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Everything posted by Suen

  1. Il nome in inglese è quello... preferiresti Arcipelago Fuocomorto?
  2. Serafen- "Ahoy captain!" Watcher- "Ahoy yourself, Serafen" Serafen- "Truth to be told, I've not felt so cozy in a crew since my tour on the Sorcerer. With Remaro and the lot. Good times and a half, that. Watcher- "You're a valuable member of my crew." Serafen- "By way of expressing my gratitude, I've a tribute to be presenting. It's meant to be worn by a great captain. I think you rightly qualify." Serafen- "And I think you'll look right spiff in it, too." Watcher- "Thank you for the gift." You have gained Fair Favor, The item was put in your stash. Serafen- "Pleasure be entirely mine, cap. May it serve you at least half as well as I." Fair Favor: My Watcher is a Nature Godlike ಠ_ಠ. Can't wear a hat on the horns. Serafen, you are such a ****.
  3. Any hope for an alternative nature godlike skintone to better match the portrait? portrait vs in-game skin:
  4. If it can be of any help, the game doesn't crash if I quit passing from the main menu (quit->exit), only if I use "quit to desktop".
  5. PillarsOfEternityII.exe, versione:, timestamp: 0x59aed1bf Module: unknown, versione:, timestamp: 0x00000000 Error Code : 0xc0000005 Offset: 0x0000000000000000 ID App: 0x1ad0 Output_log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pp16wh2otaaw0hk/output_log%20-%20Crash.txt?dl=0
  6. I agree Eder and Aloth are messed up. Eder disposition doesn't match his own dialogues, while Aloth's reactions at times sound like left-over of different dialogues trees. For Serafen, the gloating reaction is weird but not so completely off. The way I see it he enjoyes discovering new places and new people while on some shady adventure, and that made him worldy (or you can say because he is wordly). So I read his reaction to Aloth as him going "I did that too! good memories!" Still weird. Xoti is reacting to what Maia did (spying is underhanded), not to the way Maia is saying it.
  7. Washed up on the shore seems I'm not alone at being alone. A hundred billion casatways looking for a home.

  8. Right at the start of the game, before reaching the city I explored the eastern side of the island. I stepped in the Engwithan Digsite but left immediately. Later, when I spoke to Governor Clario, I told him I visited the arena - technically I did - but then I continued with: "I found some of your animancers. They managed to survive in a protective cage." Something my Watcher couldn't know about, as it never happened.
  9. Same problem, if I press ESC before reaching the ship the character creations bugs out and creates a level 1 fighter. I opened a thread before seeing this one: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/101538-110-esc-to-main-menu-breaks-character-creation/
  10. Issue: In the intro, pressing ESC just after the table and before reaching the ship makes the game forget the player class and weapons proficiencies. Steps: New Game, Start & Skip. At the table, create a barbarian, assign them bow/crossbow, for everything else click the default or first available option. 111... through the dialogue. Press ESC (I met this issue for the first time when I activated Big Head Mode to see the Pale Knight with a Big Head). Walk to the ship. 111..., again, through the dialogues. In the character sheet you should see a level 1 fighter with Battle Axe and Mace proficiencies. Also reported here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/101506-start-the-game-as-a-different-class-than-the-one-i-selected/
  11. Uhm, does this mean that in certain instances he is supposed to start as a skeptic?
  12. Maybe someone in the Unity community could recognize the issue? https://www.reddit.com/r/Unity3D/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Unity3D/search?q=stutter&restrict_sr=1&sort=new
  13. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ScottyTime
  14. You can use something else, Google drive, sendspace, tinyupload...
  15. After a few hours I launched the game again, clicked the link in the news, and when I looked at the DLC list Rum Runner was tagged as "in library".
  16. http://eternity.obsidian.net/account/products You can redeem the game on GOG, but only if you never generated the Steam key. Also make sure the DLC key matches the main game platform.
  17. Issue: After being made available to the players certain DLC have the check mark, while at the same time their status is "uninstalled". Happened with the Critical Role pack, and now with the Rum Runner DLC (btw, thanks for the free dlc!). Solution: Unchecking and checking the DLC easely fixes this, however the players must suspect a issue and have an idea of how to fix it. Anomalies: 1. Steam Library, Deadfire page, right side, DLC panel. The Rum Runner DLC is checked, "uninstalled", and grayed out. Fixed by removing/adding the check mark. 2. In the "Downloadable Content for Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire" page the Rum Runner DLC doesn't have the "in library" mark, and it's not grayed out even after the installation. 3. Rum Runner DLC page. Even when the DLC is not correctly installed (see 1.) the button "Free - Download" launches the game.
  18. You should be able to tell that from the package list associated with app 291650. Once again, your package should be highlighted. The dependencies are a bit messy, so it's not easy to predict what anyone gets too see when following the various links. It would still be interesting to hear of someone who has actually succeeded in installing the DLC through Steam ... Thanks for the feedback so far! Steam: at the release I couldn't install the Gaun's Pledge, it was selected, but gray. After the first beta patch it was correctly installed. I think all I did was re-select the DLC. Looking at the packages list I don't see anything highlighted. Possible reason: "Games are hidden by default on Steam, you can change this in privacy settings here. If you have changed your privacy settings, it may take up to an hour for SteamDB to clear the cache and see new data."
  19. Several reasons, marketing, timing, but mostly: while I'm sure they wish they could take all the time they want, developers generally don't have unlimited funds, so at a certain point they must release the game to get money and pay wages.
  20. Aloth: Autonomy and Stewardship (benevolent authoritarianism). Dislike: Irresponsibility, Pride, Traditionalism Like: Autonomy, Duty, Stewardship PoE1 ending: Dismantle the Leaden Key, no Iselmyr. https://www.dropbox.com/s/q95784hs8ab69y4/Aloth.zip?dl=0
  21. I'm not very far in the game, but the beta patch 0086 fixes the Eder issue (in a new game), and from what I'm seeing Aloth is fine in this build. I still must find Pallegina. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98361-fixes-to-the-patch-beta-build/?p=2014266 https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98432-0071-0082-eder-still-with-the-night-market/?p=2022533
  22. v.0086 Engwithan Digsite: the "Arena Sub-level" stairs icon is not visible on the map. Arena Sub-level, the exit to the Engwithan Digsite is not on the map.
  23. Please allow the players to skip the intro. Having restarted the game several times that walking section is now torture.
  24. Edit: 0086 New game, imported PoE1 savegame: Eder background is correct, and he is wearing the mayor amulet. 0082 Importing a player savegame still not working as expected. Using the pre-made world state 3 "Survival of the fittest" (supposely best choices for you and your allies) results in Eder going back to his parents, the ending you get if you never completed his quest. He is also wearing a Night Market amulet.
  25. As Maf suggested, in order to import your character you need a save called gamecomplete.savegame. Even if you don't have that one, you can load the savegame you have in PoE 1, click the machine, and that will create the gamecomplete.savegame you need. I'm attaching your character gamecomplete.savegame, Berath's Ending. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dwh90zabircghff/d3f2229e-e8c5-4768-b036-150dc056c928%20gamecomplete.savegame?dl=0
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