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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Not quite. Interrupt and Concentration have a dependency on another attribute, which makes it possible to make sh1tty builds, which is against the design goals of the system. IE games (and D&D) did it, so they have to be included, otherwise backers would be disappointed. Most games have racial bonuses. Are you that guy that wants less inventory slots? And what I mean by obtuse is that they take more mouse clicks to navigate than the IE inventory did. I find I'm using about double the mouse clicks to swap items and equip characters, which is awful. I enjoy the activeness of combat, but I think the pace is off. The speed of recovery is too slow and your characters take damage waaaaaaaaaay more quickly than the IE games did because of the new Attack Resolution system. I can handle the micromanagement because I play DotA 2 and RTS games and am used to controlling multiple characters at once (pause helps). The game generally requires you to pause or use slow mode just to play optimally at the moment and I don't think that's right. This can get fatiguing and make the game seem not fun. I will be doing videos with pace comparisons in the near future, just to show how different it feels. You accused me of playing badly in one of my videos, but my more recent ones are better. The videos I've seen of other people they lose more Health on average than I do in the beetles encounter (I use the starting gear and no 6th character, no previous quests done etc etc) No it's not it requires more mouse clicks, and the shopkeeper's gold limitation is kind of a pain. It emphasizes trading items rather than just selling, so if there's nothing you want to buy then you'll have to go to various shops around the game world or abuse area transitions/time just to sell your gear - that's not fun. I think the Fighter, Rogue and some of the priest spell selections need work at least. At least on par with IWD2 would be nice. I don't think I am. I think I understand what is IE-like very well.
  2. Well Healing spells atm technically do the same, because once your Health gets down so low, doesn't matter how high your stamina is, you're still going to die - which is why I thought that idea might possibly be clearer. It would be a much larger number I'd say
  3. Was afarid it would be censored like the word t1ts and stuff. Lol. The new ideas sound good in theory, but I was saying that it's still got a long way to go to play like an IE game combat and exploration wise. Dialogues are 100% IE though.
  4. I'm not saying he's a dictator. I'm saying that XP for combat was not up for discussion, ever. I have not posted on the issue since the 2012 thread, because I understand that it is simply not up for discussion
  5. Nothing, that's quite literally how they play at the moment. Some people have been using the Rogue with an Estoc which is a good way to use it as long as you do not draw aggro. I would say they're not hugely fun to play atm.
  6. I don't see how that is ignorant, I was informing you that Combat XP was literally never up for discussion. You are correct in that the discussions on combat XP in this forum serve no purpose other than to vent, as it will quite literally never be reversed. I believe it is. There would no doubt have been others that agree with him, but it's something he's wanted to do for a while. Ask Roguey. He would probably be able to pull a quote for you about it.
  7. I think there's quite a few design issues at the moment: Attribute system - Perception and Resolve are pretty much completely useless. This will not be fixed by making Interrupts much longer either, because that would just make the game feel stupid. MOBA style 1-1.5 sec stuns don't fit this kind of game. I have a solution for this though, coming in a thread near you Attribute point assignment - Culture and Racial bonuses mean close to nothing, unless you want to max a stat. Their only benefit is you can potentially get something up to 20-21, however in all of the IE games, racial bonuses from attributes meant a bit more. They were worth more than a "point" in point buy - currently like in the skill system, the class starting bonuses are huge, because they give you benefits from between 1-4 points each in the system (I'm talking about triangular points, not actual skill points). Exploration Feel - Smaller maps combined with larger sized characters and creatures and a fast movement speed combined with higher density in the Wilderness areas ruins the feeling of Wilderness exploration. UI Elements - some of the UI elements are suboptimal and need a slight redesign - Inventory for instance, it's very obtuse moving items around on characters, it's actually worse than the IE games, when it was an attempt to be an improvement. Combat Feel - Combat feels way off at the moment, due a variety of factors. Pure balance, bug fixing and added features won't solve it, it will require some design tweaks/alterations possibly. Shopping - Currently shopping feels more obtuse than the IE games, the UI and system for that might need a bit of a tweak. Class Flexibility - Improvements need to be made so that some classes feel more interesting/flexible. Some classes are pidgeonholed into one build/repetitive actions Advancement - Currently Character Advancement is underwhelming. It's better than BG1 and IWD1, but it's not really better than IWD2 (or BG2 at higher levels) Off the top of my head that's all I can think of but I have way more design related stuff in my notes (cbf looking through), minus the issue with armor which you don't seem to think is a problem, and it may not be if encounter design makes up for it.
  8. Not the best example because the Lead Designer was set on that from the beginning. Other members of the development team were not. The CEO of their own company prefers combat XP. You're continued attitude of "the developers are better than you" is tiresome.
  9. You must not have read my posts properly if you quoted me and then said that. Your solution is also a lot worse than mine and is effectively HP with two pools. However as I have already said (many times) that I don't mind the current system. D&D 4E Healing Surges was one of the good things that 4E did though, so healing your stamina from Health wouldn't be too bad either I don't think.
  10. Probably because it appears you don't care whether the combat feels like an IE game or not.
  11. The logic that prevents pre-buffing is pretty lolz. The combat state is triggered by you targeting an enemy with an attack, so you can actually start a buff before you've made any hits. However if you change your target to say a move command near an enemy, the spell goes off but the buff is not applied, due to the combat state having ended because you stopped targeting. I can see situations where you can accidentally screw yourself out of a daily spell because of it too.
  12. If you're more of a storyfaq you would be less concerned about the mechanics in general I suppose.
  13. It's the recovery time, the actual cast times are fine. Recovery times as a whole are too long. I agree with your statement about enemy DTs as well.
  14. Not to my knowledge. Armor is valuable in close range because you're constantly getting hit. Perhaps the DT to Attack Speed penalties are not right yet but for ranged it's just pointless atm. It's going to be a tough nut to crack, and may never be changed, I don't know. And yeah I think allowing for more character archetypes to be viable is a reason to try and figure it out.
  15. My point was more I am not overly concerned about the product final state bug wise. I'm more concerned about the final state design and mechanics wise. They could fix every bug in the game and combat and exploration would still not be fun at this point.
  16. I don't care about the principles, I care about the balance. I don't think the "you should bump Might then" argument is valid because the same character is just much better wearing no armor at all, the DPS decrease from wearing armor does not justify the protection it gives, especially when you're far at the back slinging long range spells.
  17. The DPS reduction is relative to the cast time, the penalty for spellcasting in armor is pretty massive.
  18. If using the same mouse cursor and Wood UI means a game is like Baldur's Gate then that's a pretty shallow opinion IMO. Still a long way to go to even remotely feel like playing an Infinity Engine game (combat wise anyway), but they have got the broad strokes correct. Dialogue is bang on however.
  19. Be nice if the saves were in the game folder. ****ing Windows 7. Y CANT IT BE LIKE 98,2K,XP
  20. No, Ranger and Animal Companion share Health, so Ranger is tanking whenever the animal companion gets hit.
  21. Athletics (the skill) does that when you're tired
  22. Yes I think taking part in the beta is a sacrificial act. That said the game will be better for our participation, and I want this IP to succeed, I want this style of RPG to come back and I want sequels, so IMO it's worth it for me
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