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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yes it can. Currently enemies in PE go for the unit that attacked them and that's it. So you can run a party member around and have the others attack it to death without any penalty. Some enemies are teleporting to your party members in the latest patch. Enemies in the IE games weren't so simple and they would change targets after a certain condition was met. Which enemy are you talking about specifically? The Ogre fight ?
  2. That's an AI issue. Some targeting weights and stuff will fix it.
  3. It already does, but the change weapon animation is instant. Would be better if it wasn't an instant animation and had a coinciding recovery as it's technically an action, but breaks the action & recovery rules.
  4. Dunno about that. The hit frame is like frame 12 or something and after the hit frame the animation is not cancellable, so the melee opponent would most likely be able to get his attack off anyway. I would test it right now for you, but I can't really because we can no longer attack our own party members edit: oh not to mention melee engagement kinda solves that issue anyway
  5. Not if the bow recovery was considered a "reload" like the gun/arbalest is. That way if you switched weapons, when you switched back to the bow, you'd have to finish the bow recovery just like you have to finish the arbalest reload animation.
  6. Why not just make it so that movement slows recovery for bow and crossbow users and pauses/resets it or whatever it is now for arbalest/gun users? Movement doesn't need to stop recovery for melee at all.
  7. Also here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68267-v278-shield-appears-on-floor-in-village-buildings/
  8. Will check Edit: I'm not sure if it's related or not. RMB has an inbuilt special move+cancel command that was unique to the IE games. It worked exactly as intended in v257 bb and it's not an option to map in the controls Move RMB still works, but the cancel part does not
  9. I randomly get long load times for stuff, sometimes it's shorter.
  10. Yeah it's strange, in the IE games houses and stuff are loaded with the main level.
  11. In v257 bb Right mouse click cancelled your current action before the hit frame of attacks and the cast point of spells/abilities (the point where the attack dealt damage or the spell was 'used'). This now no longer works at all, which is very frustrating. I hope it was not removed intentionally because it was one of my favourite things about the IE controls.
  12. In the first beta patch - Right Mouse was working exactly the same as in the IE games. Right mouse Issued a move command that doubled as an action cancel (RMB click where you were standing simply cancelled your action) and Rotated the party formation when you held and dragged. Right mouse cancel is no longer working - is this a bug? Or is this actually intended? Because RMB cancel was super useful and I'd be very angry to see it go.
  13. Here it does it under my character's feet - it's the first item in their inventory slot and happened after area transition
  14. Sensuki vs The Beatles Episode 3 - Chanter featuring surfing on a Heater Shield and not_very_good Chanter playing
  15. Movement should not pause recovery time, unless you're using a crossbow or a gun.
  16. It is actually because of the Lore, one of the first things they decided about the setting was that healing magic and resurrection would be non-existent. The mechanic itself may not be perfectly aligned with the current combat state of affairs, but it's worth giving a shot with some more balanced ratios IMO. Then at least you can say - we tried it with higher values and it was still sh1t, can we please have something else.
  17. Really only need targeting, (all) roll results and status effects tbh
  18. I also had an issue in my latest video where the character's inventory slot items were showing up at their feet - this happened after an area transition. Will be in my next Sensuki vs The Beatles video which is going up shortly. Will link here as well.
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