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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. The player should be able to kill NPCs if they want to, but have to deal with the consequences. I dislike this whole "plot armor" thing that protects NPCs from death.
  2. The game should only respond to actions without any assumption of morality. I do not want the game to assume that a PC is evil because the PC in question performed an act that would be considered evil. The PC is the Player's Character after all, and only the player can understand how the PC thinks and why they do what they do.
  3. The classes listed seem to cover most of the bases(I'm assuming that Cipher is similar to either a Sorcerer or Psion/Wilder) and I don't think that any more are really needed at the moment(in the expansion, one or two would be great). I would love to see either some prestige classes or more variety of feats, skills, and spells. That way, we can have more customization options for the existing classes. Ideas for some prestige classes off the top of my head Weapon Master Spell-Sword Arcane Master(metamagic casting class, similar to the Arcane Scholar of Candledeep[or whatever it was called] in MotB) DeathKnight Divine Champion/Avenger Saint Feind Slayer A super specialized caster A prestiege class that fuses martial arts with a caster class Assassin Arcane(or Divine) Trickster Spy Master Warlock Sniper(extremely talented marksman)
  4. Which sounds pretty much like a copy of what Fallout 1 & 2 have, where injuries are a byproduct of combat and need to be taken care of either by a Doctor, or if you invested in the Doctor Skill enough you could then fix the problem yourself with the use of a Doctors Bag or First Aid Kit etc... Or a copy of negative status effects from (name pretty much any PnP ). It is a good idea.
  5. I don't know if PE should use the DA tactics system, but they should have a complex AI for every party member, including the PC. Letting the game "play itself" should be an option.
  6. How will attack rolls and skill rolls be handled? How will AC be handled? Will spell-casters have to make concentration checks?
  7. Full text. I also do not want the PC to speak unless I consent to it. The PC should never surprise me.
  8. Like some people have already said, the origins were a great idea and well executed. I don't think that other than origins PE needs to take any ideas from DAO, mostly because PE will already have the best things about DAO(no morality bar, character skill determining success of combat, the PC will not say anything with out player consent, etc.). They should learn not to.... Constantly compare the game to classics. While I greatly enjoyed DAO(it is favorite BW game), it didn't play like BG(2) and should have been marketed more on it's own merits Not make a sequel that radically changes the mechanics. The combat system, dialogue system, and crafting systems were all changed quite a bit from DA, IMO for the worst. Please keep consistent mechanics throughout the series. Not put too much focus on romances. While romances can be a good role-playing opportunity, if overdone they end up as shameless fanservice, which is what they ended up being in DA2. Put cinematics ahead of gameplay content. I would rather play the game then watch it.
  9. If this could be implemented efficiently and effectively, I would jump for joy. Having to take the environment of areas into consideration instead of just barreling through without any consideration would be quite nice.
  10. In a combat system for a cRPG the main requirement I have is for success in combat to be determined by character skill and not player skill. The cooldown for basic attacks is something I actually like in RTwP cRGPs (IMO, DAO actually handled basic attacks pretty well). With spells and special abilities, I really like limited mana/stamina/uses instead of cooldowns. My preferred system would be a mana/stamina per day system that accommodates both spontaneous ability-use/casting and preparation of spells. The reason I favor this instead of a spells/abilities per day system is that magic users can prepare the spells they want without being stopped by a 8-th level limit, and combat classes can use abilities like rage or stunning fist more instead of quivering palm just because they have a "per day" limit for that ability.
  11. I think that multiclassing should be handled like it was in 3/3.5E, the only penalty is that a multiclass character isn't as specialized as a single class. Take a rogue/wizard character for example. The character will be less effective than a pure wizard(because they will have to focus somewhat on roguish abilities like stealth instead of magic) or a pure rogue(because they have to focus somewhat on magic instead of rogue talents). So while a pure rogue could fell mighty beings with a well placed sneak attack or a pure wizard could shoot down dragons from the sky with lightning, the rogue/wizard cannot. However,the rogue/wizard can invoke magic in ways a pure rogue could not, or evade deadly blasts that a pure wizard could not. Also, there should be no special stat ranges for any race or class. Every character should have the ability to raise whatever attribute they wish how they wish. TL;DR version The penalty of multiclassing should simply be being less effective at specialized things than a pure class.
  12. The multiclass system from 3/3.5E would be fantastic. Also using the same model for all checks would be nice too.
  13. This. I would also like to see critical failures of pretty much anything that requires a check. It would be awesome to fail spectacularly at sneaking and end up fleeing on a wounded leg.
  14. I always thought that combat was the best part of the story. Then again I don't really like that whole gameplay/story segregation thing. I hope PE uses vancian casting. After DA2(I was ok with DAO, since cooldowns for the more powerful abilities were a bit longer and global) I really don't want to play another cRPG with a cooldown system.
  15. My favorite memory was playing a PnP game of Rifts. The group were superhumans who were doing battle with vampires in Mexico. We ended up destroying roughly half of the world. Glorious.
  16. I personally like the Palladium system, Rifts and Heroes Unlimited in particular. I would give those a try. GURPS is also worth checking out.
  17. "Custom" spells would be quite good. I don't see any reason, other than cost, why not to include such a feature. Also I think that something like metamagic(from D&D 3/3.5) would also be an interesting mechanic.
  18. It should vary from culture to culture. I could see a female dominated society that regards males as little more than cheap labor and walking "sperm banks". While there could also be a society that sees genders as relatively equal.
  19. Limited ammunition please. However, arrows(and stones if there are slings) should be relatively easy to craft with from variety of materials that can be found in the wild.
  20. Lets see... Serial Killer Kingpin Bigot Pirate Kill family members Hermit Vigilante Slaver Commoner Pretty much any other "unpleasant" thing that other RPGs restrict so they don't offend anyone.
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