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Everything posted by fortuntek

  1. Glad to hear you're happy with it! I didn't realize they had a feedback process. That strikes me as risky since some gamers can seem... overly entitled, or non-constructively critical. Glad that this does not seem to be the case with PoE fans And good on Obsidian for putting themselves out there like that to make sure their high level backers are happy
  2. Is he hinting that something is coming before Christmas? It has a Deadfire hashtag but we know it's not the game. The Backer Beta maybe?
  3. Biting fingernails? Hell I'm downright antsy! I was just starting to get bored of doing plays through in anticipation of Deadfire but I've got a new gaming laptop I bought online being delivered today or tomorrow and now I've got a new reason to play through PoE again :D Which means no longer being confined to the PC for gaming and thereby subject to girlfriend disapproval muahaha
  4. No one other than Obsidian knows at this point. I'd guess direct damage powers but beyond that I have no idea. I'd hazard a guess that it's "Disintegration" type spells, single target raw damage over time that end in destroying the target, like Detonation etc
  5. Great! I've been wanting something like this. I think if compiled cooperatively it would be much too large for one forum post though, no? Even with spoiler tags per category. But perhaps. Shall we make a format guide for those who want to contribute? Something like: Tag: (i.e. [Cipher], [Aumaua], [Philosopher],etc) NPC: (i.e. Lady Webb, Durance, Hylea) Choice: (i.e. What dialogue choice led to this unique reaction) Result: (What text was in the reaction) Keep in mind that many of these are hidden, that is, that they are sometimes not indicated in the dialogue choice itself but just pops up during regular conversation without the need to pick a unique choice. For example, the Aumaua smith in Gilded Vale who has a reaction to you if you are also Aumaua when you talk to him which is not dependent on picking a particular conversation option.
  6. Great, so it's not just me then. Haha Yeah I found it quite fun and useful! I first noticed in the fight with multiple Drakes when you first enter Searing Falls. "Huh? Why are all these Drakes stunned?" I think it is still self stunning though... I was wondering why I was seeing Psychic Backlash as an affliction on GM but I will take a closer look next time I play, maybe I'm mistaken
  7. I've been wondering about this. I took Psychic Backlash for sh!znits and giggles and was surprised that it doesn't proc just once, but every time. For every enemy. Is this the aforementioned bug?? If so I hope it doesn't get fixed because it was quite useful Or at the very least, balanced between "utterly useless single proc" and " constant fear aura enemy stunlock ftw"
  8. For a list of weapons that do two damage types: https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Two_Damage_Types Just Ctrl-F to the two types of your choice listed at the top.
  9. Didn't Josh say there was a Fighter subclass called Devoted, which is "devoted" to one weapon type? It's been a few days since I watched the stream and I noticed it hasn't been added to the subclass thread (which has become bloated AF and probably OP can't easily dig through all the posts from people debating what they want instead). Did I imagine this? Or was he just talking hypothetically, anyone know?
  10. I don't understand, can someone explain this? How could an effect that only procs on crits have a duration affected by graze/hit/crits?
  11. Pathfinding issues. Ever since beta one or two of my party members will spaz and jitter around indefinitely if the party formation puts them in a spot they don't like. Does this happen so consistently to anyone else? Minor problem since you can just click stop to make them still again but it's highly distracting and everytime I pick up the game every few months I'm a little surprised it hasn't been fixed
  12. Funny you should say that.....i just celebrated my birthday early and was worried that i'd be broke on the 25th,so i put $25into steam wallet. Great idea! I think I may do that, because: ... which I don't have (at all)! Then again, in my opinion moral introspection is the greatest virtue, while snobbery is among my least favorite vices Thanks for the tip, qwert!
  13. I was hoping to buy it before then, while I still have money... I have two days off work right after it comes out, which is perfect, but this rate I'll be broke by then haha Any word on the price? I saw a thread claiming that Part 1 will be 14.95 USD by itself or something like that, and that you could buy both parts one and two at once for more, but the source link was broken.
  14. Why can't I find the price tag or stores for where to buy the expansion? I noticed there was no Steam page so I started looking around. It's out in three days! Am I going crazy?!?
  15. Personally I wouldn't find retaliation builds that exciting in terms of play style. I do have a fire godlike monk though, specced for maxed dex and might and her attacks are so fast and strong it makes solo-ing on hard difficulty a breeze so far, the godlike ability for fire damage at low endurance is just a bonus in my eyes. Unarmed attacks start out faster than dual wielding light weapons, and benefits from the 2 weapons talent to make it 20% faster still. I really enjoy how fast and hard my monk hits, and it takes down enemies fast.
  16. Okay, I've fixed it. It wasn't VPN or virtual servers after all, disabling TCP/IPv6 (as your thread link suggested) fixed the issue. For those having the same problem, the easiest way to do this in Windows 7 is: Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > click Local Area Connection (or named something similar) > click Properties > uncheck "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)"
  17. I have, yes. Still looking around to see if there's anything else it could be. Realized I have a TVersity media server that I haven't used in years that still runs silently on startup. Uninstalled it, but no luck. Wondering if there may be some other culprit. Will keep looking, I don't seem to have any virtual devices installed that I'm aware of, but then I have all sorts of stuff I don't use anymore. Might go on (another) uninstalling spree.
  18. From beta to release to the most recent patch (1.04 as of writing) PoE remains unplayable on my gaming PC due to menu and audio delay problems. It takes several seconds to navigate menus such as the inventory, levelup screen, character creation, and character audio playback takes several seconds to kick in. I've just been playing on my old laptop instead which is fine but I'd like to be able to play on my gaming desktop at some point. Clearly there's some kind of incompatibility somewhere, or optimization problem with my particular PC setup. I thought regular patches would fix it but if anyone has any ideas on where to look I'd appreciate it. I read somewhere that Hamachi causes slowdown problems but I looked and I've uninstalled that ages ago, and no driver or trace of it seems to be remaining. Thoughts? Ideas? DxDiag.txt
  19. No, but the one you can get in the treasure pile near Cail the Silent you can get muuuch earlier in the game. Somebody mentioned you need 10+ Mechanics to find the hidden container but I haven't tested it yet. Just hire a rogue, pick a background with bonus to mechanic, and go only mechanics at levelup. I have a mechanics specialist I leave at my stronghold and only bring out for such occasions :D The sword is called Tidefall, has Superb, Draining, and Wounding.
  20. The fact that people are arguing which spells are best at all indicates to me that the balance is closer to where it should be than most of us would like to admit.
  21. Awesome. My main character is using Estocs and I'm loving my upgraded Drake's Bell but this will definitely be the last weapon I find for him. Can you provide any more info on how to find the parts/start the quest process for putting it together?
  22. Sounds like you're just under-leveled for the area you're in. Endless Paths isn't meant to be played straight through-- the difficulty ramp up as you descend is set up so it gets harder far faster than your characters get more powerful. Players are meant to come back throughout the course of the main game. You may just be fighting enemies with special abilities that your characters just aren't high level/geared enough to resist.
  23. I should start writing some of this stuff down...
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