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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. That works yep. Funny that Crafting as a skill is still in the game, hahah.
  2. Nah that doesn't fix it. It's stuck in that text. I can only minimize or close the application.
  3. When I run it it just comes up with a full screen of the changelog or something. I can't seem to get out of it other than crash the program.
  4. In the past I have gotten the impression that the lead designer, Josh Sawyer in particular has a very particular preference about how at least the Main UI should be. That may not be in fact correct, that is just the impression that I have got from his posts. When I have made my own mockups I have tried to adhere to those preferences though. It's much harder to design for 16:9 than it is 4:3
  5. This is a good suggestion, I believe this is what Shadowrun Returns did. In v271 it appears they've applied a darkening affect to cloth and armor tints on the characters which helps. I don't think brighter values is the solution, but 24-bit would be good. Bolder/richer/stronger colors with darkening works I think (which I believe is what they have done). I have probably been the person that asked the most for green selection circles. Baldur's Gate 1 actually had dark grass all the time to make the green selection circles stand out a lot better. Obsidian were actually pretty set on using blue circles due to accessibility, but many of us want the nostalgic IE green color. I don't believe they're using the exact color that the IE games used for the circles and I think the thickness/brightness is a bit glaring. I would prefer the thinner style circles. Yes there's a lot of issues with combat. Combat feedback is the #1 thing missing which the IE games handled perfectly (much better than most isometric games since) and animation lengths and recovery times are very confusing. I believe Obsidian has slowed global recovery time down a bit in v271 but I think that is a bandaid over the bullethole - as the flow of combat still looks way off. I have many suggestions to help with this that I will be revealing in a thread coming soon. Yes, this is something I have mentioned in my videos, but I disagree with you on the direction that the UI needs to go. This is true, and one of the reasons the icons are so small is because they're trying to cram everything at the bottom of the screen. This creates less room for larger sized icons/buttons. I fully disagree with this notion. This would be an absolute DISASTER direction to take in a REAL TIME COMBAT game. Contextual menus work absolutely fine in turn based because clicking through the menus is not time critical. In realtime combat, your solution would require a pause every time you want to issue a command if you want to take control of every action every character takes, and this would be a nightmare Not to mention right click has a very important cancel/move function unique to the IE games which I would hate to see re-mapped. This is one area they have got right. Real time isometric games need functional buttons on the screen at all times so the player can interact with them (or use the hotkeys). Asides from shortening the mouse travel distance between character portrait and ability icon, I think they've actually over complicated the interaction with the UI. The Infinity Engine games are actually better in this regard because the action bar changes what icons it shows based on whether you have multiple characters selected or a single character selected. Obsidian has opted for a separate bar for each, with superfluous functions remaining on the screen when unnecessary when you have a single character selected - you don't need the standard attack button, or formations to appear in this particular instance because you can use the actual weapon the character has equipped and there are no one character formations. The inventory design is a mess. I agree I'm actually worried they'll be a bit too stubborn and back their currently sub-par designs, but fingers crossed that you are right.
  6. in resources.assets package TextAsset\Experience (Not sure if that's the exact file name) The experience table progression doesn't seem to be staggered correctly Level 1 starts at 3000 XP Level 6 only requires 3000 XP to level up whereas the previous level required 4000 XP Level 8 only requires 5000 XP to level up whereas the previous level required 10000 XP This is not the table being uses for the backer beta, it's the other table in the game, but I'm not sure if it's the exact one being used in the main build. Something to look into anyway.
  7. http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Developers Revamped the Wiki with the full developer credits from the game Enjoy
  8. There's more music in the game files.
  9. Now listening to the Gilded Vale theme Defiance Bay theme is my favourite so far.
  10. You seem to be assuming that when I say that the IE games combat flows better than PE's does you assume I'm talking about absolutely everything to do with combat and ignoring the fact that I've stated multiple times I'm talking combat animations, the combat idle animation and recovery time. Your above example is a complaint about system design: This is to do with D&D's d20 + attack bonus vs AC (or Thac0 system), and has nothing to do with animations - also could be possible that you built your Fighter incorrectly if you're missing that often. Max attack bonus Fighters don't miss that often in any of the games. This is a complaint about spell design, and also has nothing to do with combat animations or recovery time This is another issue with the attack system, you can miss sneak attacks in PE also but it's exacerbated by grazes usually.
  11. You're confusing system design with combat animations and cooldowns between attacks.
  12. When the next patch comes out we should be able to give much better input on how combat and adventuring flows
  13. You're actually getting a bit confused atm. PE Combat is confusing because: Selecting a character doesn't bring up their action bar sometimes Targeting an ability sometimes doesn't work Targeting an ability sometimes doubles as a move action that cancels your targeted action Targeting sometimes does not work There are huge combat HUDs everywhere Characters blend into the background environment The animations are very short and pissy - limited by their 20 and 30 frame parameters, with not so great animations to boot Characters look very idle in combat Movement pauses recovery time The amount of stuff going on, and the amount of extra micromanagement required by the bugs PLUS the activeness of the classes in general means that there's more things to pay attention to causing you to miss some actions of units in combat Combat is lethal, making you think it's faster Lack of combat feedback - targeting reticles and such It's got nothing to do with the speed of actions being too quick, it's everything else. The Stream from PAX Prime showed Beta v271 which looks a lot more like Icewind Dale 2 - which is a step up from PE v257 but still not as good as the other IE games in terms of combat pace/flow/feel.
  14. You are completely missing the point. Black Isle cut the "fake" weapon attacks from Icewind Dale 1 resulting in _COMPLETELY_ Idle characters while not performing actions in combat. This wasn't too bad looking however due to the way AD&D 2E works where certain classes with certain weapons could get multiple attacks per round. So you'd have a string of actions during the 6 second round period that characters would perform and a not too long completely idle looking animation. Icewind Dale 2 moved to 3rd edition rules and by nature the amount of actions that classes perform are determined by class advancement altered by certain feats. For most of Icewind Dale 2 characters walk around making one or two actions in the six round period. They did alter the idle animation though so that characters at least had a combat idle, but it was still very idle looking compared to the stances and idle looping animation in between attacks in the Baldur's Gate games. You may have enjoyed the combat in the IWD games but that may have more to do with the encounters themselves. Encounters flowed much better in AD&D 2E games in my opinion. Pillars of Eternity currently looks similarish to Icewind Dale 2, but recovery time length can get pretty crazy if you're performing a long action wearing armor. The BB Wizard in plate sits there doing nothing for ages after he casts a spell with a bit of a cast time. The Fighter's battle axe attack animation is quite quick, but then he also sits there doing absolutely nothing for quite a long time before he makes a second attack in his default gear. The combat just flows poorly. I have some ideas on how to fix it, but I'm going to wait a bit until I run some mathematics and do some testing before I post anything.
  15. It does indeed look like they've altered the colors - making them stronger and adding a ToEE-like darkening effect The environment also doesn't look as washed out, but that could just be the stream.
  16. This is a bad thing. It's a real time game and shouldn't look like turn based. This is the "I played too much Icewind Dale 2 and am used to really idle looking combat" coming through. Icewind Dale 2 had idle looking characters and not many actions per round across the board for most characters. Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 2 and Icewind Dale all felt better in this regard because at least on dual-classed and Warrior-based characters, also characters with certain weapons or items - the combat flowed a lot smoother due to the higher attacks per round. The combat animations for the BG games were also way better. Granted compared to PE v257 bb - it does look better BUT compared to the majority of the IE games combat still does not look good.
  17. No, just that designing the game for such a god damn short adventuring day where you don't even stress your class resources is p. bad
  18. I posted a thread with similar conclusions about combat here I don't really think the combat is too fast though, currently there's many things contributing to the illusion of it being fast. I also posted similar-ish conclusions about classes in my video here and also in PrimeJunta's version review thread. I also feel that the Fighter and Rogue (at least) are auto attack bot-ish, but I think that these issues might have more to do with a few factors other than the classes themselves - movement pausing recovery and having a pidgeonholed role in combat. I disagree about more per-encounter spells for Wizards, Druids, Priests etc as that makes combat repetitive. Characters will literally spam all of their per encounter abilities at the start of every fight and that makes the combat boring, repetitive and predictable and that's not good. The length of the adventuring day is currently pretty short, and people are just spamming their spells in the few combats that they undertake before resting, so more testing and tweaking needs to be done to get the length of the adventuring day relative to health values correct so that we can get the number of per rest abilities to actually feel like a strategical resource.
  19. Short length of the adventuring day atm is hampering proper Wizard impressions as to how they use their spells strategically over the day, but currenlty all you seem to do is dump damage spells on the enemy. Not exactly exciting compared to the IE Wizards. BG1 Edwin would be a good example since he actually had some spells to cast over the day, there was more flexibility in spell type.
  20. Actual live music of the soundtrack might bring it to life a bit more as well as some alterations to the mixing.
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