agree with a caveat on ME2. Taken solely as a continuation of ME, ME2 is complete without DLC. However, there are some gaps when going into ME3 if one does not play the ShadowBroker or Arrival DLCs. The DAs are complete without DLC, but DA2 is pretty bland overall and DA1 was lacking without the construct.
  11. I'm always amazed at how pissy some folks get when someone else plays a game differently than they do.
  12. Perhaps the boobplate refrence obfuscated my point. Stringent realism in fantastical settings is stupid. HP increasing with level, a chest piece protecting the entire body, being able to haul around several pieces of bulky equipment, or however else a game may break with reality is not out of place in settings where those laws are routinely broken.
  13. Classes, then going to try and sleep off my illness.
  14. 1. Nude mod 2. Romance mod 3. Healing potion mod 4. Rest anywhere 5. Inventory anywhere
  15. Realism in fantastical RPGs is stupid. If a wizard can say a few words and call down a comet, then boobplate can protect against swords. The Pathfinder ruleset is better than the 3.5 ruleset, which is better than the 2e ruleset. All of them are sub-optimal choices for CRPGs. The setting or genre of a CRPG doesn't matter if the devs manage to do something interesting in the game.
  16. Pretty sick this morning. Going to go for a walk then eat some waffles.
  17. Been listening to a lot of Black Flag and Henry Rollins recently. I was expecting some pretty bad death metal with the name "Graveyard'. I'm pleasantly surprised.
  18. I should post pics of every actress that played a major role in those shows. Charisma Carpenter. Alyson Hannigan. Sarah Michelle Gellar Juliet Landau Julie Benz Clare Kramer Stephanie Romanov Mercedes McNab Eliza Dushku i still think Amy Acker is the hottest though.
  19. My cousin is one, if Irish-American counts.
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