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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. I see what Valve is doing as making money off the backs of the laborers. 25% to the modder and 75% to Valve and Bethesda. I have donated to modders when they made a mod I enjoyed and felt was well done. A twenty four refund policy is unreasonable. It can take hours of play time to find aa conflict or problem with a mod. I also see legal issues. A modder gets paid for their work and I have no problem there but what about those who may have contributed to the mod? Voice actors, another modder, a modler etc. Sure you can say it is up to the modder to reimburse them but will he or she. I also see tax issues. This now income to the modder. My feeling is that Valve has opened a can of very nasty and poisonous worms.
  2. Sorry to burst your bubble but I am older than you are. As a woman I reserve the right to not mention how old I am but I am old. :D Glad to see you as I love having company even from a young whipper snapper like you.
  3. I assumed he meant gamers who had played old games but I fit either way.
  4. You also will get enchanted armour and weapons in loot. I seldom buy item of that type but look for gloves, bootes, capes, helms. As said above fine items become readily available in Act 2.
  5. I do play on normal with Expert mode so can't judge what hard is like but I have never lost my inventory or abilities/talents. I do use strategy and not depend on auto-attack. Play styles differ and what is important to one player may be unimportant to another. For me the story and dialogue and characters are what is important. Combat is a necessity but not for me to the point that I feel the need to play on hard which is hard. So hard difficulty is buggy? I assume this has been reported to OE and that they are fixing it. Is everyone who plays on hard having the same problem?
  6. I started playing as soon as it was released on Steam and did encounter a few minor bugs but nothing major. Maybe I too am just lucky but for me this is one of the most bug free games I have played in recent years. Ah wait there are the beetles and the spiders. :D
  7. I agree, I like the commentary but lose a lot of it because of battles. More attention should have been paid to where it was placed.
  8. My opinion as a graduate of the IE games is that this game is at least just as good. It is not a clone of any of those games and there are differences. If by slow paced you mean it is not a game to be rushed through that is true. There are plenty of side quests and exploration. I do not find it a slow game because you are constantly doing quests and exploring. You need to get you levels up in order to fight those bosses which get progressively harder in my opinion. Personally I consider it better than the BG games and it has touches of IWD I and II. It is as good as Planescape/Torment which I loved. I love this game and am very happy with it. I play on normal difficulty with Expert Mode.
  9. I gave it a five rating. Although there are things I feel could be improved it is an awesome game and I love it. Little details are important to me and they are there in so many different ways. Playing this dark game is simple wonderful. OE met my expectations and then more.
  10. I hope OE ignores cries for D&D system but not to worry they would need to buy a license to use D*D rules. That is not apt to happen.
  11. You aren't because I am too. I really enjoy the enchanting and crafting and the scarcity of materials annoys me. I don't expect them to be plentiful but I find their lack very frustrating. Furthermore why can't we enchant capes or helmets? Also those very scare items such as boots or belts or gloves?
  12. Over all I think it a fair review. I do like the enchanting and crafting and do as much as I can. I do think OE was a bit parsimonious in providing some essential ingredients but still enjoy it. I also found the inability to do even a little healing after battle frustrating. If one person is low in health everyone has to rest. Even on easy or normal you have to watch out for that and make sure you have potions and use them quickly. The Endless paths aren't a problem for me because I do them in parts which I think is what the devs intended. I also think the XP for fighting monsters and other non-quest related things could be improved. I love this game but nothing in this world is perfect not even in fantasy.
  13. I mainly play on normal speed. Don't use slow and only use fast mode in cities after thoroughly exploring or in wilderness areas I have explored and want to cross quickly. Unless you use fast mode constantly I doubt it makes that much difference. Length of game will depend on play style.
  14. I take a party of six but that is mainly because I love the scripted companions. Once I pick up the sixth companion I have a hard time deciding who to leave at the Stronghold.
  15. I agree with this. The tax system first confused me, then I figured it out finally. Well sort of. I end up with unpaid hirelings. Even if I have coppers I can't contribute to the pay and I have no idea when or how much tax I will get. I even did a search trying to find an explanation with no luck. I love the stronghold but it can also be annoying.
  16. In my opinion comparing PoE sales to Skyrim or like games in unrealistic. The modding community gives life to the TES games, Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. I have played all three games and love them mainly because they can be modded. The sandbox mode, free world also has its features. What you do may not have any real consequences and the stories may suck but it is still wander around doing just as you please. Add the mods that make the game the way you want or tweak the config file. Some really outstanding mods have been made for those games and they are free.
  17. I am inclined to agree with Bazy. It may be toolate to change the game now but hopefully OE will rethink it for a patch, DLC or the Expansion. I personally am also not happy with the fact that there is no way to heal health without resting. If one party member is low in health it means you need to rest. Surely at least some health could be recovered via potions, triage, some way.
  18. No, they no longer do - not even connected to it in fact Sorry? Looks perfectly fine to me: This needs work So far I have not seen this except on the inventory sheet. Windows 64 platform.
  19. I would prefer that it be as fixed as possible and released towards the end of the week than to have it released simply as a hush puppy for the backers.
  20. Currently these are my favoritesL Monk Class with knockback disabler is extremely powerful Ranger class build as a board and sword type is alos powerful Cipher class may not be as powerful but has some interesting skills although I may be biased because it is different and I like different.
  21. That makes sense to me. Get as many bug fixes and balancing into it as possible.
  22. Playing the BB I have tried the different races depending on the class I wish to try. So far I actually don't have a favorite race. In the BG games I usually favored Half Elf. In IWD games the one race I did not choose was human. I am thinking of starting PoE with a Elf Cipher but may change my mind. I also like the monk class and find the ranger interesting when played as a board and sword type.
  23. When adding companion mods to other games I would set the companions as essential which meant they could be KOed but not killed. So the PoE system is not new to me. In the IE games I used both reload and resurrect when a companion I wanted was killed. The PoE system may work very well since in a battle it would be difficult to know if a knockd down person was dead or not and you would be more concerned with something attacking you or other companions.
  24. Personally I like the idea of getting XP for killing random beasts/monsters but when doing a quest getting XP for the quest rather than killing. To me this seems more balanced and fairer to different choices and styles of playing.
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