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Everything posted by RosesandAshes

  1. I would love to see merfolk, demonic, and reptilian races (but please, don't make all the reptiles evil, some of us keep them as pets and quite like them) but I'm open to anything, although, I prefer humanoid designs because, well, I am human lol.
  2. Uh... save-scumming has nothing to do with feeling like you did something evil. From the same site, under the entry for The Witcher: ....which is exactly what I was talking about. What I meant was "the effects of your decisions are not immediate 'oh crap I made the wrong choice must reload'" NOT related to the morality of your choices, that's a separate issue, hence why I used a dash.
  3. Oh, I forgot one! I don't want save scumming when it comes to the consequences of my actions, like in The Witcher, where the impact of your choices wasn't apparent until hours later--and EVERY choice made you feel like scum, Okay, maybe not every choice, but still, it would make you actually think about your choices before making them,
  4. I've only played a few because I MUST PLAY GAMES IN ORDER and I haven't beaten any of them yet.
  5. Not to mention that some of those Kickstarter backers (like, let's see, me) just want to play the game on Normal difficulty and couldn't care less about the hardcore modes.
  6. I think with the publisher out of the way, we're going to see less cut content. As for bugs, dogs bark, fish swim, games always have bugs upon their initial release. The one recent game where I didn't encounter any bugs (or crashing) was Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, probably one of the most stable games I've played to date.
  7. No, just no, I always go and spend it all ASAP anyways. I'd like to spend more time actually playing the game and less time staring at my inventory screen, thank you.
  8. My biggest gripe has already been addressed: no "HARDCORE MODE, YEAH!" for everyone, which will hopefully be addressed with the modes stretch goal, provided that goal is reached no small text, probably not that big of an issue in this day and age stripperific outfits ....and other stuff that's already been said
  9. I have the Dungeons and Dragons Anthology: The Master Collection (which has BG 1 and 2, IWD 1 and 2, TOEE, and PS:T) so far, I've tried BG 1 and didn't like it at all, am slowly plodding through IWD 1, TOEE (that art is amazing!) and PS: T. I am trying to beat at least one of them before PE comes out. Overall, based on the short amount of time I've spent with each, I like PS:T the best. IWD takes a bit of getting used to (and I don't really feel a connection to the characters) and TOEE's graphics are very pretty. So far, I'd say they're a mixed bag with me. I haven't played a CRPG in a long time, though. I think the last one I played was either Beyond Divinity or Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition, and they were both fun even though combat often amounted to "spam this uber powerful spell! SPAM IT!"
  10. Okay, you all need to watch the Extra Credits video on "Non-Combat Gaming" like, now: http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/non-combat-gaming I would love the option to talk my way out of fights through a debating minigame (just not that terrible pie chart from Oblivion, that thing was terrible).
  11. Well, I don't want to have every member of my party become a walking arsenal, but that's why I bring a varied party with me. In icewind Dale, for instance, I have a fighter and a paladin who smash things and a thief who is an awesome shot with a bow, and I have two mages to dish out more ranged damage and a cleric who is, well, dead atm, but she's usually my healer. I don't feel prepared unless I have at least one melee weapon, one ranged weapon, and maybe one special magic weapon. If it turns out I need something else, I'll just run back to town and buy it. I think having monsters that match up with the terrain would be helpful. If I'm wandering around in a volcanic area, I'd expect to find monsters who are immune to fire, for instance. The game wouldn't have to tell me to not bring weapons that deal fire damage. I can figure it out.
  12. I'm thinking she has a knife hidden somewhere, or maybe she uses the gun to bludgeon her enemies to death?
  13. I don't like the idea of permadeath in combat, but as part of the story (especially if I don't pick the right options) is fine. I would support it being implemented in harder difficulty modes, for sure.
  14. I love this idea! Especially the part about rival deities sending creatures to mess you up. It would make it seem as if the deities were actually interacting with the world instead of just....being there....
  15. I love her hair, but I'm concerned for her safety if she falls and her sternum ends up piercing something important with that boobplate.
  16. Am I the only person who would like to launch all sewer levels into the sun? Swamps are okay in my book, but there's something about sewers, maybe because they're all dank and smelly and claustrophobic. On the other hand, they're so ubiquitous in RPGs that it would feel strange not to have one....
  17. Can't I just click on something, click on my character, select their lockpicking ability, click on the thing I want to open, and then hoard all the treasure for myself? Why does everything have to be so complicated? A lockpicking spell would be even less complicated, then you can just say "the magic did it" and be done.
  18. I'd like to see a class like the Arcane Warrior in Dragon Age: Origins....it totally broke the game but it was awesome.... Other than that, anything that breaks the mold, fighter mage thief is cool and all, but it's been done a million times to the power of ten.
  19. I was going to chime in but I'll just leave this here. I don't think repeatedly dying to rabid fire dogs is very fun. Once or twice is fine, but eight times on a non-boss creature after I've tried several strategies is not. Does it really hurt anyone's game if someone is playing it on easy mode? If you don't want to play it on easy mode, then don't play it on easy mode, simple as that. Go play Dark Souls: Prepare to Die edition if you need a fix right this instant, and just let everyone play with the difficulty level they want to play on.
  20. The godlike races sound like a golden opportunity for "Cursed with Awesome" and "Blessed with Suck" type storylines. Also, from someone who is slowly plodding her way through the Infinity Engine games, I appreciate the abundance of difficulty modes.
  21. Edair is a man who does not want to draw attention to himself. I wanted his design (specifically) to be subdued. Edair looks kind of world-weary to me. I think having an ex-slaver "atoner" companion would be awesome. Anyways, he looks great!
  22. I don't mind tooltips, but I've been playing TOEE and I liked that they had separated the tutorial from the main story. I played it a couple times just to get a feel for the gameplay. But if it needs to be in the game itself, I'd love an option to skip it, especially if I'm going to be going through the game multiple times (which I suspect I will).
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