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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. The mage looks like a pimp from a 70's crime show.
  2. Don't aid the lepers, the bastards are conspiring with the lizardjews to make white males gay marry illegal Mexicans!
  3. I've always been under the impression that FOX News is considered terrible by most of the Western press. I vaguely recall reading a statement from a fellow that worked as a reporter for FOX News that when applying for a job elsewere, having FOX on the resume was a negative. So yeah, I wouldn't use FOX as an example of average Western media.
  4. You mean they scrapped the mage specialization that is the most fleshed out in the lore? Seems a bit strange.
  5. ^Even in Pathfinder, the Fighter is outclassed by other warrior classes. Fighters just can not compete with the extraordinary or supernatural abilities possesed by other martial classes. PoE seems to be providing them with enough unique abilities to be able to stand out more than just a higher chance to hit and slightly more damage.
  6. Cant think of any game that could have benefited from cut content off the top of my head. I could be mistaken, but I think Josh means features and content that were cut from the final game, not superfluous features and content.
  7. @Messhugger: Yeah, a lot of people do that. Can't really blame them, it isn't like there is a map that shows the best places to party.
  8. A $100 steak and not even a handjob? This dude needs to up his game.
  9. ^Riding 610 is even worse. Houston is all right if you're local and know where to go, but sucks if you want to visit. You can't really walk from place to place either, so it probably isn't a good idea to stop by unless you have a friend that can show you around.
  10. @Hurlie: Just avoid Houston highways during rush hour, unless you enjoy being trapped in very hot and humid weather.
  11. Valsulem just isn't enough of a man to admit that he jumped the gun, and will spend his time searching for conspiracy documentaries rather than type an apology. Besides, NKKK is a teacher, which makes him commie scum. And the idea that Black people were better off enslaved is wrong and idiotic. If you honestly believe that they were better off as property, you're a piece of ****.
  12. Those sources are faked. It's a conspiracy!
  13. In my DnD/Pathfinder games, we use a point system similar to psionics for the spontaneous casters. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it made more lore sense.
  14. Hard to believe that IWD2 was made that quickly. Currently playing it right now and intending to claim Cera Sumat.
  15. Doctor Manhattan would defeat both Sentry and Captain Atom, but they would gravely injure him by forcing him to wear pants. Spider-Man 2099 or Booster Gold?
  16. DAO had a bad combat system. I thought some of the ideas behind it were good, but I found the execution sorely lacking. From the info released so far PoE looks to have a far better combat system than both DAO and BG2. Plus Paladins seem much cooler. Using your soul to ignite your sword with righteous flames breaks the badass-o-meter.
  17. Norman Osborn is the only Green Goblin who matters. Tony Stark. Batman would try to counter the armor with a batarang and fail. Wilson Fisk or Black Mask?
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