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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Am wondering if you've actually had New York pizza at this point. A slice certainly isn't the same category as a half-pound burger, but certainly more than an appetizer. Would also like to see what sort of toaster oven you have if it can cook a pizza that large. Not really offended, more....bemused, I suppose. Find preference for tomato covered meat pie a bit strange. Writers also worked interchangeably on Marvel titles. Don't suppose stressing that my preference is for the Marvel universe over the DC universe, not the publishers themselves, would clear things up. *shrug* As to Alan Moore and the most recent League volume, was simply stating dislike of it. Attribute that to a random thought. Huh, thought the analogy made perfect sense. Perhaps a general statement that applies to both would be acceptable. I'm able to enjoy entertainment even if they have glaringly bad aspects. Like the combat in PST or the story arcs Sins Past, The Other, and OMD in JMS' run on Spider-Man. Feel obligated to point out that the first was drastically changed by editorial and JMS has stated he wanted to retcon it, and the second was pretty much the EiC doing fan fiction. Doesn't exactly excuse such bad stories existing, but invokes some sympathy I suppose.
  2. Am not seeing how a bunch of ingredients plopped into a pie crust is complex. Will admit that New York pizza is simple, but simple is good. Would be interesting to see attempt at cooking it in a toaster oven, suspect it would go over as well as asking random women on the street to sleep with self. Personally didn't like that storyline, but was able to overlook those 5 issues out of the 6 year run. Course, was also able to deal with ****ty combat and balance in PST as well, so perhaps posses high tolerance for cheese. *shrug* Fair enough. Try to explain clearly. *clears throat* we prefer preacher to tdkr 'cause we prefer blatant outlandish obscenity to the hardboiled. we wouldn't call preacher the favorite, as you seemed to think it was, but definitely one o' top ten. we prefer tdkr to recent work o' alan moore, 'cause league o' extraordinary gentlemen century too pretentious. root o' all this is we saying marvel is better than dc. we don't think of vertigo titles like preacher and invisibles, which we associate with their creators, as dc titles. perhaps if we had said we prefer the marvel universe to the dc universe, point would have been much clearer. HA! Good Fun!
  3. Am taking last final in about an hour, then getting some sleep.
  4. ^I'm sure Batman could come up with a lightning repellent or something, but The Funk is a different beast. It masters you. @FH, yes we are off topic, but there are several other threads dedicated to PoE mechabics. Sides, those have become engulfed in Pedant analogy wars, which are boring.
  5. I wonder what mutated Kangaroos and Koalas will be like. Only mutated? ....I really wish they would work a giant Robo-roo into a Godzilla movie.
  6. Don't ruin my dream of blasting away Deathclaws in Madison Square garden! *cries* I wonder what mutated Kangaroos and Koalas will be like.
  7. Have you been doing drugs recently?
  8. Bull****, when I played New Vegas two weeks ago, my PC got addicted to coffee and suffered -1 to Perception, Intelligence, and Charisma! To make it worse, addiction removal didn't seem to work.
  9. Just cause possible to dump toppings on pizza don't make it good to do so. Besides, even a thin crust pizza topped with a garbage dump of ingredients better than deepdish with proper toppings. Placing the sauce on top of pizza just wrong way to go about, like driving in reverse or taking piss in sink. Possible to do, just bad idea that doesn't end well. Feel need to point out Preacher ain't favorite comic book title, honor goes to JMS run on Amazing Spider-Man, just Preacher preferred to TDKR. Would point out stating preference for one thing over another doesn't necessitate it is favorite, but make supposition already know this and blame communication error on part of self. Would say prefer TDKR to Alan Moore's recent work, cause of the opinion that hard-boiled is more honest than pretentiousness, trying to hard to be "deep" always struck as a bit masturbatory, and masturbation isn't very fun to observe. That doesn't mean TDKR is favorite comic. Do not know what rusty pipe water taste like, but know that coffee doesn't taste good. Find that coffee is only drinkable with mountains of sugar, cream, and other frilly stuff added, but then it stops being coffee and starts being cream and sugar with some foul liquid added to it. Suppose drinking coffee it is bit like S&M, some people just like touring themselves.
  10. But Athena Massey was in 2, as well. It's really hard to find a worksafe pic of her, btw.
  11. Not ironic, as don't believe pizza benefits from many ingredients. Cheese, sauce, and basil good enough. If desired to consume several different meats and vegetables, would prefer to gorge at a buffet rather than dump into one pie shell. Agree to some extent, to the detriment of the IPs. Constantine and Swamp Thing titles in DCU proper feel...watered down compared to Vertigo iterations. Will say most comics have bout as much cheese as tex-mex meal, just ain't really bothered about it as used to TV shows about teenage vampire slayers and perpetual preteens that throw balls at monsters. Must be a 90's thing, like light up shoes or grunge.
  12. But in this articular instance, you dismissed someone's statement not because of lack of factual evidence, but because they are ideologically opposed to you. I wonder, is the reverse of this true? Are you willing to accept something because someone you are ideologically aligned with stated it, even no proof to support it exists? If so, I would recommend reexamining how you form beliefs.
  13. In my view yes it is. I have followed the ideological perspectives of the neocons since the invasion of Iraq. I would consider there opinions on matters as relevant as the Tea Party which is not very relevant at all. So you view proof as less important than ideology. That certainly explains a lot.
  14. I'm afraid if that certain Russian politician happens to be well known for riding horses shirtless, then we've already shipped him oby to use as a plaything. Sometimes you just have to settle, as most married men will tell you.
  15. Am not seeing how dumping a hodgepodge of ingredients into a pie crust makes good pizza. Suspecting result of eating such a thing would be like trip to Mexico after drinking the water. Will take beautiful thin crust with layer of fine cheese instead. Always associated Vertigo with creators than DC proper, Hellblazer aside. Admittedly, that has changed recently, with Vertigo being used primarily to publish IPs not integrated into DCU proper, such as Tom Strong or Sandman, rather than creator owned comics. Would be hard pressed to argue that Preacher, Invisibles, or the more recent Astro City were DC books rather than creator owned. To the cheesiness of Preacher, perhaps it appeals to because still am young male last checked. Find self easily entertained by other cheesy things, such as Bioware games and action movies.
  16. So the fact the guy is a neocon is more discrediting than the fact he didn't have proof? I'm sorry Bruce, but that just stinks of bat****.
  17. Heh, the only visible comment from the author of the article is too funny. He admits he has no proof, but still goes on with the original point. Frankly, I'd take the opinion of neocons with a cinderblock of salt, as they aren't happy unless the US is bombing or invading someone. I didn't realize the journalist was a neocon, if so then his views are irrelevant Bruce, why am I not surprised that you would dismiss someone you previously agreed with(sans evidence of their claims) because you find out they are politically contrary to your beliefs.
  18. Have had meat pies. Would not call them pizza, even if they have tomato sauce on top. Couldn't get into TDKR, find Miller's hard-boiled approach a bit boring. Much prefer the blatantly obscene Preacher. 'sides, if I wanted to induce nerd rage, I'd just start a romance thread or endorse level scaling. But Marvel has the most powerful character ever. Doop. When Batman can kick Thor's ass and defeat Satan with The Funk, then we will talk.
  19. New York pizza is better than Chicago pizza, just like Marvel is better than DC.
  20. I dunno, I don't see the appeal of soloing a party based game. It shouldn't be expressly forbidden, but it shouldn't be designed specficaly to allow soloing. As for exploits, I avoid those. If I'm going to cheat, I'll be up front about it and use the console. That said, I'm not particularly miffed if someone uses exploits out the ass, because it doesn't affect my game.
  21. Hey Zor and Mor, can you guys just **** already? All this sassy foreplay is getting old.
  22. In all honesty, Obsidian could make a Fallout game set anywhere and i would probably enjoy the **** out of it.
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