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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. Pfff.. bring out DotA 2 - if you do not have an access to it, I could probably get it
  2. In production values and nostalgia perhaps.RTS genre didn't see any real innovation since Sins of the Solar Empire and that game was essentially an oddity. They are being replaced by MOBAs because they refused to change their fundamental gameplay away from boxing stutter stepping and base building. Even the reign of Starcraft won't last much longer judging by the speed with which it's spectator audience leaves. For me there are 2 major RTS developers - Blizzard and Relic - Starcraft and Company of Heroes... I can't wait for CoH2... although I'd kill for another Homeworld from Relic... There is also a Total Wars series, and I hope they can deliver with Rome 2 some really nice multiplayer mechanics aside of the excellent SP experience... That said I am a loyal DotA (2) player... Damn I wish Blizzard would also re-boot the Warcraft series... Shame that EA killed Westwood and C&C franchise...
  3. Damn... I am on the final mission in AoW 2: Wizard's Throne, and I am getting my ass handed to me... going 1v7 isn't exactly fun, when starting with no town and no army... I thought I was good, when I managed to get quickly two neutral towns (day 10 or so), but they just roll me over... too many global hostile spell stacking and I am unable to defend territory from 2 v aggressive players... I cannot even get a scorched earth tactics working, because I cannot even move beyond my own town lol... The fact that the AI plays with a map hack doesn't help The only time I had to restart a mission was Death Sphere mission 1, and only because I underestimated the enemy on how many settlements he might posses... old strategy of skirmishing and holding map early on with cheap units did not work out... but Scorched earth worked miracle on episode 1 and 2 of death sphere.. the last mission - Cosmos epilogue is just silly.. I can't even scout the map to find out important locations... I was wondering if a very mobile nomadic type of game would work, but I fear that in the outcome I would fall too far behind in magic and scale of the army so I would still lose. Any tips?
  4. Hmm... reading some info on AoW 3 it seem the want to overhaul the mechanics with races and wizards... I prefer to have "cliche" races in terms of alignment, than to see some odd ball class mixtures influencing races, where the class would be the alignment indicator... Ok back to AoW 2 :D Btw, is there any influence of special phase in each sphere to the ending or final mission, or are these just optional missions giving some lore backgrounds only?
  5. Ooooh... Maybe it's time to actually play that game. isn't there a high res mod out there somewhere that makes the graphics at least passable by today's standards? If there is a one game that I want to be merely reskinned and updated with today's graphics and enhanced sound effects... it's the System Shock - both 1 and 2 (although 2 was more interesting to me, or maybe I was just older and not ****ting my pants before each move, although I still remember jumping on my chair the first time around, when I was attacked by brain monkey in SS2... I was playing on a night session and an older cousin was sitting in the same room with me... god, how he laughed at me after that scene :D) There are some games that have to be played on late night ours in a dark room... SS series is one of them... also... Alone in the Dark..
  6. The range calculations seem pretty complicated, but does that mean that there is no difference in range offense between a T1 archer and say a priest with magical projectiles? Do javelin projectiles like ballista follow the same rule, although they are single action units? (I'd place here poison spit units and crossbowmen as well, plus catapults and cannon units) If there are height bonuses, then it could certainly be better presented on maps, where there are height advantages. I really enjoy the game, but I won't be opposed to some adjustments in the interface and streamlining in combat mechanics (i.e. more intuitive and better feedback)
  7. To be honest, I am not sure how I've missed this series... I've bought Age of Wonders 2 from GoG.com and I am now playing it... Very interesting campaign, nice scenario maps and reminds me of MoM (Master of Magic). The only complaint I have is not enough info on combat mechanics (offense vs defense, how projectiles to-hit ratio is influenced and the base values)
  8. ... No... The BG2 intro sucked. Only because it's an eminently replayable game and it gets tedious on replays tho'. First time it was p. okay with me. Sure... But its a massive flaw. Nah, it's "a feature"... It's a bit tedious once you've done it more than 2-3 times, but other than that I remember it very well the first time I've played... The introduction was really good!!! I can bear with such introductions, although I admit, that the most enjoyable introductions I've experienced were the ones from DA:O
  9. I also missed the Wasteland 2 KS, but I am on a fence here... On a one hand it has a lot of features that I'd love to see, but the dialog in the current form is a huge turn off for me... If they would go with the dialog system similar to NWN2: SoZ it would be a must buy (so actual dialog trees, but special dialog options from different party members based on their attributes/skills), For me a dialog is a huge part of a good RPG and I cannot see Key words building a real RP experience... it feels worse than paraphrasing.
  10. My spider senses tingle... I think we have a troll nearby... 4mln$ is not a lot of money from a game dev. perspective (especially when you have to deduct the commissions), when you want to make a complex, high quality content... Full VO would be a waste of money in this budget.
  11. I don't know about that, the stories you hear about Eve Online makes it sound like role-playing heaven for example. Of course you really need to invest yourself into it. I'm not sure if I would classify Eve Online as an MMORPG as many people do... It's more of a Second Life in Sci-fi reality. (you can be a very successful entrepreneur without taking part in any combat) To me it's more like connection of Freelancer, Wing Commander and some strategy/economics game with all the commercial and political alliances, etc. (ultimately you probably can call that RPG). Still it's not a my cup of tea. The only type of MP game that is really addictive to me is MOBA (DotA/DotA2) followed closely by RTS - CoH (and probably CoH2). There was also this shining jewel called NWN that also took a lot of time from my life
  12. SWTOR might be a good game for all I care, but I simply do not like MMOs... they have as much connection to a Role Playing Game as a house cat to a tiger... The closest thing that came to an MP RPG was NWN, because of the awesome world building toolset, moddability and DM client. There are still PWs alive and kicking there. I'm afraid that SWTOR killed the KOTOR timeline though, same as WoW killed Warcraft's continuations. (and why Blizzard will never create a World of Starcraft game)
  13. I still think that the best RTS from Chris was Total Annihilation (and one of the best RTS ever - in same league as Homeworld, CoH, DoW, SC, Warcraft 3, C&C, Red Alert and Dune)... It was fresh, awesome, massive in scale... I remember that my computer couldn't handle SP skirmish scenarios on huge maps... Supreme Commander was interesting, but the experimental units made most of the tactics redundant plus T1 and T2 units were pretty much useless, while in TA they were still useful. Generally the idea of super units is something that turns me off, because you tend to spam them. Best RTSs' do not have a single category of units that are must haves. This game concept looks somewhat familiar and even might be interesting... I still recall D&D Dragonshard to be quite entertaining.
  14. ^^^^^ I'd prefer if the combat would be refined one way or another... Either get back to roots and TBC or make it more like TPS and redesign weapon skills to unlock special "on click" moves/abilities The easiest game of my life was when I had guns and sneak specialist. I was clearing the whole map from the start. I only had to wait for Sniper rifle to get my hands on Deathclaws cause of their high DT. Varmint rifle + scope + silencer + extend mag - into Ratslayer - into Sniper rifle with silencer and weight reduction - into anti-m. rifle with silencer and weight reduction. Again, probably it's a personal bias, that I'd rather have the game with the combat system back in its roots. I've already have enough of games with TPS/FPS action - which I also enjoy, but somtimes you just have to say "enough is enough". I am glad that X-COM brought back the joy of TBC in a modern way.
  15. Hmm, I would have a couple of remarks to Wasteland 2 as it was shown. 1) Dialog options are not that great IMO... seems like simple keywords, but no paraphrasing or real sentences... I think that it's a bit "too" old school... 2) Cones of vision - what about listen checks and ears? I'd guess there should be some general detection on that part, but I guess they might improve upon vision cones (actual vision having longer range while other areas lower detection range and attributed to listening Other than the above I see no real turn offs. Maybe the graphics could be a bit improved, but it still looks fine enough. The thing that worries me, is that with the way the dialog is handled it might be worse than I anticipated. I surely hope it will also get some good press after it launches and will get some decent sales figures, but at the moment the "keywords" dialog is a turn off for me and I think it might be viewed as a really weak point in a classic cRPG - think of IE games and Fallout games and imagine if Fallout had simple Keywords instead of actual dialog choices...
  16. I think it was Eye of the Beholder... There was also some game where there was a tactical combat, but I cannot recall the name... I was a really small kid back then
  17. I say, that it's better to have no diseases if they are to be nothing more than 5 second annoyances. Either do them right - so you need some form of a cure, like in Real Life, and they also can start out from mild annoyance and end up even with death if not treated - or do not do them at all... I can be perfectly fine if there are only things like poison and bleeding, bruised - which can realistically be per combat only.
  18. I'd say it depends on the type of a disease... some can be cured by resting if your CON is high enough. Others require a cure... be that spell or potion. Take examples from real life... how many diseases are cured just by having a good dose of sleep? really few... and even them, when not treated seriously, can lead to some nasty outcomes.
  19. I'm more inclined to think that the result of it will be that you do not get files working on the console, but you get activation key for the game and work with it via a cloud. If it requires a constant internet connection, I do not see, why would the cloud model not be implemented along with it. The problem might be with bandwidth transfer limits. It potentially could solve much of memory issues with consoles. Well I guess lets wait and see...
  20. It's still as you said work in progress. They will upgrade the visuals significantly. If the quality of what they aiming at for Cyberpunk 2077 (basically teaser quality of visuals), then most likely they will go much further with the visuals in TW3 with their new engine. It's all about the limits of the new consoles. They are developing the game with the new consoles in mind and there is some learning curve there too. Unfortunately they cannot make it this time PC exclusive and then port to consoles. As they are a recognized developer now, they've most likely received also some "marketing incentives" to make sure that consoles will also be there on Day 1.
  21. I'd not say that the bonuses should be NPC specific or race specific, BUT the cultural weapons can be presented as top of the line in chosen type of weapon, or with unique traits that generally fit the cultural background (flavor) of the craftsmen and the usual users of this type of a weapon. For example Boreal boomerang, or some such.
  22. Well, I would tie this to a fact, that PC is: 1) More mod friendly 2) More Multiplayer and Social medium friendly In the past, the main driver towards the consoles was the fact that it's a single machine, with a single configuration, meaning that risks of game breaking bugs is minimal, and there is no need to constantly upgrade your machine for a next 4-5 years. With platforms like Steam (DRM excluded) PC is becoming very user friendly medium. We can have everything what consoles have and more. The trend might reverse though, if the new consoles will be truly NEXT-GEN
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