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Everything posted by Suen

  1. The forum accepts only certain files and savegames are not among them. To share them you'll need to upload through something like www.dropbox.com or www.sendspace.com. The 2.0 folder is normal, it was probably created by patch 3.0. At the begin of your output log there is a a message telling the access to the savegames temp folder is denied. You can try to disable the antivirus before starting the game, and re-enable it after the "Continue" and "Load" buttons are working. The output_log also warns about 2 autosaves corrupted, you could want remove from the savegames folder this 2 files: cff98343-b082-4fe0-868b-0c6544c913ef autosave_0 (2016_10_05 00_02_12 UTC).savegame e59e3137-f270-445a-a24b-94d7b84ec913 autosave_0.savegame
  2. If you are using Steam try the beta patch. Instructions/password to unlock it here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76849-patch-betas-on-steam/ Beta bug reports go in their own forum section: Patch Beta Bugs and Support Forum The thread title should include [3.04 Beta]. There is also a contest: answering in the dedicated thread to the developers feedback request you can win some cool stuff (t-shirts, mugs, signed copy of the game, etc...).
  3. Can you try to set it to "controlled by the application" in the game profile? Not sure how to call that option for AMD cards.
  4. With the beta patch days close don't try your luck with a work-around. Fingers crossed the beta is expected for tomorrow.
  5. I'd agree, but I don't believe Obsidian will go for a slightly thinning. Having seen what they did to the magic system, or the hacking job to the spells lengths (curse that putrid fart that is the slow-mode), when I hear "let's cut something" I have no optimistic view on the matter.
  6. ^ based on this, for those who can't reload to a point before getting Hiravias: In Options>Difficulty disable "auto level companions". Close Pillars of Eternity. Start PoE. Load your last save*. Talk to a Innkeeper. Open "Party Management". Add Hiravias. Open "Retrain". Reset Hiravias. Save in a new slot. Quit the game. Restart. Load your last save. *last "less damaged" save. I'd refrain from using a "5 people party" bugged save, or a save where your companion equipment disappeared.
  7. NOOOooo Remember Deus Ex Invisible War lesson. There is more to skills and spells than just the effect.
  8. Verify the game installation: Steam -> Library -> Right Click PoE -> Properties -> Local Files -> Verify integrity of game cache GOG Galaxy -> Righ Click PoE in the left column -> Manage installation -> Verify / Repair Upload a savegame and the output_log to dropbox.com or sendspace.com. Where to get those files: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72439-must-read-how-to-report-an-issue/
  9. Something you can try, at your own risk: Launch the game (if the game is already running, close/restart it). In Options>Difficulty disable "auto level companions". Load your last save. Talk to a Innkeeper. Open "Party Management". Add Hiravias. Open "Retrain". Reset Hiravias. Save in a new slot. Quit the game. Restart. Load your last save.
  10. Contact Humble Bundle. You have 60 days, as long as the key is unredeemed. https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/203662804-Can-I-have-a-refund-for-my-purchase-
  11. Can you upload a save somewhere, like on sendspace, dropbox, or googledrive? Savegames location: Windows Location: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity Mac Location: ~/Library/Application Support/Pillars of Eternity/Saved Games Linux Location: ~/.local/share/PillarsOfEternity/SavedGames
  12. It does something a bit different: it's for the levels your companions already have when you recruit them. For example, when auto level up is disabled instead of a companion level 4 you get a companion with the xp to immediately reach level 4, with your input.
  13. Tip To avoid a bug affecting the expansion-less game: in Options->Difficulty disable auto level companions.
  14. Did you try removing the game through Steam or GOG Galaxy?
  15. It's a known bug caused by the companions auto level up. In Options>Difficulty disable Auto Level Companions. Once that is disabled you can reload to a point before adding Hiravias, and recruit him safely.
  16. "Game is running Windows 32 Bit" Read this thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88660-used-to-run-flawlessly-now-constant-crashes-303/page-2?do=findComment&comment=1837860
  17. **** being the post on top of the next page

  18. Mikey is glorious! and he shines gloriousness everywhere!
  19. I don't have an answer, but as you suggest it's possible something was wrong with the game temp files. Could it be another effect of "antivirus scanning the folder while the game is trying to use it"? https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88009-save-games-not-showing-up/?p=1827931
  20. After launching the game you could load a save in 5-7 seconds. Then 5 hours ago that first loading stretched to 60 seconds. How many hours of gameplay? The forum doesn't allow the savegame attachments, you'll need to use www.dropbox.com or www.sendspace.com or google drive. The log and your dxdiag could also be useful.
  21. You can use www.dropbox.com or www.sendspace.com to upload output_log and dxdiag. And can you verify the installation?
  22. Weeell, they still need to officially announce Pillars of Eternity 2 - so in the meanwhile they can avoid all those pesky questions about the release. You don't have to worry the game to be too much like Skyrim, Obsidian CEO Fergous Urquarth already clarified the main inspiration will be The Witcher 3. Just kidding, nothing of the sort is planned for PoE2.
  23. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88805-304-update-on-our-next-patch/
  24. The savegames should still be compatible. Can you verify the integrity of the game cache? right click Pillars in Steam Library > properties > local files > verify integrity If the problem persists share the output_log and some savegame (where to find them). You can use a service like www.dropbox.com or www.sendspace.com to upload them.
  25. I suspect this will not work if something (like the nvidia profiles) is messing up the game launch, but I'd try anyways to set the game to windowed mode and manually change the resolution settings. Before you start create a system restore point, as the game settings are in the registry. Windowed mode You tried this before, but maybe uninstalling the drivers changed something. Launch the game, when you hear the second music theme alt+enter. Likely nothing will happen, as alt+enter switches between full screen and borderless mode at the current resolution - and the game seems to be having issues with the resolution. Close with Alt+F4. Pillars registry settings Open the output log, find the resolution index associated to 1024x768, write down that number. Open the registry (run: regedit). Search "Pillars" until you find the game settings section (should be in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity). Change the following values in the register: _currentDisplayMode... = 2 _currentResolutionIndex... = whatever 1024x768 was in your output log FULLSCREEN_h... = 0 Resolution_... = 1024&768&60 Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode_... = 0 Screenmanager Resolution Height_... = 300 Screenmanager Resolution Width_...= 400
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