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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. I'm guessing it's a portmanteau of completion and completist. A completist is a collector who attempts to collect an example of every item in a particular field. So it would seem to me the word is redundant as we all ready have a perfectly good word.
  2. If OE having made this a stretch goal is now legally obligated to provide it I do not know what the solution is. The achievement does not interest me and I would happily do without it if it would make people stop complaining. Is it fair to those who want to get all achievements so that they can make a game badge? I do not think it is fair.
  3. currently the choices "I would like some VO, but a little less than PoE has, with the savings going to enhance other aspects of the game. "and "I think the amount of VO in PoE is just about right, and worth the money." are tied at 45 votes giving a total of 90 votes out of 122 for the those who want some VO but in moderation. I think it does add to the game but is not a priority item. I enjoy the banter between party members and the limited voicing of some important characters help to give life to those characters.
  4. I use stealth primarily the same way Luckman does for strategic reasons to find hidden objects which as he says depend on mechanics to find. ??? Of all the things in PoE this is the one I would want changed. It also handy for getting close to enemies so as recommended give you front line folk some stealth skills. By the way bears make good stealth scouts and so does Sagini's fox. Not sure about the other ranger animals.
  5. nipsen, I was merely using the combat system of an example of how people are reacting. Another example is the Stronghold which is optional. You can ignore it if you wish. It is handy for storing extra companions but you can do that without upgrading the stronghold. I know because I have done just that. People complain about things as if what they were complaining about broke the game. Most of what I have seen is what I call nitpicking and can easily be ignored. Don't like the enchanting system ignore it don't do it. If the devs try to please everyone they will end up pleasing no one. In fact you explanation of the combat system I think proves my point.
  6. @ nipsen, I think you are over simplifying. How do you reconcile those who like the current engagement system with those who do not like it? There is a thread saying that certain things should be removed from the game, things I like and would be upset if they were removed. Given enough time and money the game could be improved and I am hoping the expansion will address some of these. There is also the problem of overloading the game to the point that only people with higher end computers can play it comfortably. PoE already has options for customizing your game. You can decide how much hand holding you want. Mods do have restrictions but one I added that was popular did change the combat. The TES games can also be tweaked through the config file. There are quite a few mods that tweak the gameplay. This why I like being able to mod a game, a single player game specifically, it gives the game player choices without affecting the game play of other players.
  7. It is simply impossible to please 100% of the people 100% of the time. This is why I think being able to mod a game is important. It means that players can choose what they want. Talented modders have enhanced games for years now including the BG games. I hope OE eventually makes modding tools available. We already have a few knowledgeable people making enhancements. Those may or may not be to my taste but I applaud those modders for what they are doing.
  8. Inexperienced players in my opinion should be playing on easy. As you get better you have the option to increase difficulty to normal or hard. I am in favor of supporting and helping new comers. We were all noobies at one time. I did some modding of Oblivion and I know how the leveling system worked. Roughly = or- two levels for common enemies maybe a = four for bosses. The there was a cap on NPCs of at most 25 sometimes lower. Once you reached level 25 you could dance through the game unless you modded it. Is that what is wanted for PoE? I am no combat master and usually play on normal but Oblivion I had to push up to hard until I was able to add a couple of mods that made the game more challenging, fun and interesting. Edit: I am trying very hard to understand this. There are those who feel leveling up is too easy. I tend to agree with that. I expected it to be harder after the first three or four levels. There are those who think the game is too hard for new players. If you have never played this type of game that is probably true. There is a learning curve. There are in-game options if you need help, there are gameplay guides and I am sure experienced players on the forum would be willing to help anyone needing help.
  9. Any map of the stronghold, not any map in general. Sorry, I guess I am a bit dense today. Any map of the Stronghold? What does that mean? When you click rest in any of the maps that Stronghold consists, meaning country yard, Brighthollow down- and upstairs, throne room, prison, library and barracks, and shops, church, and warden lodge, you can decide to take rest bonuses that you previously got only in second floor of Brighthollow. Thanks for the reply but I do not see the point. Seems silly to me but to each their own as the old woman said as she killed the troll.
  10. Any map of the stronghold, not any map in general. Sorry, I guess I am a bit dense today. Any map of the Stronghold? What does that mean?
  11. Since no one for whatever reason answered your question yet, I'll try: I believe "completionist" means player who explored every single area there is, killed every single enemy he was able to find, took and completed every single quest/task. Read every single book/piece of lore too, but that one is kinda irrelevant to current discussion. Here you go If that is the meaning then I am a completionist. I like to explore, I like doing the side quests, so what is wrong with that? I also like having quests I can't do for some reason or quests that have different options. Choices that matter in the game are important to me. I don't want to join every faction, be able to do every single quest in the game the first playthrough. So what am I?
  12. Ohioastro prefers Morrowind to the Infinity Engine games and has played a lot of Oblivion, Skyrim and MMOs. Don't confuse what they want with what he wants. Morrowind was the best of the three games. It had an integrated story, a few faction conflicts and was not leveled to the character. My first play of the game I got killed by one lousy mud crab right away. Mods were needed to make Oblivion worth playing. Skyrim was better than Oblivion but the leveling system in my opinion was a joke.
  13. XP reduction is no problem for me but being able to rest at the Stronghold from any map sounds at best cheesy to me. Any map? No travel time involved? No penalty? Thank you for the explanation. So they want games like Oblivion and Skyrim is that it? I did not back Obsidian to have another Oblivion game. If this game, expansion, sequel get watered down like that I will start complaining. Sawyer has been on vacation and I want him back NOW. The first time I played BG I did all by myself with no help but the manual. It was difficult and sometimes frustrating but I did and I wasn't much of a game player at the time. Now I am upset.
  14. Would some one please explain to me what a "completionist" is? It does not seem to be in the dictionary so I assume it is a word coined in Internet or game play usage.
  15. Using the console to cheat in-game disables achievements in PoE I have read. You can cheat in Skyrim though I think.
  16. Who decides what the Steam achievements are? The developer, the publisher or Steam? As a Backer and a Kickstarter I could care less about the achievement. In fact I am not interested in Steam achievements.
  17. I am afraid I do not understand. Is the question that there should not be a Kickstarter achievement? These are Steam achievements correct? Hokay I am a backer so I am biased but there would not have been a game if people hadn't backed it from day one of the Kickstarter. I fail to see the point of this. There are Steam achievements I will never get. It is highly unlikely that I will play PotD, I won't play an iron man game or a solo game. By the way what does anyone get if they achieve all the achievements?
  18. We each have our way of playing the game. No one's play style is right or wrong. Once I have played the game I do like to see how others played it. I just watched a few play troughs on YouTube and got some tips to things I could improve. I completed Act II at level nine but had not finished the Endless paths or done all the Bounty quests. I also think I missed a couple of quests in Defiance Bay I could have done. I have started another play through and will try to beat my personal best.
  19. An expansion is being worked on but I have no idea how far along it is.
  20. I like the fact that you are not some god's essence or off spring. Just a simple adventurer caught up in something you do not understand. I loved Planescape/Torment and its theme of searching for who you are. This is exactly what I hoped OE would do when I made my first Kickstarter pledge. I think OE has done an excellent job with this. As for combat I am by no means a master fighter and I play on Normal difficulty. I find this gives me sufficient challenge without frustrating me. From posts I have seen on the forum I am beginning to suspect that some people feel they have to play on Hard or even PotD to prove something to themselves. I play games for fun and entertainment and I am not in competition with anyone but myself. I don't find the fighting complicated but it does take some strategic thinking. I like the companions provided by OE. The interaction is not as complicated as BG2's was but neither is it as intrusive in my opinion. I have more control over it and I like that. It is true that you do not get the epic weapons and armour you got in BG2 or even some of the fun items. Remember that talking sword? You can enchant weapons and armour and make them more powerful. Also BG2 was a sequel to BG! Your character started at level eight if I recall correctly. I think the game has a great deal of depth and raises questions and opinions that are very controversial and thought provoking. I find that I need to stop and think about my dialogue questions and answers at times. The background of my character influences my response. Who my character is and has been is important to me. I have a great many of choices right from the Character creation on into the game. This makes the game my game and not just a game I play in a certain way because I have no choice. I do have choices and they matter in the game.
  21. That is a difficult question to answer. What type of games do you like? Could you name some of them?
  22. Back to the OP topic. Since you do not make weapons or armour in this game I have no problem with enchanting them anywhere if you have the required ingredients. I think it would have been fun to have cooking need a stove, fireplace or campfire. Needing a lab or alchemist equipment to make potions does make sense to me. Come to think of it since you need various ingredients in order to enchant weapons and armour maybe that should be done in a lab.
  23. No matter what decisions the developers make there will always be someone that does not like a particular decision. Magic is something that does not exist in the real world but that does not mean it shouldn't have rules and restrictions. In a single player game it is up to the player as to how he or she wants to play within the limitations of the game. The fact that we like different things does not make one person right and the other wrong. The reason I prefer the rest/encounter method in Pillars of Eternity is because the game is spiritually based on the early IE D&D games and that method more nearly reflects those games just as the isometric view point does. To have used the mana system I think would have made the game feel differently. This is just my own personal opinion.
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