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Everything posted by Suen

  1. After installing the beta patch I started a new game. Eder in my PoE ending was Mayor of Dyrford, but it seems he joined the Night Market in PoEII. I attached a couple of PoE endgame saves and PoE2 autosaves. Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/45birlotr5qsf8l/Saves.7z?dl=0 PoE1 Ending: Deadfire Dialogue: Edit: no import bug with the 0086 patch
  2. If it's a problem with a DLC, you can try to disable them in the deadfire steam library panel and restart steam, to see if the issue persists. Then re-enable them bit by bit until you find something not working.
  3. English: "Eder runs his fingers through his hair and removes a strand of seaweed he finds lodged there." Italian: "Eder gli passa le dita fra i capelli e toglie un'alga." = Eder runs his fingers through the hair of someone else" In italian should be "Eder si passa..." Another one. Gender confusion at Eder class selection: [ ] Guerriero [ ] Ladro [ ] Spadaccino (Guerriera + Ladra)
  4. The world has turned once more inside, anchored into captivity. The ones you wanted the most, the ones you buried under sea

  5. Hey mama, look at me, I'm on my way to the promised land!

  6. What's male and what's female differs from language to language. And that's why I specified italian on top of the post. To be absolutely clear: it was made looking only at what people and media would generally use. What grammar rules and military tradition dictate can be quite different.
  7. Italian Using Pirates of the Caribbean as reference: La Perla Nera (f) (The Black Pearl) L'Olandese Volante (m) (The Flying Dutchman) La Silent Mary (f) La HMS Providence (f) La HMS Endeavour (f) La Santiago (f) They translated the names of the most important boats (the ones whose meaning was important to understand the conversations). The others were kept in english but treated as feminine, as "nave" (boat, f) is implied. And as a possible solution: if you really want to translate the boat names, make them female.
  8. Eothas created matter from thin air (or transmuted souls on the fly) - I doubt the Adra Dragon, if still alive, is in his power range.
  9. As long as I'm not forced to bring someone along, I'm fine with whatever the game support. 5 companions sounds good for PoE.
  10. Look at the purple graphic (scroll down) in this page: https://www.fig.co/campaigns/deadfire/invest
  11. And please Obsidian, make available at least some of the limited high tiers (signed collector) to the paypal users too.
  12. Wish: the previous kickstarter had a cookbook among the rewards (omg Tim Cain chocolate cake...), so I hope the guidebook will include Deadfire-themed recipes.
  13. Well, crap. I guess the next few hours will be a spoiler-fest with no thread safe. I'll have to avoid the forums until this evening. Speculations are fun, spoilers are not.
  14. Your baby blues would flash and suddenly a spell was cast clouds would disappear

  15. I wonder if Eothas will have a ego bigger than his shiny head. No matter what, we are going to meet Eothas. This is awesome.
  16. Hm... Eothas Temple Floor (pic under the spoiler):
  17. And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

  18. To anyone reaching the forum without passing from the homepage: the Pillars of Eternity kickstarter documentary is now on youtube (Obsidian channel).
  19. You sir are indeed correct. The glyphs will form a word. They belong to different alphabets: Aedyran and Vailian Huana Engwithan If you want it spoiled, someone digged in the website script and extracted the other letters (and found the word). Letters: http://imgur.com/EOoVmJ7 Solution: Symbols & Spoilers(?) [Web Shenanigans]
  20. Obsidian should just make a game in New Orleans and call it Project Louisiana. Just to **** with us.
  21. ShadowsBringFall, check the spells in the links posted by Gromnir. Anything with FoE AoE and single target should be safe to use. If a spell is ineffective look at the enemies stats and make sure you are not targeting the strongest attribute.
  22. The savegames you attached work in my PoE without corruption warnings in the log. Sharing violation - another program keeping the files in use? Try to launch the game as admin with the antivirus disabled and close any program that could be trying to access the user folders. Another user had your same problem, but his output_log.txt error was different ("UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path"). He fixed it by restoring the folder permissions: save games not recognized
  23. Different folders names. It should be possible to manually copy the saves from one directory to the other.
  24. Are you sure you imprisoned the right guy? Sly Cyrdel is by the Adra rocks, the guy at the crossroad is a different bandit.
  25. If you are still looking for a solution: if your reputation is negative with the 3 major factions (Crucible Knights, Dozen, Doemenel) you'll get the invitation from Lady Webb.
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