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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Be cool if you could make an Adra Beetle Shell Shield
  2. Advancement sucks atm, its slightly worse than IWD2, but better than BG1/IWD1
  3. Steam Early Access That said I don't think you'd get a truck load of sales for a limited beta.
  4. That's one of the aims of the videos, to demonstrate that the adventuring day is too short.
  5. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68267-v278-shield-appears-on-floor-in-village-buildings/?hl=formation&do=findComment&comment=1502018
  6. I first played them when I was pretty young. I'm 27 now but when BG1 came out I was like 12. I didn't know how to cheese stuff and I even LARPed getting married in BG1 by casting bless on two of my characters in the Beregost Temple
  7. I loved both of these. I think Vancian is a good system as it ties into the whole 'adventuring day' concept. I think per-encounter powers kinda hamstring the concept because if you DONT use them in an encounter you've technically played wrong, whereas with Vancian that is not true at all. I keep forgetting to use my Fighter's knockdowns, but I really should be using 2 of them every encounter, as there's no reason not to. Kinda makes combat repetitive in a way. The IE games had some of the most fun fights I've had in any game. Knights of the Chalice would be up there too.
  8. BG had a lore reason for weapons breaking (contaminated iron ore). While I enjoy the more random nature of the IE die rolls too, there's no chance that the attack resolution system will be altered.
  9. The good thing about this patch is we can actually really grasp the issues with the core mechanics. Once we get those sorted out we can start looking at stuff like how classes feel, abilities etc - down to the finer stuff. Need to get the broader strokes of combat right first. Core systems and speed/pace atm are pretty key.
  10. It's probably just not implemented yet. Everything lootable should highlight like containers. Including loot on the ground.
  11. I would also agree that the design seems to be the farthest off atm. A lot of the design decisions have tried to remove aspects of degenerate gameplay while in fact just creating different methods of degenerate gameplay. Bugs can be fixed. UI elements and feedback can be added. Design can also be tweaked, altered though. And tbh I understand if some people are upset by the direction that the mechanics have taken. A lot of the systems are a far cry from the IE games, even if they try to invoke the IE feel in spirit.
  12. Spell VFX are too over the top. I already warned them that this would make combat look like a mess before they started doing the majority of work on them too ... didn't listen http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66197-pe-spell-fx-suggestion/ http://www.rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=9547 Flashy AoE FX are not needed for buffs or debuffs, just need an effect on the units that it effects. When you cast Bless in the IE games - it only has an effect on the units that it affects, there is no AoE circle or whatever blocking the field of view.
  13. So? It would still be better against all attacks that don't ignore armor. A lot of spells and abilities target Fortitude, Reflex and Will and deal damage that takes DT into account. Would also kind of be ironic that armor reduces deflection and shields increase it
  14. Same. I think I'm going to request they do 1920x1280 per screen in PE:2, which would make the maps 4:3 again.
  15. I got excited when I got a critical with the Arbalest - 97 damage. That doesn't mean that I prefer systems where you hit all the time. If anything more randomness amplifies the excitement of a good roll. I'm also not saying it should be changed. It's worth giving this new system a try. There still is randomness, it's just probably rare that you'll miss or be missed in the beta. Not sure about the actual game.
  16. Yeah characters and creatures are larger than the Infinity Engine games, and the maps are smaller (in total scale, not actual resolution) than the Infinity Engine games. They're all in 16:9 too so they're not very tall maps.
  17. No I agree, I think the hit and miss mechanics of D&D are fine, it's Josh who doesn't like them. He wanted no miss at all remember. I think they are too long when all combined together. It's not the armor recovery penalty, it's the action penalty themselves. Yeah but like I said, the inverse would be true then. Ranged characters wearing heaviest armor all the time because they're rarely being challenged. When they are they'll take less damage.
  18. My point was more you could hear enemies in the fog of war. When you enter High Hedge in BG1, you can hear the Flesh Golems walking around, which gives away their position.
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