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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Something about a woman holding a gun is just incredibly sexy. Will have to remember to spam this thread with more Eva Green when I get off work and finish the current block of studies.
  2. If every conspiracy theory about Obama is correct, how does he manage to be a fascist communist corporatist secular muslim zionist? Seems like a lot of work for one guy.
  3. Not as vile as "bossy" though.
  4. Well played. Unlike myself, unfortunately. Blame the lizardmen and their incoming New world Order. Death those who insult democracy! That should be written on all bombs dropped by the US.
  5. Doctor Obamapus would make a fantastic super-villain.
  6. Part time student and office manager for a small business, actually. What's your status boo? 12th year student or unemployed? Yet you took the time to rely. I take it being a pretentious pissbag on video game forums isn't particularly impressive with women. I can't watch porn at work, sweet pea. You have an excuse, or is the height of your day debating intellectual juggernaugts like "Valsulem" or "Mor" down the hall from threads about the merits of min-maxing? Bit of an improvement, could be nastier love.
  7. Seeing as America is the country with the most economic and military power, every day is. Deal with it. Discussing this? R00fles! You people aren't having a discussion, you're sniping at each other with passive aggressive bitching and the occasional link. If I wanted to discuss this, I would do so in a place other than an American video game developer's forum with people called "213374U", "Volorun", "BruceVC", "TrashMan", or "Mor". Stop taking yourself so seriously, honeybun.
  8. Passive-aggressive armchair warriorism, if you please. Whatever gets your rocks off. Consumption of vast amounts of alcohol or narcotics seems far more pleasurable than armchair combat though.
  9. It is mostly obligatory finger-waging from entities who really don't give a ****. Despite angry rants from folks like John McCain, the Ukraine isn't very important to the Western world. Frankly, there is a higher likelihood of Alan Moore writing a rape-free story than the US or EU taking any drastic action over the Ukraine situation. Although, it will be interesting to see if the finger-waging is reversed the next time the US gets involved in a conflict. Your comment lends perfectly into "History tend to repeat itself", and the reason why the various ww2 and cold war parallels concerning Putin Russia and its actions are so relevant. You might want to read my previous post and about Brezhnev Doctrine I mentioned. Putin is just trying in vain to relive the glory days of the USSR. It isn't going to happen, because Russia isn't actually relevant to the US anymore aside from a target to rail against to appease certain voters.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH6iDPhUjWs
  11. Huh, I'm surprised this is still going on. Don't see the point of arguing over a largely insignificant track of land seized from an imploding state. You pseudo-intellectuals do seem to love lobbing **** at each other though.
  12. They should get in a 3-way argument so we can have Volorun^3.
  13. Thinking about quiting my job and going full time at university. I'm 22 and am only halfway to my BA, and I think I can finish it up in 2 years if I'm not working 30 hours a week. Any advice? Today I did an hour of cardio, going to do a paper and read Volume 3 of The Boys or play some RPG.
  14. They're 50 copper cheaper and attract hipster mage wimminz.
  15. I think so, but not enough to justify paying $15 more. Pros: 1.UI was easier to navigate, and had more detailed information 2.It is possible to have an all-evil party in BG2 without using mods or more than one player-generated character, and there is a thief that progresses as a thief other than Yoshimo or Jan Jansen 3.It looks better than BG2 with a widescreen mod 4.Grand Mastery is more balanced than Vanilla BG2 GM or True Grand Mastery GM. Cons: 1.(BGEE)Mods that alter equipment stats(such as the "rebalanced weapon proficiency" component of BG2 Tweaks) don't work. When installed, the descriptions are dialogue from the game rather than an accurate description of the item 2.(Subjective and likely controversial)I would have preferred using the 3.5 ruleset rather than 2E 3.Kits and items seem to be pretty unbalanced 4.The new content that I've played(haven't gotten around to the BG2EE stuff yet) is around the quality of some of the better quest mods, but can feel pretty jarring, particularly Neira 5.Portraits included in BGEE aren't in BG2EE Constructive feedback: 1.The weapon styles should be improved(except maybe for TWF). Two-Handed and Single-Weapon style are too front-loaded and Sword&Shield style is too weak after BGEE. I think the second * should increase benefits by roughly 75% and that S&S should provide a universal AC bonus and/or damage resistance. 2.There should be at least two +5(+6 for 2-handers) weapons of each type in the game. Holy Swords(Carsomyr and Purifier) should deal that extra damage against all Evil foes, not just the Chaotic Evil ones. 3.There should be more quests that don't involve new companions.
  16. It depends. The expansion for BG1 apparently includes a lot of cut content, so perhaps the PoE expansion will contain some of that. It's safe to assume they have a general idea of the expansion's contents.
  17. Paladins FTW! Actually, Rogue as a high-damage class is how it was in 3e, where sneak attack would boost the hell out of damage output. Fighters will probably have higher base damage, and Paladins, Barbarians, and Ciphers won't be too far away. PoE Paladins also have great defenses. So why they may not be able to hit as hard as a fighter, they can laugh at spells that would demolish fighters.
  18. Bad as in "evil" or bad as in "harmful to you"?
  19. How about using that nifty "Ignore" option? Getting into tangent wars probably isn't the best use of your time.
  20. http://gawker.com/god-hates-****-preacher-fred-phelps-is-dead-1548012022
  21. PoE Paladins are similar in concept to DnD Paladins, in that they are warriors with special defenses and have auras. Stats are point-buy, as they should be.
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