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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. I noticed that. Any good? Decent enough to play it and have fun Nice interception mechanics, being an own minigame, and generally looking good, with the retro like 2D drawings. They are still balancing things, and working on the AI (for example grenades now are rather useless, same with shotguns and pistols, and the AI does not defend UFO but fights with all forces outside) There is some cover mechanics, as a minor improvement over the original XCOM and better "aiming" mechanics. Still it is a niche game
  2. Since Xenonauts now entered into Steam and is available for pre-pruchase and beta testing, I am playing that... Utilized my Kickstarter from this one. It is still rough in terms of balance and some AI, but generally the game is playable in full.
  3. well I would say that there should be a reasonable stacking. for example up to 3-5 units. That's my gripe with CiV 5. Then the combat could also be turn based in a pop up window. for example ordering units which to focus fire, etc. Call to Power series had an interesting concept of blob fights, but there were too many units in those stacks
  4. Not sure why all the hate to Ammon. I actually loved they way they went on with the story... for some time I was actually thinking that he may in league with the KoS and Garius. Oh well. perhaps I have different standards, but to me it was a good game, definitely better than DA2.
  5. Jaggad Alliance 2 - because recent KS success made me want to play old game as well
  6. @ up there will be this mode called Ironman... you can use it, but you do not have to force everyone to use it
  7. IMO NWN2 had a lot of potential... it was interesting story overall, nice plot twists etc... generally quests themselves were less interesting than the story although I admit i liked act 3... some parts felt rushed... like they had to cut on the story telling the further the game was going. One thing did not go so well though with NWN2. I really hoped it will improve the quality of PWs comparing to NWN... but apparently it just wasn't the case.. which was sad.
  8. I sure want to be able to fail quests, which will then result with some in game consequences... Maybe not every quest has to be like that, but surely I'd love to see some bigger quests with this kind of failure resutls
  9. damn it, nostalgia got me eventually, so i backed it as well... oh well
  10. Not sure... I liked the JA2 (although the lack of to-hit% kinda of is annoying) ii was somewhat disappointed with JA:BiA and I am on the fence with this one... I probably would rather see a finished product before I'll put my money on it... I know little to nothing about the guys behind this project and KS is all about putting trust in someones ability to make the game happen
  11. Bought System Shock 2 on Steam... god how I wish they would remake this game with modern graphics... just a simple graphics update.... Even audio, even though it has so many years, is still very good!
  12. Can't really remember any game breaking bugs in Shogun 2, I can remember being a little pissed at the DLC though. Blood as DLC.......... Empire was pretty bad from what I can remember though. Didn't play it much though, since I don't find that time period/setting interesting. I loved Empire, new tactics, new types of units, first time real naval combat, global presence!!! Some features could have been better, but still one of my favs, Rome and Medieval 2 are still among two best though, but with Rome 2 I can see where the crown of leadership will go :D
  13. I go with the middle ground, although I'd rather have all the features in. To me the most important thing is a straightforward communication and honesty. If they see there might be a big problem with some feature then I want to know it fairly early and I want to know their answers on: "how they are going to deal with the problem?" which came during brainstorming session before claiming that the feature probably won't make it into the game even though it was promised. If there is a financial limitation, then I'd go for "get more funds" option, if there is a serious technical,/gameplay limitation, then I am willing to accept a feature being simply cut.
  14. It's called a reboot. They had already started it in Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, they continued with Heroes of Might & Magic 5. You don't need 'reasons' to do it. I never played the game, but seeing others play HoMM 4, I really thought the brand was in need of some re-focusing, with some factions that had no real them or identity to them. Olivier Ledroit brought a coherent visual look, Nival brought back some of the gameplay before the fourth game, etc. The "reason" is that the devs of DM and HoMM5 had no connection to New World Computing or the original devs of the M&M franchise. Heroes 3 was the pinnacle of the series. Not without flaws, but 4 was a huuuuuge step in the wrong direction, a massive drop in quality compared to 3. 5 is just mediocrity incarnate. I still would like someone pointing out, what exactly makes 5 medicore compared to 3. They basically have the same gameplay design, but 5 has more playable races and units, and more expanded skill wheel...
  15. I don't. But I don't have lack of faith in a game of one series because a different game of a different series wasn't very good. To be honest, I DO have some goodwill there yet, same like Bioware for next ME related game and DA3 until first gameplay footage and playable demo. To be honest I am a bit surprised that people praise HoM&M 3 yet they discredit HoM&M which for me was a very fun experience and with some interesting design plot wise. I liked skill wheel (which IMO is an improved version of HoM&M3 skill sets). They moved to a different world lorewise which was something I did not understand, but still their world was ok in the 5th edition of HoM&M. I've played recently HoM&M 3 and 5 and I did not find that many differences in gameplay The 6th game was a total failure though. I can't even find a place where I would not rave about the game design. The only interesting thing was the story design. Now as far as the M&M games goes I can't remember how long it was since I've played the last one, so I won't mind a reboot and setting them in their new lore. The gameplay is what has my interest and how much RP will be in this game.
  16. I am fairly sure that there will be a last minute rush, which will spike the donations quite high up.
  17. Breaking from DotA 2 and Path of Exile for the long awaited SC: Heart of the Swarm (although I am more excited about CoH 2!!! - when will you arrive)
  18. DotA 2 and Path of Exile - the diablo that should have been gameplay wise
  19. Are you finding yourself in a hurry to complete the games as you get older? If not, then I don't really see the logic in this notion. Who cares that you have to take more breaks to complete the game.. that you have to do it in 10 sessions instead of one 12-hour marathon session. Well in my case it's a case of getting sucked in again into the game. If I make a save and get out of the game, and leave it for say 2-3 days, it's sometimes hard to get back to it. It has to be really awesome to get back my attention, and that usually means good plot line, or excellent tactical/strategy challange vs gameplay ratio. I used to have time to complte a full new RPG in one weekend going into some unhealthy marathons now it's not really a case. I like DotA, good RTS, and good TBS, which get my attention for 1-3h in which I can complete a scenario/match or 3. Other kind of games need to have excellent plot lines and story telling experience. That's why I hate sandboxes... I have hard time getting into them and even worse after some break.
  20. I'm not sure if you people have seen this, but this smells of something like Warhammer: Total War to me... which would be awesome and a must buy for me!!! http://www.creative-assembly.com/jobs/sound-designer-warhammer-project/
  21. I'd rather wait and see the results of the current big KS... WL2 will be one of the big benchmarking points, whether the KS projects can live up to the pitch hype or not.
  22. Doesn't really bother me in theory either. But, this is EA. In 5 years their single-player 60 dollar games will be pay2win. To be honest, I'd prefer them to leave the micro-transactions out of SP games. The multiplayer games can have that and do it quite well - check Valve's games for example. Even ME3 multiplayer, although boring for me, still does its job well... If you have this kind of experience in a SP game, then its design its ought to be at least mildly annoying and useless grind in many areas of the game, so it will give a player a second thought about purchasing something, to skip the annoying part. Incentive is the key to the success of this model and placing the said incentive is a design decision.
  23. I seriously hope that these are only rumors... I've been waiting for this title as it looks fun and also gives a new look at the SW universe... this is my "action game" for this year...
  24. If everyone would have this kind of the approach to every title then the gaming industry would vanish in flames of insolvency... I tend to have a bit different approach: 1) I buy on day one or pre-order each title and every DLC that is interesting for me from a developer I want to support. They make money and rate the success on the first 1-2 weeks of sales. 2) I use wait and see approach to titles from developers which do not have my trust with their quality of the content. Usually 1-2 weeks is enough of time to decide. If it looks good from some gameplay vids or the forums are generally positive, I tend to buy it at full price to show my support and make sure that I contribute to the success of the title. If it looks kind of "meh", then I usually do not touch it, until I see it on some big sale and bundled with all DLCs/expansions a couple of years later. The worst thing that a gamer can do to a company is to: a) pirate a game - i.e. steal, and if enjoys it, do not support with a purchase of the original. b) wait for a big sale of a title, which he clearly enjoys and values highly. Gaming industry is business, and business is driven by the monetary return. If the game is great, buy it at full price, otherwise you are sending a wrong message to devs and publishers, who rate a game's success based on the monetary value it brings to the company.
  25. Oh gawd no. Can't be that hard for Sega to outbid that Bioware outcast. I swear if some ****bag indie grabs Homeworld and turns it into a flash-graphics iPad game I'm gonna commit suicide by finishing Crysis 3! Damn... I want another homeworld, but it has to be The Homeworld, not some f. half a-- spin off...
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