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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. I would like to see this dealt with in more detail. Quote from the official Wiki.
  2. I do the same thing. They are also handy if you are doing the stronghold so you don't tie up your companions. Seems to me the best of two worlds.
  3. I love the godlike and enjoy playing them because they are different. I just would like the NPCs they meet to recognize that they are different.
  4. I agree with the above replies. Priests and wizards are very useful but you have to manage them. Spend some coin to have wizards learn a variety of spells, make sure they have good spells in their active grimoira.
  5. I realize that the magistrate is just doing the job his lord assigned him but I really want to tell him off. If not at the beginning somewhere along the line. He has a memorized list he goes through and may not even actually look at the person he is addressing.
  6. I would go with easter egg feature where you ascend to godhood when you kill your millionth enemy in the series Yep, that would certainly qualify you.
  7. Mostly I love the dialogue in PoE but once in a while there is that "WTF" moment. I am currently playing a moon godlike. Moon Godlike are not as extreme as the other godlike but they do have a large crescent moon on their forehead which gives off light. Mine has a peak of some kind coming out the top of his head and I understand that sometimes the limbs glow. Not exactly your common mortal. I could only laugh when asked that question and wish to have the option to answer "No, stupid, that should be obvious." Or something even nastier. I almost chose the Death Godlike which should have had the magistrate either attacking or running.
  8. I find the PoE story very deep. It deals with age old questions of mankind that have not been answered. I am happy they did not force answers on the player. Not all questions can be answered or only answered in a very limited and dogmatic way. Companions in my opinion should not be essential in a game like PoE. The devs have clearly stated that they wanted the player to have freedom of choice and deal with the consequences of the choices he or she makes. My first reaction to Durance was "who needs this annoying person?" but as I have played with him and talked to him I have come to feel that of all the companions he is the most essential one. Eder, Alor and the Grieving Mother are tied to the theme of the story but are not essential to it. Kana is a bystander an onlooker and has some interesting comments. I too hope the sequel does not have these companions as companions. I wouldn't mind meeting them and having a chat to find out what has happened to them but I would like new companions with new problems to solve. I also hope Wael in some form returns. I think each individuals own personal perspective plays a large part in how we view this game and I think that is good. I think the devs intended this game to be very much an individual experience and I believe they have succeeded.
  9. Sorcerer's Place? The forum site? No, we have an item and one of the administrators did a limerick memorial for three of our members who have returned to the wheel. That is all I have heard about.
  10. I find it interesting and brave of OE to open this can of worms in a fantasy game. These are questions raised in the real world since ancient times. Wars have been fought over beliefs, millions killed and tortured. I believe that human beings create their own gods in their (human) own image and likeness. Does it matter how or who created the gods? Yes it matters very much. If the gods are born out of the essence of a primeval creator their powers would be far greater than any mortal's If they are created by mortals their powers would be limited and what mortals have created mortals can destroy. In PoE, the world of Eora, the soul is the governing factor. If souls are the essence that makes mortals or gods function then the study of souls does become immensely important. It is morality of the study that comes into question not the study itself. What I believe to be true is not always true.
  11. The Steward comments on your choice. She does? I have made all three and do not remember her commenting. I must have scanned through that dialogue. Must be more careful next time.
  12. I agree. I like returning to Gilded Vale after killing Raedric the first time and seeing what has changed, clicking on the villagers to see if there are any comments which there are. I don't care for linear games. I like to take my time, explore, talk to people, do side quests. This was one of the things I loved about BG 2.
  13. I have done all three options. The binding of his soul may seem harsh but it definitely protects the keep in my experience. It would be nice if the Steward did comment after you have made the choice. I didn't check but does your choice affect your personal reputation? I think it should at least choice 1 and 2. Maybe 1 increases aggression and 2 benevolent? Korgrak is great and I always get him but he comes later.
  14. I the game player not the in-game character am not convinced Eothas was Waidwen. I hope the sequel will clear up the mystery of all this. If you have to have a god or if some supernatural beings are playing god then people really need a god of redemption, of hope of rebirth that is rebirth of the soul, the spirit, what ever makes us who and what we are. Otherwise we will go mad.
  15. I have a question. Maybe I missed something in the lore but isn't Eothas still worshiped in other countries? He is just dead in Dyrwood isn't he?
  16. Just finished watching and enjoyed it very much. Thank you OE developers for sharing this. You did a great job. Hokay I am ready for the expansion.
  17. People even in a fantasy game will always need a god of hope, redemption, second chances. If the gods receive their powers from those who worship them and there are still worshipers of Eothas then he can and will return. Maybe not quite the same as before. He is called the scattered god so some resembling might be needed.
  18. I actually have had little problem with path finding but maybe I am more used to crappy path finding in other games I have played. :D I do move my party members around to try and get them in the best position. I use stealth a lot and can usually get an idea of how many and where the enemies are before initiating an attack in dungeons.
  19. This is very true. I have had no game breaking bugs since the game was first released on Steam.
  20. This has been a very beneficial thread for me. I now have a much better understanding of traps. I want to thank everyone who has so patiently explained the traps. Even with the 1.05 patch I am finding traps some what more useful than before.
  21. The game was the thing for me. Exploring everything, doing all the quests I could. Leveling up is important to get prepared for the harder fights/ Common fighting can get boring though if you level up too fast.
  22. Act III is the final part of the game. I have no problem with a sense of urgency as you near the end. Nor do I have problem with dealing with a week as compared to a century or two. It can take days to catch that special fish but once caught it is reel it in or cut bait. Raedric is a problem do you let him destroy the village or take a detour to stop him? Let your conscience be your guide. Life is like that.
  23. Why not just forget about having the developers make the game and...do it ourselves? Regarding downloading from Steam. I have Windows 7 and had no problem. After download was complete I started the game to take a look and then excited. There was a short period while the game did download reset a bit longer than usually. I have now played a little with no issues. My game is installed in the normal Steam place nothing unusually there.
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