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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Unfortunately you can't access your inventory in combat in PE *dies inside*
  2. It's just for the first pistol attack. You can't reload it with a melee weapon in the offhand.
  3. Currently you can use a pistol with a melee weapon. At the start of combat you fire the pistol, then attack with your melee weapon in the other hand. Apparently this is a bug? (I think) THIS SHOULD BE A FEATURE FIGHT FOR PIRATE STYLE PISTOL OPENERS EVERYONE FUN > BANALCE
  4. Kind of a shame there's no Broadhead and Bodkin arrows like originally stated. Ammo stack juggling can be taken out of the mix if they have high or unlimited arrows - just have quivers instead, unlimited quivers. The point is different types of ammunition I guess, but I don't think they're going to add them in, they'll probably just have enchantments on the ranged weapons themselves to give any distinction.
  5. Yeah but you shouldn't be able to see over dungeon walls or around geometry, that's dumb.
  6. Feargus does like to babble a lot when he's not sure about something, but that Matt Chat has me a little worried that this game is going to have a rushed release. Game might end up shipping with many sub-par systems and UIs and worse AI than BG1.
  7. I made a similar suggestion http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/67697-sensukis-suggestions-010-fog-of-war/
  8. Heroes of Newerth was pretty close to DotA during it's beta (2009), before it went free to play. They'd pretty much stuffed the game by release though.
  9. The AI has some instruction sets - enemies that are targeting the Wizard change targets if he puts his Arcane Veil up, and there's been a couple of instances where I've seen enemies determine which target to attack at the start of combat, but other than that I haven't really seen anything great. In BG1, non-caster enemies often go for the party member with the highest AC (easiest to hit). In my RPGCodex interview, Josh said that it's going to be a while before they develop advanced AI, as they've built the system from the ground up. http://www.rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=9547
  10. If they were going to have Crafting items in the normal inventory - yes, but they talked about having them separated previously.
  11. I agree that the enemy AI is frighteningly bad atm.
  12. That's a problem with inventory design though, not location based Crafting and Enchanting
  13. I think you're grumbling more at some of the annoying things that the IE games didn't do such as automatically sort your items properly. There is nothing wrong with an inventory tab for each character. The thing that many people think is the issue with a multi character inventory actually has nothing to do with the inventory being multi-character, it's about auto-sorting and item stacking. For instance - When your inventory slots were full, you couldn't pick up stackable items off the ground Low item stack numbers (fixed with mods) When you manually dragged an item into an inventory slot it would stay separate from the stacked items The Encumberance system - people didn't like having to shift items around based on weight classifications Those three things create inventory busywork. I don't mind encumberance systems as I have a bit of inner simulationist, but the other three are awful - and it would have been nice if they improved those things
  14. That's how it used to be. But they changed it. Odd decision too. A lot of people think that, I didn't find it very difficult to manage at all, just needed an auto sort button or something.
  15. Umm, on the RPGCodex we were scathing a little bit and saying that it wasn't a beta, but an alpha. I made a video demonstrating how **** the camera design was and it was pretty much just shot down by the Line Producer Thomas Beekers, who reacted very negatively to a lot of my criticism. Stopped bothering after a while. The WL2 Forums were a mix, there was a lot of "This is great" Wasteland fans, and a lot of "THIS SUCKS" Fallout fans. I'd say PE and WL2 were received similarly on the Codex, but different aspects are being criticized.
  16. Wasteland 2 was more playable than this on the release of their "Beta" (which was really an Alpha) but they had some deepset design issues and the UI was re-done several times, and the content wasn't even finished. There were a lot more Wasteland 2 testers though because it was offered at $55. Here it seems like there's not too many active beta testers that post on the forum in comparison.
  17. The Main Theme has a great tone/color, nice and warm, even if it was done with samples. What are you planning to get live instrumentation for ?
  18. But that's dumb if you can't get a sword out of the stash, but you can craft an item on the spot. Terrible inconsistency IMO. FTR Everyone my overall preference is just for an IE style inventory, I made this one because I do not believe Obsidian is willing to do that. They have their own ideas (manifested here).
  19. I am not optimistic about this as well. Agree. A master bug list or something would be nice, like the DotA 2 Dev forums. No it's not just you, I agree. I also think that the run speed is too quick, you absolutely plow through areas. A lot of the things like UI Design (aesthetics are p. cool though <3 Kaz) and some of the systems make me frown a little bit. Same with the abhorrence of some of the things the IE games did perfectly fine. I think we will be able to get a better gauge of how they are tracking for release after a patch or two. The first patch may give a massive increase in playability. Black Isle generally opted for smaller maps overall for their games whereas Bioware usually did pretty large exterior maps. It is disappointing that "Wilderness Areas" like the Dyrford Crossing are so tiny. However I know that the Dyrford was THE first settlement area they made for the game, and the Dyrford Crossing was one of the first Wilderness Areas made for the game (during the Prototype). It will be a shame if the other outdoor areas are all so small though. I know there are some 8x8 maps but I'm not sure how many. The reason the Backer Beta is now is because of Gamescom. Obsidian decided they were going to Gamescom ages ago and decided they were going to have a playtest at Gamescom. This meant the backer beta had to be soon after as to not make backers grumpy. This is why we are doing this now. I think personally I am damaging my own overall enjoyment and enthusiasm for the game by doing the beta testing, but I do want the game to be better overall, so it's a bit self-sacrificial.
  20. Yeah if character portraits were in the middle, you could select them that way - that's how you did it in the IE games too Now all they need to do is make the inventory take up most of the screen and bobs your uncle.
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