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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I know what it's supposed to be for, but I simply disagree with the design. You can hoard consumables anyway because you have literally 6 quick slots for consumables that are stackable AFAIK. The amount of slots is pitiful and the inventory design is at odds with the Crafting Design (whereby you can craft items anywhere, instead of being restricted to location/rest-based crafting).
  2. Yeah I assumed they'd have a varying duration depending upon grazes, hits and crits too - doesn't seem to be the case.
  3. I just recorded a video where all combat sounds and PC voice sets dropped out. Will upload soon.
  4. I believe the item on the floor is the items in the weapon set of the character in your #1 Formation spot. Change formations and re-enter areas to see if it changes the items. Probably a bug with Formations.
  5. I think that if they implement the correct changes combat should be less of a cluster****. They've done quite a few things to amplify this issue such as the lower camera angle, larger sized enemies, faster movement speed (run), environmental sorting ... all that sort of stuff. The lower camera angle is probably one of the biggest factors, it's not as bad in an interior level.
  6. I just did it again with a Monk and fared better. Still took a lot of Health damage though.
  7. I don't think so, it gives you more wiggle room. The issue with Fighter at the front and rest at the back is not an issue with Health, but class design and balancing/tuning encounters/enemies I think. The Attack Resolution normalizes hits so you take damage more often than you did in the IE games, and I think that currently Health is not compensating for that, or the extra strategical resources you have at your disposal in the IE games (such as health potions and healing spells and whatnot). D&D 4E's Healing Surge system kinda works pretty well.
  8. Occlusion isn't working properly anyway. Characters were supposed to have silhouette in the shade of their selection circle when walking behind a solid piece of geometry. Currently they don't and characters (and items) disappear in knee deep grass and whatnot.
  9. This system makes me see how good Health and strategical healing (daily healing spells, and healing potions) really is. That said, I think it would be better if the Stamina to Health damage ratio was doubled. Currently it's like 1 stamina damage = 0.25 Health Damage (1:4) and for Barbarians it's like 1 stamina damage = 0.166 Health Damage (1:6) I'd like to see that doubled, and then we can tune from there. @swordofthesith The issue is the length of the adventuring day. I mentioned this on the very first day the beta was released. In PE atm at least on Hard, you have to rest after a handful of encounters (this is, without using OP classes like Ciphers, Chanters and Druids and OP guns/arbalest stacks). You don't even get the chance to scratch the surface of how many daily spells/abilities you have. In the IE games you could take on MANY encounters in a row without having to rest. In PE you can only do a handful. I think this is really outfowack and needs to be altered so that the length of the adventuring day has more of an IE feel. Double Stamina to Health damage ratio and reduce the number of camping supplies you get to compensate.
  10. Recorded a Monk video where I did all of the immediate Beetle encounters on Hard, video coming shortly
  11. Just played again as a Monk and gave my Rogue the Arbalest - Fighter didn't take any damage and characters only lost ~ 50 Health points across my whole party. Also aggro'd the 5th beetle too.
  12. Enemies do not have portraits. There were none made for the project because the Infinity Engine games did not do this What you are seeing is a turn based design. There are better ways to solve the combat muddle than to add a turn-based UI element to the game.
  13. Combat requires that amount of pausing if you want to be able to issue your commands efficiently, unfortunately - especially due to recovery time. Note: I was not using any of the overpowered classes or weapons either. Or maybe every other class is just underpowered Thinking on it, perhaps I should have given the Arbalest to the Rogue. Also - my Fighter's Health is at nearly HALF just after one encounter, and that's in Plate Mail with 12 DT. So yeah, length of adventuring day is wackT atm.
  14. You should start a new game if you haven't already. You're not supposed to use old saves in new versions.
  15. The Rogue's escape ability will not go over area of the map with no navmesh. If I want to teleport the Rogue over a patch of rocks with no navmesh, such as some of the patches in the Dyrford Crossing, the Rogue just runs into them while invisible and ends up at that location. 7:09 Target spell 7:28 You can see the Rogue crash into the rocks Not sure if that's intended or not, but it would be nice if you could use it to hop over patches of rocks like that.
  16. Yeah even though all the items can be seen on the same screen, it still takes the same amount of clicks to move items around on different characters. The IE games inventory was way better.
  17. I just use a simple transcoder so I can directly upload my videos after I record for high turnover.
  18. Well most enemies have a huge selection circle / model - which wasn't the case in the IE games. They kept most of the enemies to the same selection circle size as the party characters.
  19. I don't like this idea - that kind of stuff is important in a turn-based game because the turn order needs to be visualized. PE is real time so it's not needed. What is needed is better Combat Feedback. The Combat HUDs are grossly obtuse as well. Somehow we managed without one in the IE games ....
  20. This happens to me as well. Something interesting I noted was that when I transitioned to this area, my formation screwed up - and where normally it would be my PC's items on the floor, it actually has the items of the BB Wizard in the center of the area. So it's possible that it's actually a formation related bug
  21. Yeah that's fine but I would say that the hair that is higher on your cheeks does not look like that naturally. The same facial hair model sits lower on the Dwarf face.
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