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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. You can't activate a Chanter Chant until combat though, and it doesn't auto activate, which is annoying.
  2. Very true I'd say. Most of the encounters have been pretty boring High DT, high Damage melee enemies. Not exactly the most riveting combat so far.
  3. That's putting words in my mouth. All I said was, imagine if the Wood Beetles had a ranged attack. My following post talked about Dragons. As Tartyanco said, there will probably be a lot of encounters where there are ranged combatants, or creatures with AoE damage spells and such. You're not listening to me. It's not the armor system. I personally think Recovery times as a whole are too long though. I will admit you are right that taking away the DPS reduction would solve the issue of naked characters, but then the inverse would be true. You'd always wear the heaviest armor, due to not having to opt-in on the defensive mechanics of the game.
  4. Yeah, it appears to be an encounter design thing. That said in the beta though, there's not much incentive to wear armor against many of these encounters as a ranged character.
  5. It is actually, in fact it's better IMO. Plate armor would now give 14 DT, which makes you a beast vs most low damage hits. -10% recovery would only give you +10% DPS at DT 0. The DT value is better than the IAS.
  6. LOL didn't even know that, gonna try that for my next video. The NWN2 spell icons are confusing.
  7. Might affecting all damage (rather than damage being split up into ranged, melee and spell damage) is gamist. No it's the same issue. The issue is that ranged characters are not being threatened in the encounter, therefore not having to opt-in to any of the defense systems in the game - CON (Health), RES (Concentration) and Armor (DT). If that was fixed, then there wouldn't be as much of an issue with ranged characters and armor either. I'm going to guess that armor probably will need to be worn against certain encounters that we haven't faced yet (Dragons for instance).
  8. Actually I would say the issue is not solely tied to armor. It's also the fact that you can dump Con and Res as a ranged character. So I would say if anything, it's not really the armor system at fault but a much larger issue - probably to do with Encounter AND Creature Design. Imagine if those Wood Beetles had a Ranged attack AND a Melee attack ...
  9. I don't think it's the DT system that's the issue. As Infinitron mentioned earlier, 3E kinda solved this issue by making it tied to your Dexterity score, so you'd wear Plate if you had a lower Dex and whatnot *shrug*. I'm positive Josh won't want to go in that direction though. Hmm, actually ... let me note that down for my thread [Hint: Dexterity does something different in my system]
  10. Better encounter design ? The Fighter can already do this with one of his class abilities AFAIK, gives him extra DT or something.
  11. So would I, I just don't think the talent system is the way to do it. It's an inherent issue with the System Design and yeah, will be a tough cookie to solve. I first heard Josh Sawyer mention it, but yeah gamism is like fully sacrificing realism in favor of mechanical purposes. Simulationism tries to take realism into account when designing mechanics. Josh hates half-measured simulationism for some reason. I think the mid point between them works well in a lot of systems. They're all valid approaches it just depends whether the actual design is good or not. PE is more on the gamist side.
  12. Might is actually the best attribute at the moment IMO. No reason to change it.
  13. Double tapping the portrait snaps to character, so yeah I guess that's fair that the numbers should do the same.
  14. There are balancing issues with that. Being able to ignore a good portion of the armor speed penalty (let's say 20%) gives you a 20% increase in DPS at DT 0 (less against higher DT), which is the same as 10 Might. Now this is not as strong as 10 Might, it's probably worth 6-7 Might maybe, do you think you'll be seeing items that give +6-7 Might ? I don't.
  15. You do realize that this essentially does the same thing as the current system, except worse Waste of a talent, IMO. You don't even need to wear padded armors atm.
  16. Sensuki vs The Beatles Episode 4 - Fighter with Estoc I played a bit lazier this time and didn't pause as much, made a couple tactical errors because of it as well. Still fared pretty fine. Estoc is beast. Keep forgetting to use the Figther and Rogue modals, laf.
  17. It probably is partly an encounter design issue, yes.
  18. The integer DT system combined with the current damage ranges of weapons also nullifies the use of TWF and 1H styles against even moderate DT enemies unless you are using Stilettos or Maces.
  19. Clothing is an item. If you choose specific Cultures at the start for specific classes, your character will come with a clothing item rather than armor.
  20. Yeah that's what Shadenuat from RPGCodex did. Interrupt Barbarian with Dual Stilettos - works quite well. There's some edge cases where Per is useful, that's for sure. But for the majority of builds I think it's inferior to putting points in anything else, except maybe Res.
  21. This is possibly related: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68261-rogues-escape-gets-cut-off-by-terrain-with-no-navmesh/
  22. My thread should clear attributes up for everyone I think, it's pretty easy to understand with some charts that plot how much each point in an attribute is really worth Currently it's a no brainer. Ignore Per and Res, pump Con if you're a tank. Pump Int if you're a caster, Pump Might if you're a DPS (Muscle Wizard/Cipher also stronk), Dex is pretty good for everyone too.
  23. I've offered two solutions to the problem that would both work (armor percentage and weapon damage range tweaks). The amount of different armors in the game is a cool thing.
  24. You mean percentages? That was something I mentioned earlier in the thread. Warcraft 3 used percentage based armor because of this issue I believe (but they used integer based damage). The problem is that due to DT being an integer, weapons with a higher damage per hit will always be better vs DT, because the lower damage weapons are attacking more often to make up for the lower per-hit damage, they are opposing DT more often, thereby raising effective DT by the same amount as their increase in IAS (Increased Attack Speed). Currently, the weapons are roughly balanced to deal similar damage at 0DT, as soon as any DT is added, 1H Fast Weapons fall off instantly. The higher the DT gets, 1H Normal weapons become ****ty too, unless you're opposing a favorable armor type. 2H weapons outshine all the other weapons at the moment after even semi-low DT values come into play. Percentage based armor would normalize this so that the weapon styles are even against each other, however Josh could also tweak the numbers a bit so that the average DPS at 0 DT is not the same, and create a system where some kind of efficacy curve exists for all three weapon styles/speeds.
  25. Yes it does. You get a higher amount of HP at level 1 (like 4E) and then a set lower number at every level thereafter (like 4E). The Con bonus is a % of total, rather than an integer added on top at every level. I've already explained why the numbers are so high - it's because of the DT system. If you're wearing armor that reduces 10 damage per hit, then you need higher damage weapons. To compensate you need higher HP numbers.
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