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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Not everyone plays that way. I play the full length of the adventuring day in the IE games - usually go until my characters get fatigued. You're given enough healing potions to do that, and you don't need to use spells in every encounter.
  2. I know how many types of Wolves there are because I've seen them all in the game files. I'd say *most* of the creature files are in the game files too. There's a few of them. Not as many as BG2 though obviously (which imported some from BG1).
  3. Yeah it will be a long read, probably 5K - 10K words.
  4. I compared them directly against their creature types from the IE games - what's wrong with that? Why would you make a step backwards in creature design instead of a step foward ? Pillars of Eternity has removed all of the 'trash mob' type humanoid races such as Orcs, Goblins, Kobolds etc except for Xaurips, which sound cool. Icewind Dale 1 in general did much better than BG1 and IWD2 regarding creatures (but IWD2 made up for this with AI and scripting). BG2 had it's share of trash creatures and awesome++ creatures.
  5. Combat HUDs appear over the top of portraits. This shouldn't happen. The Main HUD should always be at the front. This looks like it's by design though, but I find it really annoying, especially considering I plan to use the Solid UI bar. Nothing should show up over the Solid UI bar, ever.
  6. I only memorized 1 or 2 hastes, really not necessary, but maybe more so with tactics mods. ATM I'm actually finding the combat too easy now after learning the system a bit better, and the encounters are mostly pretty banal. High DT Low Deflection / High DT High HP High Damage, barely any ranged enemies, enemies with AoEs or stuff. The beetle creature design is more boring than the IWD boring (hah) and bombardier beetles Wolves are less interesting than the BG Wolf, Dread Wolf, Dire Wolf and Vampiric Wolf types.
  7. No one is saying that. However if the pitch was "Hey we're going to do an AD&D 2E game" I would be like
  8. Lore is only really useful on the first playthrough, after that you can metagame it by looking values up on the wiki.
  9. Rogue Escape is bugged atm where if you select a path that traverses over an area with no navmesh, the Rogue will crash into the edge of the Navmesh, I reported this bug a few days ago, but haven't got a reply yet.
  10. All storekeepers and some characters with dialogue have a specific spot on the map that your PC has to be in to be able to talk to them. In the Infinity Engine games you could initiate dialogue normally and some of the later titles added in "over-the-counter" type stuff. It would be nice if you could initiate dialogue from around the counters and stuff rather than being limited to one position. Would also create less pathfinding issues as I can potentially see cases where characters would get stuck if the interaction position was blocked.
  11. Also possibly related to: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68397-dyrford-mill-interior-missing-description-area-art-issue/
  12. They should make it so it turns it off when the combat state starts ... p. simple I also would like passive mechanics checking when not in stealth (works when idle) and only when moving in stealth.
  13. Found this entry in my latest output_log.txt Error trying to load NPC_Harond_Guard_Bridge from F:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pillars of Eternity - Public Beta/PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles/prefabs/objectbundle/npc_harond_guard_bridge.unity3d Here is the log: http://www.upload.ee/files/4249240/output_log.txt.html I am actually not sure whether there is a missing guard, it might be the northeast bridge, if someone else who's noticed more of the guard positions could add to this thread that would be great. Never saw this in my output_log.txt in v257 bb
  14. Output log file for that same session as seen in the video: http://www.upload.ee/files/4249240/output_log.txt.html
  15. This video demonstrates that the shadow map for the Dyrford Crossing is inaccurate relative to the shadows shown in the level. Blending character shadows and darkening characters in the level happens in sunlit areas. Because I've been sneaky, I happen to know that Shadow Maps for areas in Pillars of Eternity are 512x512 pixels in size, whereas the areas themselves are 16:9 perspective Is it possible that using a 1:1 scale shadow map and a 16:9 area is causing the issue? Or is the shadow map just inaccurate ?
  16. I know that some of the Russians on the RPGCodex love to hear my voice, so perhaps I will narrate the whole thing Text is faster to read than listening to a video though.
  17. Lore is a p. sucky skill for combat lol. Survival and Stealth are p. good. Btw, how do you set a trap ?
  18. I found out how to exactly reproduce this every time and some of it's dependencies - uploading a video now.
  19. Wheel inside Mill Ambient Text Description does not show Corner of Area Art needs blackening.
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