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Everything posted by Jarmo

  1. Despite my earlier post, I'll have to mention. Many of those wanting expansion packs and not DLC:s, are pretty accurately describing what many New Vegas DLC:s where. Dead Money, Old World Blues, Honest Hearts. Continue with your old charater, new area, new weapons and equipment, a whole new plotline to go through, a small games worth of gameplay. Earlier on, these would have been called Expansion Packs, downloading gigabytes worth of adventure would have been impossible so they'd have been released on CD/DVD. (probably all 3 for $30 on one DVD instead of $10 each, giving twenty hours of additional gameplay, or something like that) There are no more expansion packs, there are just DLC:s, either big ones or small ones, but they're all downloadable.
  2. Some, somewhere. But sprinkling traps all over is just annoying. "what the hell... this guy has deadly traps all over his home??!" And using level appropriate traps all around is likewise just wrong, not another orc having a godly complex trap guarding his stupid loot bag. The difficult traps should be just where it makes sense for someone to spend a load of cash to guard something extraordinary. I did like how you could collect traps in NWN and use them yourself, or sell them for a nice chunk of gold.
  3. I've always disliked the whole concept of dungeons, they're usually pretty silly things. Goblins here, gelatinous cubes there, traps all over the place, the kind of structures that'd realistically kill half of its inhabitants every week. There have been good ones, even ones that make some sort of sense, but not often. And I don't think I've ever been disappointed it's over already when reaching the end. If anything, I'd say locations, dungeons and castles are way too large inside. The smaller the better.
  4. Outright immunity should be really, really rare. I can understand and approve some cases, like a fire elemental (but not dragon) being totally immune to fire, or non-corporeal ghost being totally immune to normal weapons. But let's say a werewolf. Immune to everything but silver? So an elder dragon a mile long will always lose to a werewolf (unless it has proper attack spells memorized), he can try chomping away with his pointy 10 feet teeths and burning with his million degree (non-magical) flame, but for no effect. The werewolf cannot be harmed with musket fire, or cannon fire, or atom bomb? I'd say something like 10 pts damage resistance would be better.
  5. I definitely wouldn't like the whole game to be timed, in a way that after playing 20 hours, you get a *time out, game over*. Even if it's implemented in some clever way. On the other hand, if you get a mission where a fort is being attacked by globoldies, you definitely shouldn't be able to take your sweet time. And this would be just the place where could you milk my cows, I'll give you 5GP and 20XP, should be replied with "no time".
  6. I'd just speed up the animations, or something, and do something to blocks and stuff as well. I see it as a nightmare you just need to tackle. NWN2 had this really awful great cleave and spinning attack, where after the first strike the character just stood there and damage numbers floated from nearby enemies. Not that way! Don't go there! If some action or a greater number of actions can't be properly animated, they just shouldn't be in the game. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right. In a D&D setting, some features just had to be there no matter what, but in a new thing you can choose the stuff that works on screen.
  7. Cut content or features if that's what it takes to get the game out in reasonable time. Just make sure that whatever is in the game when shipped, is relatively bug free and in working order, delay if necessary to make sure of that. If there's money to spend, try to save enough of it for after release fixes and patches. Maybe add the cut features, if everything goes just perfectly, in a way it never does. I'll much rather take a more limited working game, than a less polished game with a lot more features and areas.
  8. I'd like to see heads, arms and legs chopped off. But rarely and only with really good damaging hits. And no chopping off heads with dagger or arrow. Completely exploding heads or bodies? Ehh... no, but kind of yes. Ok if the opponent has like 6HP to begin with and you hit 78HP's of damage with a morningstar. But if the opponent has 78HP to begin with, now down to 2, and you hit worth 6HP, well then he should just collapse.
  9. Random roll with rerolls, and you then choose which number goes to which stat. Like in ToEE. Doesn't matter much, as long as there's a console for us cheaters.
  10. Good old D&D and eleventeen kinds of 1d10 polearms and spears offering nothing over other 2-handers. Waah, where are all the guisarmes and ranseurs!!
  11. I like it, but it does sound like crazy amounts of work actually. But picking up from that, it'd be nice if even the "base stance" of the combatant would reflect how wounded or exhausted he is.
  12. Depends on the story, but I wouldn't expect this, or see the need.
  13. The classic ie system was the worst. You'd never loot "unstackable" rings or necklaces, because they take the same slot as everything but aren't worth much. NWN tetris is much better, with big heavy items taking more space, and you actually seeing what's what. But the later party inventory is the best one. I don't want to spend time managing the inventory, I'd rather do something else. Like manage the stuff the party is wearing.
  14. Not what the op had in mind, but I'll add I'd like if female and male armor and clothing didn't "change sex" when transferred from one character to another. Found this particularly annoying in Elder Scrolls games where I often play a female. Kill someone for their pants and armor, like women do, only to find the pants have morphed into another damn dress and the plate now has open cleavage down to navel.
  15. Voted no to everything but the weather. Even there, I wouldn't like to see like weather changing dynamically or anything like that, a waste of effort imo. (Unless there's a point to doing that, like beginning the campaign in spring and ending by winter.) But if there's an area like a snow covered hill or something, I'd like to see it having some effect to those going about in their undies or chainmail bikinis.
  16. To put it bluntly, NWN combat with its infamous "dance of death" looked better than NWN2 combat. Some of you will disagree with this. That's fine, hear me out anyway. Now, Eternity is going to be a tactical party based game, so we won't be seeing the characters sailing willy nilly all over the place without player control, killing themselves in traps and accidentally stumbling into friendly fire area effects. That's completely understandable. But when character models and graphics improve, the whole combat will risk dropping into uncanny valley. If the basic style sticks with the old ie principle of "everybody's standing in place, gazing intently forward, not reacting to the incoming mace wielded by the humongous ogre, not reacting to the hits except with "ouch" and a splattering of blood, it's going to be too unreal. NWN2 suffered from this, somewhat, and assuming the world has kept on turning, the risk is greater with Eternity. Games like Diablo3 or Torchlight are not really affected, there the player continuously moves his character around, dodging from this and that, much like "the dance" but better. I'd like to see real effort into making the combatants react to each others. Blocking and dodging attacks, clearly reacting to getting a spear in face, falling down, getting up, stuff like that. And definitely not the old, no reaction to 40 dagger stabs, but the 41st similar stab suddenly completely rips the opponent in itty bitty pieces.
  17. Neither. I don't want "another companion", "2 hours of extra fun" or any other DLC's, and neither do I want expansions that add 5 levels and allow you to continue with the same characters for another 10 hours. NWN expansions were a great thing, also NWN2. The same game engine (maybe with slight tweaks), but a completely new adventure with new characters. That's what I'd like to see, and rather as a stand alone package. Seems a slight waste to make a whole RPG engine and then use it for only one game.
  18. I'd much rather have some other than the memorization system. For one, it's amazingly silly. "Today I can remember fireball 3 times and then I'll forget it". Even in D&D I pretty much favored sorcerers over wizards, just because it gives more tactical possibilities. With a base wizard, you're stuck with whatever spells you happened to memorize and didn't cast yet. And if the memorized spells don't work, save and reload, memorize, sleep and try again with a new combo. Nothing wrong with mana pool or whatever is used. That even makes a bit of sense, with 4th level spells being more draining than 1st level ones. If it leads to lazy design, that's unfortunate. But I don't see why it needs to lead to something bad instead of something cool
  19. In gog case, it means you download the installer. You can store it wherever you like, and when you install it doesn't ask for activation codes or cd-keys or anything. And in 20 year when gog and steam are both bankrupt, and their servers are down and you're on your 15th computer, you can still use the same installer to install the game and it still doesn't ask for any codes or online activation. That said, I'd really, really like the boxed version to be DRM free as well.
  20. Effective against armour (but not as effective as bow against unarmored opponents) and long range.. but pretty slow rate of fire, needs an area to swirl, and very inaccurate compared to almost anything. Sling held its ground for a long while, but it was replaced almost everywhere with bows and crossbows. Not because the ancient people were really stupid like that, but because it's not as good a weapon. Still... cheap firepower, easily portable, I'd like to see them in game.
  21. I'd add that but can't seem to be able to edit the poll anymore. The results are pretty clear though, most want undead in the game and I'd guess most wont mind if they're handled in a new clever way. But it's a minority which either doesn't want them, or only wants them in some new context.
  22. What should the other companions do if you decide to kill one of them? "Oh dear, the boss seems to be crazy. Oh well, nobody's perfect."
  23. And I was blown away by what he did in DA:O. One of the best. Still voted "1." though.
  24. Besides, giving the job for the in-house guy with "we chose you over Jeremy Soule and Mark Morgan, don't let us down" is exactly the kind of nice creative pressure that might lead to pretty intense work and maybe brain explosion or mental breakdown. Would be fun to see which.
  25. The trailer was one hell of a bid for the job. I'd go no further. The clever option though, might be to get one of the big names to do the 5 min opening theme and give the rest to Justin. "Soundtrack by Jeremy Soule & Justin Bell" might grab a few more pledges.
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