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Everything posted by morhilane

  1. Double clicking to equip item is common, it's present in most games I play (although I prefer drag and drop personally). Shift+click is common for splitting items in those games too. Right click while holding stack is really, really weird though.
  2. There is plenty of games out there where reaching 0 HP means you are knocked out too and everyone in the party being knocked out means "game over" in those games. Why would it work differently if the party is composed of 6 or 1 person?
  3. In all games I played, this have been considered a "game over" for a solo character. I've been lucky with "still standing with 1 HP" a few times though.
  4. Are you saying you don't have quests and thus don't know what to do? Talk to people in Dryford village, there is four quests to get there. Three of them will take you to the Dryford Crossing map. Otherwise it's mostly explore the countryside and some dungeons. The beta is between 3-5 hours long. Once you cleaned everything, restarting with another class might be interesting.
  5. /facepalm Sensuki does calculations and testing so that we could play and enjoy a decent CRPG instead of struggling with a mediocre one where nothing makes sense. I think that was a reference to how Sensuki is a min/maxer as opposed to make a "Wizard with high Dexterity for role-play reasons" player. Min/maxing is real good for a tester and he does a really good job at it - maybe too good -, but it's debatable how appropriate his propositions are in term of global design for the game. I'll leave that decision to the devs. --- I played a little bit of the new build (deep in DAI right now) and it felt much better than the previous build. I played a Druid and it felt more fluid and didn't bug on me like in the previous build. Although, maybe a bit too easy again, but that's balance and always in flux (and then the game release and you get a OP class/skill...always).
  6. underlined words: What someone define as what the dev promised is not constant from people to people. I personally stop at "party based Rtwp combat isometric game somewhat like the IE games with an Obsidian plot" and POE is already delivering that.
  7. BG1 had crazy poison dots too, but there wasn't has many creatures with it than PoE have. IE poison needed you to get hit and fail the save. Then antidote potions were kind of plentifull and a lvl 2 spell Slow Poison removed it. It's the same thing in PoE, you get fortitude saves against it, Priest has a lvl2 spells that can remove it and there are potion that cure it.
  8. BG1 had crazy poison dots too, but there wasn't has many creatures with it than PoE have.
  9. No Monk on normal. No Priest or Monk on easy.
  10. I personally would put the +Deflection into Two Weapon Style and maybe higher than 5, but that's really a balance thing which is still in flux. Not sure what to gives Two-Handed weapon, maybe an accuracy bonus? Beyond numbers though, I love their inclusion.
  11. I never go below 10 (even before the change, old habits). Usually I got with "try to maximize one aspect of the class and pad a bit the weakness". This less or more mean Intellect/Resolve prioritized for the casters and Perception over Dex/Con/Might for everyone. I always preferred intellectual fighters over brutes (my D&D 3.5 fighters are always expertise fighters). I also increase Intellect for Barbarian and Paladins, because it boost Carnage and Aura range (even if just a little, Paladin's auras are so small by default).
  12. My BB Rogue ended up "colliding" with a walking peasant and stopped there mid-step. I first I though the game was frozen...
  13. I didn't like the previous systems and I'm perplexed by this new one. Like a few other people said, it sucks to build the type of character you want because the skill are tied to talents and mixing combat performance with character's knowledge is kind of a miss. Saying that, I like the "bundle" of skills, I just think it should be in another UI separated from talents. Kind of like perks that only increase skills values and allow for personality role-play. Talents = combat improvement Skill perks= personality/roleplay (skill value already affect dialog) You don't have to increase a dull meter and the "skill perks" could have nice little descriptions too. I think that some of the talents could even be put there, like the slayer talents, because chance are they won't be taken often except for role-play reasons.
  14. Thing are starting to get prettier and buggier. Like the tanner's shadow, well I think it's his shadow...it's more like a shadowy double. I'll add my voice to the new way of increasing skill being kind of crap. I don't mind having talents that does just that I guess, but getting all skills increase via taking talents just seems kind of random and might end up making everyone spread out has opposed to focused. For example, nobody in my party was able to unlock the chests in the Inn or find the hidden staff. I would have had to pick talents that especially increase mechanics to do that. I do like the background +skill though. Also, without skill increase level up can be bit drab when you don't have a to select a talent. Opening inventory/character sheet/level up screen all have noticeable delay. I had does before too, but it appear to be longer now. On the other side, loading screen seems to take less time for once. I guess we can't have everything. I haven't tried combat yet.
  15. So many changes and fixes. Looks like another few hours of playing around trying stuff. First thing I'm doing and placing a trap though.
  16. Doesn't that cause them to get trapped far beneath the earth?
  17. Good luck devs!
  18. I'm pretty sure that worked for me when I tested enchantments 2 weeks ago. Most of the material I add via the console was in the stash because there wasn't enough inventory space to hold it all.
  19. You must not be familiar with the concept of under promising and over delivering. If you want weekly patches, tell everyone every two weeks, and you might just achieve or slightly exceed your commitment. You don't say weekly and set everyone up for disappointment. I'm very familiar with software development and always busting the delivery date actually
  20. People don't get it, you shoot for a weekly patch and end up delivering something every two weeks.
  21. It looked much better the first time I played it, but over time it became buggier and buggier (weird stuff too, like Druid shapeshifting resulting in weird stuff in the inventory and a naked character graphics).
  22. Well, point'n click adventure games don't have character progression, they just have "plot/puzzle" progression. Saying that, nothing require showing the numbers to the player in a game with character progression. A +1 level could be attributed after a specific checkpoint is reached without losing the character progression mechanic.
  23. Not allowing experience grinding is not a bad design philosophy. Experience grinding is not a way of playing, it's a progression mechanic. If killing everything is what you love to do (this is a way of playing), just kill everything the game allow you to do it, they haven't removed that option. Obsidian decided against experience grinding because that's not the kind of progression mechanic they wanted to have in the game.
  24. Is that the best you can come up with? I've already shown the characters, buildings, barrels outside of buildings are the same size in relation to each other in a previous post. Also, I've shown with PoE and BGEE that when zoomed out is the same in relation to each other on the same monitor. And then when you go to the area map, you can see how much you are seeing compared to the rest of the map. Are you disputing that the areas in PoE are not smaller than BG1/BG:EE in scale? And no, I'm not talking about viewport. I'm talking about scale. If you are, then back up your claims. I already have with mine. I'm not saying anything about the PoE map size. I'm saying your comparison doesn't work because BG:EE and BG map scale stay the same, zooming do not cause the map or objects on it to be re-scaled. Below, the PoE map should take the exact same amount of space in both images, because the scale of the map haven't changed between BG:EE and BG even if the viewport is larger in your BG:EE example.
  25. Did you have a repeating Mechanic check on the combat log when that happen? Because that's what happen to be when I got locked into combat in that area.
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