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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. BG1 vanilla is superior! The beautiful avatars. Best played at 640x480 @ 160Hz on a 22" CRT Monitor
  2. Yeah I think it's used to emulate forcefulness in convos
  3. That is one of the downsides of using a pretty gamey system. You won't be able to satisfactorily explain everything away. Not really an issue for me personally. Nope.
  4. The beta also contains the content from the Prototype / Vertical Slice. Since it was the first content they created it will also probably be the worst content they created.
  5. My soul is p. mighty, dunno bout you guise.
  6. Dunno if you noticed, but you can see the dice rolls when you mouse over entries in the combat log.
  7. They could make the bigger wolves more interesting, give them a stun or something like Vampiric Wolves in BG2. The beetles need to be further apart.
  8. There's no denying it's a spiritual successor, what is up in the air is how well it will compare. These next few months will be critical in shaping the game to be fun.
  9. I don't think that's how it should work, as the attack resolution system was supposed to be completely mirrored. If DoTs are breaking the rule and only have an absolute, I think they should be altered to follow the graze, hit and crit rules.
  10. Weren't you disagreeing with me the other week about the Wolves being a terrible encounter ?
  11. It is quite a bit of a confidence boost, but as I said earlier in the thread, it's not just me that's putting in the hard yards. There are lots of backers that are providing excellent feedback and reporting a crap tonne of bugs. One of the things I did do was deliberately name my suggestion threads a certain way so they would be more noticeable, as that way they would be more likely to be implemented. It is a bit self-indulgent and was received poorly on Something Awful, but it appears to be working, Everything from the first four of my suggestion threads have been completely implemented in the first patch.
  12. I seriously doubt that. I am writing the proposal as we speak. We have worked out the majority of the logic issues with the solution with have come up with and we have done most of the calculations and provided graphs to visualize them. I've roughly written two parts of the three part proposal and Matt and I have been editing it every day as we find new logical arguments to support our solution and cutting unnecessary paragraphs. It should be ready either tomorrow or the day after. I don't want to reveal anything without the backup maths and logical arguments. When you see the new arrays and read the arguments, it will probably make as much sense to you as it does to us. We believe our solution will be embraced by the majority as it adds so much more viability to the type of characters you can make, and offers interesting choices and trade-offs for existing builds.
  13. Fixes incoming! Both attributes and their mechanics are staying, they're just being made a lot better, and balanced with the others. Resolve will be REALLY Resolve-y. High Resolve characters will be a bastion of defense on the battlefield.
  14. Yeah I was disappointed that you don't get to pick a talent at level 1. Every 2nd level would be cool as well.
  15. The 4 spells per grimoire level is p. bad atm. Talents that gave an extra 1st level spell per day would be cool as well.
  16. It's one thing to say that the current resting gameplay is wrong (it is), it's another to accuse the lead designer of intending it to be this way because it's not balanced yet/the mechanics are not producing the desired gameplay.
  17. Not much VO means better writing and branching dialogues can be achieved. This is a good thing.
  18. Not just LPs. He has said that he pays more attention to what people do when playing the game - Testers and Let's Plays, and people he watches rather than what people write on a forum.
  19. Are you talking in terms of simulation? Might is actually one of THE best attributes in the game. The damage bonus to everything could potentially easily be explained away by "Soul Powah". Perception and Resolve are the worst attributes by a long long way. There will be a thread coming soon that debunks them completely, and proposes a fix to PE attributes backed by mathematics combined with logic alone.
  20. Will it be the same targeting reticle as the IE games ? Spell FX also need to be toned down. There is no need for any FX for buff and debuffs other than a per-unit effect, as per the IE games, unless it is a persistent effect such as Circle of Protection, or a Web spell, etc. The IE games Spell FX followed some of the principles that RTS games from the same era used to avoid such muddled combat.
  21. Sure, but this is a game that is supposed to invoke D&D and Infinity Engine feels. That means random damage and random attack rolls IMO. I disagree about excitement needing to come from somewhere other than randomness. Cards are shuffled randomly and cards are fun, I love playing 500. It is both luck and skill.
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