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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. On that note: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKNelcs_JjM#
  2. And Black A lot of the IE VO was really good though.
  3. That's almost like saying "it will sound alright when I can't hear it properly".
  4. A placeholder voice set. Theoretically this voice set is probably being used for testing the VO implementation. Since it includes a full list of barks, they could use it to test whether each bark is being played correctly at each instance - such as "Inventory full - and then the VO bark for that plays" The naming convention of the files are also companion_cv_..... which could be cv as in resumé *shrug* That said that's just a theory. We also have a non-voice actor doing a temp companion in the prologue so who knows.
  5. I also think it might be placeholder, so I don't know if it was worth creating a thread here about. For the record it's the same girl that did the IGN Preview with Josh back in July - Meghan Sullivan They probably haven't recorded the final VO yet.
  6. Other 3D games manage to avoid it though by making the swings go infront of, next to or behind models. However better and more varied animations are a must. For anyone that missed it I added a third part to this thread http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68147-sensukis-suggestions-015-animations-model-collision/?do=findComment&comment=1500104
  7. Here is the frame by frame version of Baldur's Gate 1 I believe that characters in Pillars of Eternity should go straight into their attack animation, or to make things look less like a synchronized droid army, have a random amount of frames of the combat idle play before a character makes their first attack (say between 0-10 animation frames).
  8. Instead of making a new thread for this one I'll just post it in here: There's an issue currently with the Pillars of Eternity animation blending / animation cycles when characters are commanded to attack a unit that they are currently not standing next to. I've only seen it to be an issue with humanoid characters currently, but it might be existent in all creatures. Here is how it works in Baldur's Gate 1 Here is the issue with Blending showcased in Pillars of Eternity, shown frame by frame
  9. The areas will be in the final game. The full game will be pretty large IMO. The area files themselves take up 1GB of space, so times that by 10 or 11 and you get about 10GB for the area art files. I would estimate between 15-20 GB for the final game. Not sure about #3.
  10. Unfortunately Grim Dawn has some performance issues. In Titan Quest I got about 180 FPS solid, in Grim Dawn I get 40-50 Titan Quest also had a floaty run
  11. Plate armor doesn't halve the amount of actions you take. It adds 50% to your recovery time, but not the weapon animation.
  12. Good pickup, *Hi 5*. Another thing I noticed in this build is that characters don't stop their run animation at the correct time, they run into another unit and run on the spot for a few frames before they undertake their attack animation. I can make a video showing it later.
  13. It makes High DT *really* strong though - and any more compensation by slowing down recovery time would be really bad. If DT was % rather than a flat number, it would be cool though, but I don't think that's gonna happen.
  14. You can overlap selection circles in the IE games, at least a little bit, but models can't go past each other. Some of the animations are good, some are not. They do also need audio and visual feedback as well (blood spatter and hit sound). Multiple types of swings for melee weapons would be nice too. I personally think that the 20 and 30 frame restrictions can be a bit limiting. I think instead of broad categories it would be cool if different weapons had different animation lengths and different base recovery times. You can make this intuitive by actually displaying the base attacks per second value on the weapon and have the actual inventory / character record screen display the actual attacks per second value modified by other inputs. One of my upcoming suggestions will focus on this topic, but I need to run the maths first.
  15. Gibs is already in - we saw them in the first trailer, but I haven't actually seen one happen in game yet. The gib animation I saw had the body chunks, but not the blood spatter that the IE games had I don't think.
  16. In Pillars of Eternity, attack animations clip through creature and character models. This is strange, as AFAIK usual animation practice is to make the animation go infront of, behind, or next to the model so it doesn't look "unrealistic". Isometric style games such as the Infinity Engine games, Warcraft 3, DotA 2, Titan Quest, Grim Dawn, Diablo 2, ToEE ... etc all have animations that do not clip through character and creature models. The only "isometric" style game that had animations that do that I can think of is Dragon Age: Origins (which unless done absolutely perfectly is not good IMO). easy to do with 2D games though haha, as there is only infront of and behind due to the image being flat Here is an example of the Pollaxe animation in Pillars of Eternity that clips through the orlan character I am attacking here Here is an example from Grim Dawn of a 2H weapon that has a similar overhead swing animation that does not clip through any of the creatures that I attack. Please ignore the over the top FX in Grim Dawn such as the swing trail and massive hit FX / blood splatter. I am talking purely about the weapon animation itself in relation to not going through models. Previous Suggestions: Inventory Mockup Dyrford Crossing Area Design Main HUD Mockup Backer Beta Version Review v257 bb Fog of War Inventory and Item Tooltips Combat Feedback Re-wrote CC Class Ability Descriptions Item Descriptions and Contextual UI Rant Area Map Functions Main UI Tooltip Stuff Selection Circles and Targeting Disable Vertical Sync *IMPLEMENTED*
  17. For Wizards, Clerics and Priests - a Talent that gives an extra level 1 spell per day. Could do the same at higher levels for level 2 / 3 kinda like Extra Spell slot in BG2.
  18. I think the Scripted Interactions and Dialogue are mostly supposed to cover the 'things to do' outside of combat. Same with walking around in Scouting Mode I guess. Personally I'd still like to be able to find hidden caches the BG2 way (detects when standing still).
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