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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. You are mistaken. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Training_and_Service_Act_of_1940 ... and some will still say that the U.S. was a peace loving nation who only got into WW2 because it was attacked unprovoked by the Japanese Empire, and that the attack was even a surprise. "Oh the stuff they teach people in schools! Or is it the stuff they don't teach people in schools? Either way... Ha! Ha! Ha!!! Ha!!!!" - I didn't know the cutoff was 40 in those days. Johnson would have been 32 in 1940 so he would have been on the hook. But it was moot because you are also correct he was in the USNR. So, I stand corrected... twice. That's what happens when you go off memory rather than looking things up. The correct response is to double down and call your opponents names while insinuating dishonesty or something embarrassing.
  2. I don't think that's a very good substitute, even with trinkets out. I don't think it has to be much, but something like Arcane Assault or Arcane Veil separate from the spells per encounter would be pretty cool and give them one more thing before going into basic attacks or bomb throwing.
  3. It's going to be Zuckerberg/Kanye West in 2020. Mark my words.
  4. How would that work, a negative that subtracts from the enemy Intellect for duration?
  5. BETA 2 1)Melee classes, everything else is unfun and casters are the worst. 2)Devoted, Berserker. They synergize very well together, can be used with Wizards for powerful buffs that would normally go wasted, and on their own tear through most things. 3)Wizard specialists. As of now casting sucks, but loosing out on two schools and casting two others for a meh passive or spell and a small power boost is a bad trade. Streetfighter as well for being too situational to shine. 4)Almost all of them. 5)I don't dislike any of them, though I question the execution of quite a few.
  6. Having played some of the Beta, it occurs to me that Wizards and Chanters are the only classes without some sort of level 0 active or passive ability built into the base class, however Chanters don't count because they are able to select between two abilities(invocation and chant) at character creation. Even discarding the current major issues with casting in it's current form, this seems to be a flaw that isn't remedied with the presence of grimoires and makes the class less appealing than the other full casters who get some sort of power to use as support or dps boost. I'm wondering if Wizards should get some Level 0 Ability, like Arcane Assault from PoE, in order to give them a similar number of spell options as other casters before going to auto-attack or if they should get some base passive.
  7. It's a leap year and not in the conventional sense.
  8. Dexteroty should effect action speed, attaching it to resolve seems superflous. Of course as already stated, even if you could pump cast speed up the 6 sec cast time isn't going to be used regularly if at all. Playing more of the beta and playing more PoE, I seriously think that MaxQuests table 3 suggestion is best and would take it further by making outside of combat casts being instant, if only so I'm not waiting around for a while watching the AI stumble around. 6 sec casts should be stuff like Meteor Swarm and 9 sec casts should be thrown in the trash.
  9. Nah. She would just give them the account number for Clinton foundation and sell the whole country. Or maybe she'd sell Poland to Russia? eheheh *runs* She tried, no one wants it.
  10. I know that feeling, such a curse.
  11. My issue with Soulbound weapons is their relative power compared to other items. In PoE they were all over the place, but in general were inferior to a 3rd tier (Superb I think) weapon with a lash. Like Superb Bittercut + Corrosive Lash or Tidefall + Lash were goddamn beasts that beat out most soulbound counterparts. I hope PoE2 does a better job and includes more soulbound weapons with a lash, but I fear that with the enchantment system having certain items with less possible points and restricting what kind of enchantments can go on items the issue will repeat itself. The dumb stuff to unlock abilities I found pretty fun tbh, though I can see how it can be repetitive and boring after a while.
  12. I want to seem like I'm plugging my hometown, but Houston is ok and you can give me money to sleep in a ****ty apartment.
  13. Sorry about your cat LC. I'm done with work and going to the gym. Currenrtly too cold to jog outside and the treadmills smell like resolution sweat.
  14. I'm pretty sure it's fantasy and being consistent went out the window a long time ago. Anyways I watched The Iceman and enjoyed it.
  15. I think the issue with deflection in both PoEs is that only one stat influences it and fhat stat influences it to a lesser degree than the other defenses are influenced by attributes. This creates a situation where Resolve can be dumped for a relatively small -7 penalty to Deflection and still have a decent non-damage/healing caster. This issue is just more prominent in PoE2 where armor is independent of damage dealt and as such less synchronization between deflection and armor.
  16. I think Ben is assuming vigilante justice will happen with their names and addresses being leaked more than he's sad kiddie diddlers can't teach, essentially doxing by the government. I won't lose any sleep over some pedo getting killed, but the government releasing personal information is worrying enough.
  17. It's too cold to work so I'm trying to pay for classes between watching shows.
  18. Well as long as your wife was pleased.
  19. Yeah. I can't stand the Fast and Furious movies, though, even though there's more star power in those. Well Justin Lin did manage to bungle other stuff so it ain't unexpected.
  20. I like v3 myself, with v2 being a close second and v1 being last because 4s is too long. Having played some more of the beta, I consistently find aoe buffs being impractical because combat demands movement away from the area and even with retargeting can't get the whole party buffed. Reducing this to .5 or 1.5s would go a long way to fixing this issue, with self-buffs being instant. Another thing the proposed casting would improve is the viability of melee fighter evokers, which is a cool concept like Pathfinder's Magus but sucks in PoE2 Beta because outside of that one interrupt spell for Wizards there isn't anything for them to cast which won't get them interrupted in melee.
  21. Happy New Year, 2018 will be the year when Fallout becomes reality and I look forward to killing deathclaws with my ghoulified obsidian friends.
  22. Bumping because same issue, after Titan died and wasn't until after the battle.
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