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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I read the comic for a while then ditched the show. Zombies just don't do it for me.
  2. I can't spell "anonymous" without the aid of spell check.
  3. Would bang, probably wouldn't call back.
  4. I find it strange that Nazi ideology has support from places where the Nazis saw inhabitants as sub-human. Then again, the extreme right has never been the sharpest bunch.
  5. In BG2, you can easily micromanage by turning off the AI and selecting evey autopause option. If you're trying to micromanage using only the spacebar, you're going to have a devil of a time.
  6. I voted for Obama so we could get 1000 years of darkness. I'm disappointed.
  7. Will be interesting to see if far-right influences cause any damage to Ukraine.
  8. This doesn't make me want to play a Wizard or Druid, but I may have to Adventurer's Hall one if there isn't a NPC of either class. Paladins are still better though.
  9. A good NPC is useful, and a good RPG has enough NPCs to fill roles that the PC isn't built for. A good NPC isn't so absurdly powerful that a PC filling a similar role is a waste, nor so badly built the PC has to fill the role in order to have a decent [insert role] in the party.
  10. Conversely, are there any classes you don't like the flavor of?
  11. I liked the IE combat in spite of the mechanics. They just don't work well outside of PnP. PoE will hopefully provide tactical RTwP combat with a ruleset that doesn't require one specfic strategy in a given situation.
  12. Like everything else in the world, I'm sure it's somehow the fault of the US.
  13. The problem is as you said, they have to balance encounters for either a pre-buffing party or a non-pre-buffing party. If attempted to be somewhere in the middle, the game will reward save scumming rather than tactical expertise. As of now, this is a non-issue because ability pre-buffs will not be implemented. I highly doubt that item pre-buffs will either, as that would sort of defeat the stated reason of not having spell pre-buffs. It depends on PnP. The GM is sitting right there, so spending a few minutes casting spells is likely not a valid option in most situations. Take Firkraag in BG2 for example. A common strategy is to hide in the fog of war, summoning creatures and casting buff spells. This is a valid strategy in BG2, but in PnP would result in Firkraag looking 100ft ahead and unleashing his breath attack on the party.
  14. I prefer BP's tacical componets to SCS. Not only does it take this time to install, but the AI sill makes some mistakes, which seems more natural to me. I also feel that pre-buffing itself is pretty cheesy, and am glad it will not be in PoE.
  15. I ran into my ex today, took evasive action. Going to sit through todays lectures, then head off to a nice pub and drown my troubles in whiskey and stout. Oh, and the day I planned on goin to SXSW, some dude drove his car into a crowd.
  16. Ideally, the only limits on speech would be on those that would cause physical harm, such as yelling "Fire!" in a theater. Anything else should be fair game, even if some find it offensive. If you think it is fine to censor an opposing viewpoint, you have strong authoritarian leanings and little value for free speech. As to this Ban Bossy thing, I see no evidence of the phenomenon existing other than ancedotal remarks. Therefore, it is nothing more than the usual suspects making noise while far more pressing concerns exist. Of course, addresing those concerns would mean paying $20 for an Ipad.
  17. Perhaps this belongs in the Blasphemous thread, but I believe that BG2 would have been better if structured more like New Vegas. I think a plot revolving around the various factions in Amn making power plays would have been more interesting than Irenicus' storyline. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to have the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart, the Cowled Wizards, the Shadow Thieves, and a few other guilds competing for power. I also would've preferred Irenicus portrayed as someone who pursues knowledge for the sake of knowledge and has lost his humanity through years of being alone studying rather than the lost love interpretation in BG2. That would make him more sympathetic IMO. I agree. Too much brandy?
  18. No can do. For some reason, BG2 shoves rose-tinted glasses on some people. As such, they can not see faults in BG2 that they criticize other games for having.
  19. That is only true if the PC either 1)wants revenge, 2)wants to use the "Bhaal power", 3)wants to rescue Imoen. To bring this back somewhat on topic, BG2 assumes motivation that may not be true for some PCs, like DAO did. You can argue that one did so in a more palatable manner, but they both are guilty of doing assuming motivation. Possibly, but that assumes that Irenicus is after a particular Bhaalspawn(namely you). Bhaal did spawn a lot of Bhaalspawmn, logic would suggest that Irenicus would find another suitable Bhaalspawn if it required less effort. To bring this back to the first point, isn't that true of all RPGs? In (insert game here) you can't say "**** (doing what main plot requires), I'm going (somewhere else in game world) and (doing something)". This seems to be a universal problem in CRPGs, because they lack the narrative flexibility of PnP games. So developers have to design the game to provide a list of motivations applicable to the most characters possible. So in BG2, you have the options to seek revenge(I'd argue that this is insanity given Irenicus' power, but I have more problems with the narrative in BG2 that would clog up this thread), master more of your inherent power, or rescue a childhood friend, which would apply to a good number of Good, Neutral, and Evil PCs. In DAO, you have the motivation of staying alive, then saving the world from the ravishing assault by an almost unstoppable force of corruption(arguably can be considered staying alive), which applies to a greater number of PCs than something like "stay in a city run by religious fundamentalists, occupied by individuals who often become hosts for demons, and where you will be mugged every ten feet for seven years because..."
  20. In BG1, you have no idea how powerful Sarevok is until you fight him in the last part of the game, his "powerful henchmen" are pretty weak if you have done most of the side quests available to you, and you have no idea that you're fighting the Iron Throne until the bandit camp.In BG2, you know Irenicus is an immensely powerful mage right after you escape his dungeon. Not going after someone who can rip apart reality with as much effort as an average person tears apart bread is not cowardice, it's sanity. Eh, Sarevok wastes Gorion in an off-hand manner and their respective power is emphasised in the chapter start. Almost 1:1 same between the two BGs. I'd say killing one Mage with a cleric, two archers, and a pair of ogres backing you up is less impressive than slaughtering several by yourself. Also, in BG you don't know that you are going after Sarevok right after he kills Gorion. Like pretty much everything related to the main plot on BG, you discover ptretty far down the line.
  21. In BG1, you have no idea how powerful Sarevok is until you fight him in the last part of the game, his "powerful henchmen" are pretty weak if you have done most of the side quests available to you, and you have no idea that you're fighting the Iron Throne until the bandit camp. In BG2, you know Irenicus is an immensely powerful mage right after you escape his dungeon. Not going after someone who can rip apart reality with as much effort as an average person tears apart bread is not cowardice, it's sanity.
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