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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Wood Beetles also teleport, due to a pathfinding bug I think. So do spiders. There is a teleporting bug.
  2. I have to say I am getting bloody sick of the combat track.
  3. Might and Intellect are currently the best offensive attributes. Constitution is a complete inverse of Might. No healing in this game is free, well okay - healing is free for enemies. Healing is not free for your party. Everything that heals effectively is going to reduce your health when you take more damage. HEALING SPELLS themselves however, might be a tad too strong at the moment .. in fact I would go with yeah, they definitely are too strong.
  4. Hatchets give a Deflection bonus against the person you're attacking.
  5. I don't understand what you are talking about there. The petrify in Pillars of Eternity is not a real petrify. It's simply a slightly different paralyze that they have named Petrify for some reason, probably just to be different. The person you quoted also said 'temporary' and not 'reversible'. You're just being passive aggressive for the sake of it.
  6. Actually it would be the opposite - evacuation.
  7. Yeah weapons and shields in inventory slots (not equipped) also appear under character's feet due to a save load issue as well.
  8. I've had it just entering the inn. I thought it was save/load related or a bug with the fix to formations as the items on the floor are the character's weapons/etc from the first formation slot.
  9. This hasn't been the case for me as I have not used the stash in the game yet, and it's happening to me.
  10. You're just not thinking at it from a purely game mechanical way is all. Don't worry I felt the same way for a while, but I've known about how the attributes would be for like 15 months. You'll get used to it.
  11. Yes it is. It gives you damage and healing - pretty intuitive if you ask me. Now you know you do more damage and your character heals better. The only thing unintuitive about it is that the bonus is percentile, so how much you get really determines on what you're using to deal damage and what heals you.
  12. Remap the controls to WASD youself, simple. I don't want those keys on WASD even though I use WASD for FPS and stuff.
  13. Not quite. You are quoting the ideal situations of what the system should do or what you have been told the system does but this isn't what actually happens. You have to look at the mathematics. Both Might and Dexterity add DPS, Might is actually quite a bit stronger than Dexterity and Accuracy scales with level, whereas damage and healing does not. You get a class starting bonus to accuracy and it's also influenced by the weapon style and weapon you choose. So it is actually possible to completely dump Dexterity and still have a competitive accuracy if you compensate for it by using 1H Single style / an accurate weapon such as a spear. If you max Might you are also getting good DPS anyway. Constitution works as intended. Perception's usefulness is largely dependent on the weapons/spells you use, your Accuracy (because you need to graze to quality for Interrupts and grazes and crits reduce interrupt chance), the Defense score of the unit you are attacking and their Concentration value. How much benefit you get from Perception in combat is really hard to quantify. It is completely safe to dump Perception to 3, as you are getting more per point out of a point in Might or Dexterity instead. As an offensive attribute it is a failure. The AoE size difference isn't that big, as it scales total square area, not radius. Durations however are important and classes that have a lot of durations should definitely invest in Intellect. Low Resolve does make you get interrupted pretty often, and getting interrupted reduces your DPS. However that DPS is compensated for more than enough by extra points in Might, Accuracy, Intellect or Constitution as you get more of a benefit from them per point than Perception and Resolve. Matt516 and I have worked on all of the mathematics and logic for all of this over the last few days and are going to be producing a paper at the end of the week that provides a balanced solution to make all attributes useful for every class, with no dump stats.
  14. Me and Matt516 are working on a paper that addresses the issues with attributes backed by mathematical and logical arguments for all changes to prove the balance of our solution and arguments that it makes more character concepts and class builds viable. We have something similar in our solution but on a different attribute. It should be out by Friday, if not sometime on the weekend
  15. Haven't tried this yet, but it sounds like a good point.
  16. You should go back and read the first few Kickstarter updates and the wiki article about animancy. It could be said that attributes boost the strength of your soul, rather than your body.
  17. Chanters are OP, and 2 rests for an exterior, a small cave and a dungeon is still too much. What difficulty?
  18. However if the solution isn't coded into the game it won't be available for the hard copy or GOG version. I have this problem with Expeditions: Conquistador and the audio fix. It works as a steam startup command but I have the gog version, so gg.
  19. "He drinks a whisky drink, he drinks a vodka drink, he drinks a lager drink, he drinks a cider drink"
  20. At this rate Knock Down will become "Knock Enemy Down Pretty Hard"
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