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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. The Inquisitor is Morrigan's kid from the future who drives around in a DeLorean.
  2. I guess that clears that up (hopefully). But don't you need a safe place? Someone could get down on you for being too squeaky.
  3. Been there. Try watching a movie or something when it is going on about useless bull****, then answer the questions that pop up.
  4. I agree, but here's mine.. Why is there a d20 next to the knife?
  5. Does this mean there will finally be a broodmother romance? YOUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED BSN!
  6. No, it is best to keep the SJWs inane ranting confined to as few threads as possible.
  7. Oh so much discrimination, I never got good results from teachers because dont have correct cleavage Did you try going down on them?
  8. http://news92fm.com/329868/police-catch-woman-having-sex-with-pit-bull-in-a-backyard/
  9. We were having an exchange of different views? I thought the SJWs were just throwing their **** around again.
  10. He/she certainly shares your self loathing man hating perspective, while parroting your views almost word for word. So Im not surprised you two "individuals" also like to furiously tap each others like button. Don't know if it was intentional, but I see an insinuation of masturbation in the last line.
  11. Perhaps I'm too much of a caveman(I enjoy looking at pics of sexy ladies after all), but I don't see female gamers having that hard of a time here. Admittedly there aren't very many here, but that is less due to our conduct and more due to the games discussed on this forum not appealing to the average female gamer*. * According to a "Maria Caliban", allegedly a female gamer.
  12. Morrowind is pretty over rated. Most people seem to be forgetting about the terrible mechanics, and I can confirm from recent experience that missing some dude with a great-sword right in front of you isn't very fun. The best thing Bethesda ever did was publish New Vegas.
  13. Drank quite a bit the last two days and am currently very tired. I'm going to call the number I wrote down on a napkin and see if I can remember what she looks like.
  14. Perhaps SJWs need a new group of SJWs to protect them from persecution?
  15. I wonder why most of your post here are about changing the topic and or pondering about people alts.. Most of us here range between a remote cursory/interest in world events and nationalistic favor trolling, probably with unhealthy pinch of boredom and apparently a certain liking to sadomasochism, where you fit?Also I don't about alt's, but you can find plenty drones in team "oby" Because this thread is people getting into a West vs East ****-flinging contest and Bruce is someone's alt.
  16. @ShadySands Perhaps the reason for said sensitivity is due to a lack of people constantly bitching about how ****ed up their country is.
  17. Too obvious. The schtick is too similar.
  18. What will come first for GloriousLeader, the nude mod or Ron Paul mod?
  19. "Stop disliking what I like." No.
  20. Is they suck at everything, does that mean they suck at sucking?
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