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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Capitalism isn't a utopia(and if your idea of utopia involves working for someone else 40 hours a week you are a probably a masochist) and it is the global economic system of today, just because some idiot says it's not real capitalism because muh corporations doesn't change that. Now please follow the link below and actually read Marx because it's clear you've read a wiki article at best. https://www.marxists.org
  2. I think KP is going to have an aneurysm. Arguing with Bruce and socdems has immunized me.
  3. Jesus christ ben if you're going to mention Marx every third word can you bother to read him first?
  4. 60% is good enough. You guys need to focus on the alternative facts instead of the negative ones.
  5. Romance should summon the cenobites who take you to a sex dungeon.
  6. Limited types of special ammo like sleep effects or slowing is what I want. And enchantment level tied to the ranged weapon is the way to go so we aren't hoarding +5 arrows and ****.
  7. Those are all really good, but I think we should have underwater battles with Krakens, those shark things I read about in an in-game book, and some half squid monsters I read about from the same book. Or at least a shipside battle. Tentacles really creep me out and I would like the chance to kill fictional creatures that have them. On top of that I'd like a new class, not sure what but if you're gonna revamp the class system may as well go big. And reclassing as part of the import, of we're getting knocked down to lvl1 we may as well get a new class if we don't like the changes to our old one. And maybe changes to the armor system where it's either plate or nude. To be honest I haven't touched PoE after my first playthrough and you may have already fixed this. And I'd like PoE to be the trilogy BG wasn't, namely in that you don't pull out something like ToB. You should also build a wall around these forums and make RPGCodex pay for it.
  8. Fixed that for you. I kid, I kid. Hitler actually privatized a lot of stuff. I'll look for the articles when I have time.
  9. Mysteriously missing is Saudi Arabia. Really makes one wonder.
  10. Underwater battles with Aboleth knockoffs and Krakens. Ammo with special effects. New Class. Multiclassing where we aren't stuck with just one kit/subclass. More factions. Eastern, Middle-Eastern, and African weaponry. Building a wall around this forum and making Bioware pay for it.
  11. Have they said they're going to start at level 1 anywhere? I doubt it's going to happen, my guess is new chars will start at whatever the level cap in Vanilla PoE was or a few levels lower with imported characters getting their levels from PoE+Expansions and a respec to accommodate changes.
  12. Who needs to check facts when you've got alternative facts?
  13. Don't give away my recipe. Yes, Ivanka will shower him with golden love.
  14. That's not quite it. While you could get 204PVP in an hour and 208PVP with proper enhancements in like a week, less if you transfer comms between toons, the new system looks to take quite a lot longer for just 1 piece of gear. I suppose if you get drops from ccrates it's not an issue, but seeing how they're implementing this becauae it was a big issue it's not going to help much. I'd say it needs to be 10x more componets for PvP to get anywhere near the speed you used to be able to gear for that. At any rate more grind is ****.
  15. So undeath? Can I be something cool like a Lich or do I get something ****ty like a Mohrg?
  16. Ron Paul is just a character Ian McKellen has been playing for several decades.
  17. Yes, poverty will be eliminated as soon as poor people visit a resort and see how great it is. I'm sure their trust funds will cover it, if not they can always get a small loan of a million dollars from their parents.
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