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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. You mean leftist fascism Fascism is inherently leftist. In fact everything is leftist except my specifc ideal because communists control the entire world.
  2. The original if you can, I think GoG sells the Enhanced only but for some reason I vaguely recall the original+expansion being in there. I mean Enhanced may be fine if you don't like modding, but you can do a BGT with the originals and a lot of older mods don't work with the EEs last I checked. And the new content from BGEE is pretty bad tbh.
  3. 1. Will there be a Kraken battle? 2. I believe you are reworking spells(Druid, Preist, and Wizard) to be all per encounter. How will this affect Chanters and Ciphers who theoretically have infinite spells per encounter? And will the rate they build casting resource be adjusted, particularly chanters who took a very long time to be sble to cast invocations? 3. Will "normal" magic items be able to compete with soulbound items? 4. An issue I had on PotD(my first and only playthrough) was that rather than add dificulty the DT sysyem added tedium. I like it in theory, but is it going to be tweaked? 5. With Berath's blessings we get cool stuff for achievements, are the points single use or apply to any new game?
  4. I had an alternative salad for lunch today. Healthy eating at its finest.
  5. Ok then, it's been a while since I've played PoE and I never really used Kana much because the buildup took too long for me on PotD. The Chanter base class needs tweaks and non-summoning invocations that are good enough to compete with the summons, and probably tweaks to allow them to actually fire off invocations before the fights end. Hopefully we'll see that with the general tweaks in Deadfire.
  6. SNL was pretty bad to be honest. My understanding is that the socialist wing of the NSDAP(Rohm and the Strassers I believe) was purged, with the exception of maybe Goebbels, to appease wealthy backers after which that whole privatization stuff we already talked about in the thread happened. Regardless his actions seemed closer to the liberal and conservative parties of today than the socdem policies of other western states at the time, and certainly even farther away from the socialist polices of the ML states or revolutionary Catalonia. And I think discussing what they actually did as opposed to what they called themselves is more relevant to identifying ideology or policy.
  7. Yes, but I'd prefer less but bigger and more interesting levels than Endless Paths. I quit endless paths after level 10 or so and powered through the rest of PoE because it was just too boring.
  8. I disagree. I think Chanter should stay the Summoner class. Not that it should be the only class that gets summons, but that it has the most of them. I think mechanically it works with chanting taking a long time to build up and summons generally being pretty powerful. And makes Chanters something besides a ****ty Sorcerer with 2/3rds the spells and some skills as the Pathfinder/D&D 3.X Bard was. I get your complaint about not liking summons while liking Bards, but in PoE I think there's enough decent Invocations to have a Chanter who doesn't summon. I don't understand the people requesting a dedicated Summoner class, do you guys just want the super pet or another half caster?
  9. No, the Pathfinder class is too specialized and while another class may be cool we've already got 11 that cover a lot of bases before multiclassing and subclasses are factored in. A Chanter subclass that gives better summons or can summon with less phrases would be cool though.
  10. Worse. They commit act of terrorism against civilians. Going high indeed.
  11. I'm thinking it could be something like Magran and (whatever that god worshipped by the lord who comes back in Act 3 is named) could have the same subclass. I hope you're right tbh, but I remember something along those lines.
  12. I believe that Priests and Paladins are subclasses based on order or god. Perhaps I'm not remebering it correctly though. I'm curious if the subclasses will be designed to be opposites, like the other Rogue is more durable but less damaging or the Fighter has better base accuracy and damage but less benefit from effective weaponry. Not really hoping for it across the board, but in the case of the Rogue I can see that being a good thing. Just please no Beastmaster or Invoker.
  13. Appearance, Class, and Portrait should be definite. Two are cosmetic but fairly light changes and with the changes in mechanics I'd hate to be stuck in a class I don't like because it was my PoE class. (Sub)Race and Background wouldn't make narrative sense since they are changing the mechanics then you might as well allow it. Name and Sex are cosmetic but at this point you may as well make a new character.
  14. Well you could address the point, I wasn't the only kid in those classes after all, and even the ones who did the work still run into the same issues of not knowing how recognise subject-verb agreement or figure out equations in college math classes. When I went to college I saw this firsthand and I really doubt all of my fellow students spent high school snorting crushed up vicodin. But if you want to focus on little old me, I started doing drugs heavy in my junior year and until that point all I had were **** teachers. I suppose it's possible that my senior teachers were good and my fellow students were full of **** when they said they weren't but what do I know? I knew how to read before KG and impressed the teacher with my reading level. You seem to have some alternative facts about my education mate.
  15. No, I had access to books and my dad did a lot of carpentry that helped me pick up geometry. The point isn't my individual expereince, but rather that public schools are not teaching kids anything they wouldn't get from a textbook and this shows when they get to college an are incapable of writing an essay. Public school education is more about memorization than learning if you will.
  16. Yes. If all classes are going to be is a holding pen for an hour at a time It shouldn't be a surprise that students don't bother trying or learning. I learned reading and math from home, not school. I get you.
  17. To get this back on topic... As someone who went to public school in Texas, I have to agree with this. In my senior year I took a class called College Algebra that doubled as a credit for College, Math 1308 or 1314 I think. Anyways most of the class consisted of getting worksheets with simplistic problems and childlike puzzles like "what did the farmer say to the pig". I think I got a C in the class, because I would never did the classwork or homework and would only wake up t take a quiz or a test, which I would make an 85 as my lowest score. And that class wasn't unique in its simplicity. Admittedly I didn't do very well in high school, did way too many drugs and rarely did homework or classwork. Almost failed in English because I didn't do a paper and a project. Always did very well on tests and my SAT score was impressive, or at least some advisors I talked to said as much, but not doing half the work tends to negatively impact your score. I blame boredom more than anything, all of my teachers were ****, I got less out of classes listening to them than I did skimming wikipedia articles or reading the textbook, classes consisted of reviewing information to take tests or dumb worksheets, and there was no challenge or learning involved. I don't have any concrete solutions to fire off the hip and blanket statements like "we need to encourage imagination" are meaningless tripe that don't add anything to the discussion. But there is a major problem with the US public education system and judging by what 'tep has said it's only gotten worse. I'm gonna go back to work now, have fun.
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