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Everything posted by Suen

  1. Nel caso abbiano fatto casino anche con il Kalakoth's Freezing Rake, l'effetto è questo: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/99876-kalakoths-freezing-rake-wrong-radious/?hl=rake Una mano scheletrica che rastrella da sinistra verso destra. Al momento l'area d'effetto non corrisponde a quella reale (dovrebbe essere un arco). Edit... uh, sto guardando il nome degli incantesimi... perché hanno cambiato Minoletta in Minolea? E Maura è diventato Mayra?
  2. Are you mixing up Patch Beta Bugs and Support (this one, open) and Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Backer Beta) (closed)?
  3. Attaching a zip file with 2 savegames, before and after Eothas in Ashen Maw. In the "After" Eder and Aloth have a couple of hidden new lines regarding Eothas. Playing through the "Before" sequence can lead you there too. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wv9dkksumezua99/HUB.zip?dl=0
  4. Issue: The companions hub appears completely gray, even if some of the paths could include new content. Expected: When a different answer is available, the opportune dialogue branch should be rekindled. I noticed this by the end of the game when I asked Eder "what do you think of Eothas now" and got a different answer from the usual stuff about the Eothas of his youth. The question was grayed.
  5. I play in windowed mode, and I often alt-tab when the game is loading a transition. Without the beta patch switching to another window while the game is loading works fine. With the beta patch, when I alt-tab: 1- the mouse randomly gets trapped inside the frame of one of the open windows. example: after pressing the windows flag, the pointer can't leave the area of the start menu. 2- the game becomes unresponsive. On clicking inside the window, grayed with the spinning circle. Sometimes it gets out of this state, often not. 3- the computer becomes unresponsive. alt-tab stops working. Output_logs with and without beta patch attached. Logs.zip
  6. Deriva da "take a long walk off a short pier" vai a farti una lunga passeggiata su un molo corto = continua a camminare finché non caschi in acqua, va' a quel paese, crepa. Qualcosa tipo: "Con tutto il dovuto rispetto Capitano, vada a farsi un tuffo affanculo". (^ma tradotto così viene a mancare l'invito a affogare) Perché non mozzo?
  7. So that is what the copy button does! I thought it was some forgotten beta testing button. To get back to your question, I've never seen my weapons unequipped after shapeshifting. I've also never used the copy button. I'll check it out. Edit: Yes, the copied weapon disappears after spiritshift.
  8. When you solve the grove part of the quest peacefully, you get this: -it would make sense to see Nature's Mark (with a better name) listed among the passive effects. -unfortunate name: Nature's Mark is also a level 1 druidic debuff spell giving -10 Deflection, -10 Reflex. It's a very worrying gift. -the dialogue about receiving the "nature's mark" is a bit perplexing if you are a nature godlike druid. Are you questioning my connection to the nature? I thought the mossy skin to be a dead give-away. -no effect: the nature godlike/druid status supersedes whatever the "nature's mark" is supposed to do in conversations - so it seems doing nothing.
  9. Happens in the middle of the conversation triggered by Aloth disposition for Tekehu reaching -2. Watcher-"He's loud and boastful, and you don't like that." Aloth-"Well, of course not." Watcher-"Remind you of Iselmyr?" Aloth-"Fye, nae half so pretty." Aloth-"Please. Iselmyr may be uncouth, but at least she has some mettle." This doesn't seem right. Iselmyr freely interrupting a dialogue, and the thing being casually ignored, doesn't seem appropriate for a suppressed-Iselmyr-Aloth. Savegame just before the conversation: https://www.dropbox.com/s/80dxmy0hm5zcaxf/Iselmyr.zip?dl=0
  10. Collapsed tunnel encounter: Aloth reacts negatively to every choice. The only way to avoid the negative reaction is not speaking to the workers at all, but that requires the player to be a clairvoyant. The Watcher helps the workers with the debris? Aloth reacts with "Irresponsibility" The Watcher decides against helping, steps back and looks for a different path? Aloth reacts with "Irresponsibility" Save attached. You can trigger the encounter by traveling to The Brass Citadel. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qkmxtsid4s9pm7e/Tunnel_Encounter.zip?dl=0
  11. Unfortunately this is by design, and they will not change it. The whole magic system has been rebuilt around the idea that the players should use the same one or two spells over and over again. So unless you stick to "that" spell, you gimp yourself (but anyways there is a good chance that they will nerf any spell deviating from mediocrity) It's crappy, it's boring, and intended.
  12. I checked this out. A google translation would have been an improvement. Not only I doubt anyone actually speaking italian ever looked at the translation, but some of the mistakes suggest the translator couldn't even speak english or understand the game rules at all.
  13. If you are on windows, press windows key+R to open Run, and paste %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II
  14. Mano lesta o di velluto mi sembrano le due più adatte. Borseggio non va benissimo perché sleight of hand può essere usato per infilare bombe nelle tasche degli NPC.
  15. I'd like to see it implemented in a official Enhanced Edition. But who knows if it's still feasible at this point in the development (the team could be busy with some other stuff, not be affordable, etc).
  16. When I switch from the sea map to the ship the companions currently in party do not appear on the deck. Workaround: walking belowdecks and back outside makes the party members spawn.
  17. The save button became unresponsive and grayed out in the world map, in a area where it was functional few minutes before. The auto-save was still working. This happened after few ship transitions, party swap, alt-tabbing. I couldn't reproduce the issue. Restarting the game restored the save button. I don't have a savegame, only the output_log. output_log - save locked.txt
  18. They could have closed Eothas in a "Annihillation" bubble while he was draining the Adra. That would have given a plausible justification to the players for not going straight behind him.
  19. AR_2201_Huana_Ruins_One Baltia still appears in her initial spot in the grove even though she is now on my ship. I recruited her while I was doing The Last Sanctuary quest. Savegame: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1zjqv4oszddoqba/Baltia.zip?dl=0 output_log - Baltia.txt
  20. I suppose they locked it because you can't completely switch off PotD once you start playing at that difficulty.
  21. Valian doesn't sound italian at all, it's some kind of cute latino accent.
  22. From the output_log: ERROR: Scene AR_1507_Bog does not have a FogOfWar object. This is needed in each scene! Every time you enter this area, or load a savegame created there, the map appears covered in fog of war. The bug seems just aesthetic, not affecting the status of enemies and quests. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qcpkx813i3hfojl/map_fog.zip?dl=0 output_log - map_fog.txt
  23. My sailors must be very deep in their cups or very confident in my skills, because I've got a -10 moral for running away from this "inferior opponent": My ship:
  24. The portal is this one: https://eternity.obsidian.net/account/products Log in, reach the product page, on the right side click on "Pillars of Eternity II..." and generate the key for Steam or GOG.
  25. Issue: In PoE1 I left everyone alive in the Temple of Woedica under Defiance Bay. According to Aloth in PoE2, it was a bloodbath. Proof the people in the catacombs are not dead: The conversation happens when you stumble upon a ship near Ori o Koiki: Aloth- "At least we know where to look next" Aloth-[PoE1] "Though if this becomes anything like our encounter in the Defiance Bay catacombs... "Well, I hope we get our answers before the bloodbath." He looks at you and smiles wryly. Attached in the zip file: - PoE1 autosave by woedica's temple - PoE1 gamecompleted savegame - Deadfire savegame before the conversation with Aloth. https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9q3cy7jqqmlbb5/Woedica_memory.zip?dl=0
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