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Everything posted by Badmojo

  1. There are a quite a few pen and paper RPG fantasy games without using elves/dwarves,etc, The connan pen and paper RPG doesn't for example. Then you have a bazillion fantasy books that does not have elves/dwarves/dragons..etc but, are still considered a traditional fantasy setting.
  2. I never suggested it be the only evil options, don't know how you got that impression. Ah sorry, if its just one of multiple evil options that is fine then.
  3. I hate level scaling with a passion, the worst thing bethesda has ever done. Of course they think its the best thing ever and even after the huge backlash they STILL put it in every game they make. The worst thing I hated about level scaling was loot scaling, you go into a dungeon, fight off hordes of monsters, bypass traps, find the treasure chest of the great kingdom of whatever, open it up and...fing 20 piece gold and an rusty knife. Seriously?!?! Bethesda games are horrible now and I don't even call the elder scrolls an RPG anymore, its just a FPS with some rpg mechanics.
  4. Yea, hope the other races are at least original, they might put a new spin, but in the end, they are just elves and dwarves, either going to be pretty close to the sterotype, or changing it so much that you wonder why they used elves and dwarves and didn't just create something new.
  5. mentioned earlier about doing the same thing as good for evil reasons, I say, NO! Not that I am against it being one evil options of many, but I do not want it to be the only "evil" choice. I cannot stand games where it does not matter what path you choose, it will have the exact same outcome with maybe some minor cosmetic changes. I think I will call this the DA2 choice system. Taking the town example, fine, you could do that, or you could burn down the town, or you could trick them in disarming themselves and sell them to slavers, or you could make them pay you in advance, and then leave them to their fate, or you could demand something besides money, like they have to open up a church to your dark god and give a human sacrifice once a month for your help, etc. Choices are good. I do think there needs to be just as many "evil" paths as well as good, I also want different evil endings depending one what you do, and not one evil ending and the rest are good BS. Speaking of endings, I hope we have many multiple endings like the old games and not just 3.
  6. The vast majority of DLC in games always made me feel like I was paying too much and getting ripped off for content that should have been in the game(most EA DLC). It was rare that there was something actually worth the DLC and felt like it added something new and not taken away something to be sold later (fallout and borderlands expansion for example). I choose full on expansions, I would rather they spend resources making full on expansions than waste time making small stuff.
  7. I like both, narration and in game cutscenes. I agree with the mod that it should not take away control from the players though, I also like that you had some choices in the narration like MOTB to influence the narration a bit.
  8. Where did you gather that from? I haven't heard anything like that. I think IWD and PS:T and MotB all used sleep-to-memorize. I don't think Black Isle or Obsidian has ever used a mana and/or rune system. Josh Sawyer said it on a forum. The SomethingAwful forums, I believe. http://forums.someth...9#post407551559 I've talked with Tim about this for a while and here's the thing: camping out in the wilderness and setting watches and getting ambushed by jackasses has a great classic A/D&D feel to it, but it got pretty silly in games like IWD2. I'd like to build in reasonable mechanics that make you rest in the wilderness, but I don't want it to result in the sort of degenerate "rest after every fight" stuff we've faced in the past. meh, not like the sound that you will have to rest, even if its not after every fight. So, you rest after every three fights instead of the first one... not much difference really. I really hope you do not have to rest to recharge spells after they are used, I hated that in the old games and it nurfed mages in battle pretty quick.
  9. What then? Force resting like the old games to heal and recharge and choose magic? Take magic potions to heal/recharge?No thanks, those were not fun, even the devs mentioned they did not want to go that route. Besides, it just leads to frustration and a lot of reloading. Cooldowns/regeneration is really the best answer, it is not perfect, but nobody has come up with anything really better.
  10. PC only, consoles are why there is so many few RPG's and the ones that are made are dumbed down action fests like DA2.
  11. DA2 was nice in that you had family members, friends, a HISTORY and not just somebody without a past or any connections. I would like to be able to choose my history in setup, like saying if I was an orphan or family, if I had brothers/sisters/ my relationship with them, friends, if I have a fiance, if I was raised on the street pickpocket, or raised by a mage..etc, giving you bonuses and/or penalties. When you finish, you get a nice intro text (maybe a nice art piece showing the world you came from) explaining who you are. However, I want your choices to matter more than simple words to help your stats. I want people to react to your choices, and I would love to have NPC's make appearences (does not have to be long, maybe a quest or two), like if you say you have a sister, she will show up asking for help and/or checking up on you, if you say you were raised on the streets pickpocketing for an old thief but ran away, the thief hunts you down and asks you to help him with one more job...etc. Just something to give your character some background and not just have him/she be the nameless one with amnesia.
  12. NO! no time sinsitive, no forcing you to hurry along. I HATE that. I like to stop and explore, I like to read every book and interact with everybody I meet. I hated the chip timer in fallout. There is a reason that you have very few games ever do it, because its not fun. Its not building excitment, its building stress. So no. Also, having something come up and attack you ever so often to hurry you along is really bad. Hey, played skyrim? Remember the constant dragons, sure it was fun for a little while, until you fought your 700th dragon. So again, no. Judging by this quote, I doubt a timed quest will be in. And I definetly do not want to be rushed or forced on the quests if I just want to explore at my own leasure.
  13. I think all talking will be limited to the main character otherwise that is a LOT more writing to do to customize the speach to fit with all the different NPC characters.
  14. From what I read from users when fargo anounced unity, unity is a horrible engine and should be avoided.
  15. Why am I suddenly reminded of the Imoen Romance mod for BG2 (which, considering the subject matter, is remarkably well done and surprisingly tasteful)? Dragon Age: Origins also dealt with rape actually. A good portion of the City Elf origin revolves around a group of elves being kidnapped by humans during a wedding ceremony and several of the female elves being raped and killed. You don't see anything of it directly of course, but it's pretty damn clear it happened, and the PC's own cousin is rather traumatised by the event. It was emotionally quite powerful and worked rather well, IMO. I seriously despised the main antagonist in the affair, and it was the kind of thing that made my otherwise good-aligned character go to a very dark places and choose options they normally wouldn't. And I think content that can make you do that is, by and large, good. I remember that part and I thought it was very well done unfortunately once the beginning story ended it didn't really revisit that. I think if the cousin was an actual companion it could have been better but in DA: Origin, they just left it there. A shame really wasted potential. Yea it was good, and I thought we would have more mature subject matter, but it was just a rare few token mature moments. The rest was just your generic fantasy game. DA2 was even worse. Mature subject matters is what makes some RPG's so rememorable. Take fallout 2, there was a lot of maturity, yes, there was also a lot of silliness like being a porn star, but I loved that you had that as an option! However, take for example the lady who wanted your character to save her husband, you had the option to help him, ask for payment, or ask for sex as payment, then accept and not help him out. I was like...wha? However, it made sense. People can be bastards and I loved that you can play someone like that, there was also something about seducing the wife of the mobboss, sleep with her to get her to tell your character a secret..hmm. Its the freedom to push the envelope I love. However, I honestly wonder how "mature" this game is. So far, I am getting a pretty generic fantasy vibe from what we got so far. They said mature like planescape torment in the intro. That...isn't very mature. I think most of us thinking of mature are thinking of things like this thread. I also hope they will not just have a few token moments and then the rest of the game is your generic fantasy. Themes I hope to see: (quick note, I do NOT want to see some of this only showing up against other species, like humans being racist to elves/dwarves only, that race being the token hated group, it should be prevelant in human society at least against each other. Every culture has this in the real world to different extents) Besides the things listed above Prostitution Drug Use Addiction (not exactly only on drug) Gambling Slavery Racism Sexism canniblism etc
  16. Well, its been confirmed that elves and drarves are in...crap. Ok, we know one of the other races is some kind of godlike race..ok. What about some monster/demon race? Your usually stuck as a good race but not many games let you be a non original race. If they are creating some new races, then please make something O-R-G-I-N-A-L and not just something that looked like it fell out of your ever day dnd book or looks like a modified dnd monster. Hey look, its a slow witted giant with horns...um, isn't that just an ogre with horns? There have been some pretty good ideas from some other threads like shapeshifters, or soul/energy beings that can create avatars/take over bodies, on play as a golem like creature...etc One idea for a monster species in a game was the spider women(name is a work in progress), do not let the name fool you, while they resembles spiders a bit, they were very alien, they were called that because they do look like spiders and they do create a sort of web, but thats it. Any way, this takes place in the same universe as the setting for the created elves race I mentioned earlier. they can survive on regular food, but if they want to use any of their special abilities they have to eat fresh or perserved inteligent humanoid meat. They are beuttiful, have powers of mental suggestion and release a strong powerful pharamone, they also can paralyse (or kill) with a touch (poison secreted on skin) and create webbing from the pores on their skin, crawl/walk on walls, see in the dark, incredibly strong, transform into a hedeous spiderlike monster, etc (these are just a few of their powers) Also, they have a horrifying reproduction cycle that kicks in every 10 years. Every 10 years there biological urge to reproduce overrides their instincts, they seek out beutiful woman with families, they sneak in, paralyze all the family members and bring them into a large room, the woman selected watches in horror as the chest of the SW splits open revealing tenticles/mouth (lovecraft like things) a single hollow tipped stinger on a tenticle comes out and shoves itself into the womans neck to implant an egg/larva. After it is done, the spider woman abondons her newborn and leaves (she has four more houses to go to). The egg/larva crawls its way into the brain of the victim eating it and collecting the knowledge and skills, after it eats it starts to releases genetic information that starts to alter the DNA of the person. In a short while, the body will rise up and the new born will be starving (it isn't really inteligent yet, its more animal instinct and the hunger is from the many changes in the body). It will kill/feed on the womans family. It will be several hours later that the newborn has assimilated the memories/skills from the host, but also has access to some of the genetic memory of its parent. The baby is NOT the original character, nor can she pretend to be, part of the change is mixing the genetic material of the woman, with the genetic material of her "mother" which changed her looks into a mishmash of both. The newborn is not evil/nor good. It did what it did out of instinct and nothing more, she might regret what she did and try to make amends, or she might like being a predator. A few notes, the spider women do not have any group gathering or a society, they reproduce out of overriding instinct, but do not interact with any of their 'family'. When two spider women meet, they instantly hate each other and usually fight on first meeting. No spider women would EVER seek out their mother, like spiders, the mother instinctively tries to kill and eat her daughter because of some biological urge to cull the weak. Spider women become great spies and assassin, using their skill to seduce and kill their targets, even able to eat them so there is no evidence. Good SW's, usually become bounty hunters or go after groups that they know will try to kill them so they can justify killing and feeding for self defense. SW hate nothing more than when someobdy surrenders and not put up a fight,
  17. There is a lake called 'lake of drow tombs'. so drow might be in If they are in, I hope they do not coun't as seperate race from elves in race selection or else that is another slot taken up by another oldie fantasy race. Actually that lake is "Lake of drowned tombs" it was posted on twitter that was the name, it was just shortened. oh, that is good then
  18. I want descriptive text, I also want new dialog options to open up based on my skill/stats/abilities/what items I am carrying/knowledge I have.
  19. uh no, the wall of text is what a lot of us old rpg players LOVE about these games. We do not want them to waste time biowaring it. Also, this is not VO'd except partially. You are not going to have the text read too you and dumbing down text would be a pain because a lot of important info is in what is said. It really cannot work unless the game is fully voiced and that is not going to happen, nor do most of us want that to happen.
  20. Ok, I keep seeing this, just stop trying to turn it into a victorian book where you have to read between the lines to know you were even romantically envolved. You said you don't want it, fine. I would rather them not put it in that have some watered down token moment where you held hands and expcet that to count as romance. Either put it in fully or do not pull it in at all, but do not tone it down and try to have it both ways. You know, a lot of people LIKE romances in RPG's, It gives us some emotional reward in games, just like making friends with NPC's do, we get you do not want it, but nobody is FORCING you to do them, its an option, it does not hurt anybody and ads another layer of play, if it was forcing you or the others to play the romance parts I would be with you against it, but its not, its optional, so let them put it in and it hurts nobody.
  21. I choosed all, if you don't like it then do not persue it, But let us who like it be able to have it in the game.
  22. I liked most of the story, buuut elves and dwarves? Yea, even if they are different, I have to be honest that I am dissapointed with using them and not something completely new. Now we know two of the limited race selection slots and companions will be them. Also, the opening premise sounds a bit...er...generic. However, it doesn't give enough detail and details are important so I wont judge. I think most of us will be more excited when we have info about the other races, However, if one of them is an ogre I am pulling my funding..just kidding...maybe. I am interested about the magic system, could we have some info and the type of magic we will be able to use. Also, is there any non combat magic? I feel that combat magic is all we ever get and it would be nice to have something beyond fighting magic. Oh, one other thing, will everybody treat you different based on who you are (race/sex/occupation)? Or will people just ignore that and treat you the same regardless. I hope the former personally.
  23. There is a lake called 'lake of drow tombs'. so drow might be in If they are in, I hope they do not coun't as seperate race from elves in race selection or else that is another slot taken up by another oldie fantasy race.
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