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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. They should have a horse in a gimp suit as a mount.
  2. Well Baldur's Gate did have some truly terrible encounter designs. The Naskel mines are especially bad. IMO DAO's combat would have been vastly improved with more enemy variety and fewer but more interesting and/or large battles. Fighting a moderate sized squad of darkspawn gets Turing rather quickly.
  3. I didn't play them. I take it trash mobs were minimal?
  4. Please translate for us eurotrash here, how often does that happen? It depends. Many republican politicians in competitive districts will attempt to soften their message(in regards to immigration) after the primary to not pisses off more moderate general election voters and Latinos. As a whole, the party seems to be trying to court Latinos, as they are a quickly growing segment of the population.
  5. DAI would be better served if it didn't have any filler combat. It's predecessors were really bad about that.
  6. That looks like it will be hell to control the party. I hope the tactical camera removes that action stuff.
  7. That doesn't change the fact that he was a stock villain, the badass evil warrior. Suppose that factors into encounter design, but is pretty off-topic for a thread about animancy.
  8. I was outside for several hours and now have a sunburn. Going to play video games in my underwear and get drunk.
  9. What does Miley Cyrus have to do with this?
  10. ^That position has already been taken, and probably won't be available for quite some time. TBH, I don't think I could have handled it anyways.
  11. I'd go to the party and hit on girls. My highly incompetent office manager was just fired, and I'm getting a promotion. Getting my BA will take longer, but I will be much better off financially.
  12. Bioware is going for the plot twist that you've been in the Black City the entire time, which is actually real world Compton.
  13. Why not both? Cowboy Repeater needs only 25 in guns, .357 bullets are plenty and it's effective all-rounder even without the cowboy perk. With that you can pour most of your skill points into energy weapons and go nuts. Hmm, maybe I'll try that. Medicine Stick and a Gatling Laser sounds fun.
  14. Currently playing New Vegas and trying to decide whether to go with guns or energy weapons.
  15. I don't like the Batman(or other highly skilled but "normal" fictional character) or Superman comparison because it doesn't leave room for any middle ground. What about characters who are superhuman, but aren't able to push planets out of orbit or move faster than light? It doesn't seem like too much of a stretch that a Fighter(or other non-caster)in a high-magic setting would develop superhuman toughness or strength to the degree of Luke Cage or Spider-Man.
  16. Yes, but with factional influence taken into account, not being forced into it, the dependent not being the PC, and without a trial by combat against McBadass being forced at the conclusion.
  17. ^I was referring to exploiting the morality of judges or jurors to side with your preferred side in a trial, not using a trial to decide upon the morality of animancy.
  18. I think a trial of an animancer of group of animancers would make for an interesting quest. Suppose that arguing for or against it would largely depend on one's subjective view on morality and the cost:benefit ratio of research into animancy.
  19. If anything, scale it by time passed or quests completed. If the party takes the time to pull cats out of trees or delving into random dungeons, then the bandit camp they have to raid should have better equipped bandits, more recruits, and better trained personnel than if the party made a b-line for the camp right after receiving the quest.
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