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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. I like your moon godlike portrait I think it close. As I recall the description also says that their limbs may cast a glow. If you have a male moon godlike I would love to see it. If I had your talent, GM, I would do one much like the one you did. If I added pupils they would be faint not dark so they stand out but subtle. I would make the hair more spikey. The coloring is very good and the crescent perfect. Do you mean Jaceface's Moon Godlike? Oops, my error. That is what I get for not reading carefully. I do like who ever did it but I need a male. Maybe a new brain too it is after midnight here so I will use that as an excuse.
  2. Can't resist. While Eder and Durance are facing off, Aloh is arguing with his alter ego about the proper tactics Kana has charmed the female player with a special chant composed just for her.
  3. I like your moon godlike portrait I think it close. As I recall the description also says that their limbs may cast a glow. If you have a male moon godlike I would love to see it. If I had your talent, GM, I would do one much like the one you did. If I added pupils they would be faint not dark so they stand out but subtle. I would make the hair more spikey. The coloring is very good and the crescent perfect.
  4. Moon godlike are the most humanoid looking. They have a crescent moon on their foreheads. I think glowing "hair" maybe spiked, That is going by the character creation screen for them. I am currently playing one, a male moon godlike. Only found one portrait I felt sorta of fitted. They also have a pale skin.
  5. AshenPlanet, I like your explanation and where you are going with it. As for killing Magran and possibly other gods you may not need twelve. You just might be able to do it with six strong souls. This why I think that could be possible. The stealing of souls is ended. The gods no longer are being fed new souls. There is a possibility that they will receive some essence from those that worship them but it will not be in the quantity that was previously provided them. This will weaken them, lessen their powers and make them more vulnerable. I am not convinced that Eothas is truly dead. Woedica was not killed by a god only stripped of her powers and cast out. You are still the Watcher although no longer haunted by the past. You have been through your trial, you are the sword forged in fire, strengthened by adversity and you have emerged stronger and more powerful than when you started. My first playthrough I didn't care for Durance and paid little attention to him. Then I realized he may be the most important companion. He has some really interesting things so say. His language may be a bit off putting but under those coarse words lie a great deal of truth and wisdom. It will be a long journey but with Durance at your side and four other strong companions you will once more be successful. I will not wish you the blessings of the gods for you won't get those but you do not need any one's blessing you have your own.
  6. But if a game is designed for the mentally handicapped in the first place, no expert mode can prevent shiny quest marks to pop up at every given opportunity. So better not give them ideas of going down that road. Hopefully someone can and will mod the game. They did it for Oblivion for which I was most grateful.
  7. I will mention no names but when someone says "All female NPCs should look like (insert your own description) I get a bit annoyed. As for romancing any of the companions I am not interested. In a companion I want someone who can watch my back, romantic emotional involvement is a distraction. With a party of six I would have a hard time role playing it especially with Durance in the party with his rather uncouth comments.
  8. Don't give them ideas. Those blinking arrows are for convenience, and we all know that if it's one thing that's fashionable right now, it's convenience. Blinking arrows? Green pizza wedges? Pop-ups that tell you what to do? I play on expert mode in order to avoid any hint of those things.
  9. Where they are located in the party also affects what they find. I think. As said mechanics is the skill needed to find traps and hidden objects. You also have to be in stealth mode. Traps get more difficult as the game progresses. Also give Durance if you are using him high mechanics as he needs them for his seal spells.
  10. Yes, that always happens, regardless of your security level. You get about five days advance warnings anyway. That should be more than enough to return. Somehow I missed the early warning and didn't have enough time to finish what I was doing and return. Now I check just in case I missed a warning.
  11. Are you a godlike. They can't wear helmets but you should get an option to wear the hood when you approach the door. When the pop up menu appears it should be the very first option.
  12. Dyrford Village does not seem to have an over lord and from what the inn keeper says I don't think they want one. I get the feeling that for some reason Gilded Vale needs a strong leader maybe because it is close to the Northern border. Maybe the people having had a strong overloard for so many generations just can't adapt to ruling and protecting themselves. Maybe having so many people hanged as demorilized the. Lots of maybes. I agree why doesn't the duc, oh oh wait, the duc is dead so another maybe. Maybe the new duc is so busy with other things he forgets or overlooks Gileed Vale.
  13. I think you get better adventures for your unused party members, You also get visitors both good ones and bad ones. I actually like to keep prestige low until I get security high. Not positive but I think the higher the prestige the more apt to have more attacks. Regarding using Auto resolve for attacks I had an early one just had a few things upgraded and I was busy with some thing. I used auto resolve and everything was destroyed and I had to rebuild. Bloody expensive.
  14. I believe Eder wants to chat with you soon after you meet him, not positive though but I don't think you have missed anything important. If you have Durance he doesn't want to talk to you until you have the a vision about him and his staff and that takes a few sleep periods. Rest periods I mean. People do miss that symbol sometimes.
  15. If OE decides to include romances in the future I hope they include several women on the romance scripting team.
  16. When I played the BG games I always turned the party AI off. In IWD I found the scripts didn't always work the way described. My Halfling rogue did her own thing if I didn't watch her.
  17. Raedric will always have someone defying him or at least assume someone is. His paranoia is justified. It is his callous destruction of innocents I can't stomach.
  18. I think White Phoenix is correct and the sequel will continue the Watcher's story. Quote from the PoE WIKI
  19. Could the whole thing have been an accident? The Engwithans experimenting with some advanced technology in regard to souls created a machine that could collect souls. The woman in Heritage Hill mentions this possibility in regard to the machine there. Theos was brilliant enough to see the possibilities nd carry the experiment forward thus creating the gods. By binding the essence of different personalities together you could come up with some interesting constructs that could even be in conflict with themselves. I wonder how much we can really believe, how much is fact and how much is conjecture. Ps: As for Eder there are different endings for him depending on how your conversations with him go. These gods do remind me of the Greek and Norse gods that were very much to me constructs of humans and reflected the good and bad in humans, the best and worse.
  20. People were complaining about getting to level 12 before the game ended so my guess is the devs decided to give them what they wanted. Moral of that "Be careful what you ask the gods (devs) for as you just might get it." As for smaller parties I agree with Luckmann.
  21. You'll romance Durance, and you'll like it. And if I hear any complaining, you'll get downgraded to Anomen. That is a fate worse than death. All I ever wanted to do with him was kill him. I couldn't even stand him long enough to make a fallen paladin out of him.
  22. If Wael were real I think he would be enjoying this thread very much with all the questions being raised. To further confuse things there are three gods who deal with death and each in different ways. Rymrgand’s entropic one and Berath’s cold inevitability are two. Eothas especially in the aspect of Gaun is the more positive, hopeful one and I think the one that most people of Eora favor even in Dyrwood. Life is a cycle of death and rebirth. Those who greet death with acceptance are visited by the avatar of Gaun who reaps one has been sowed during life and lights the way through death to rebirth. Eothas is pivotal to the game but he does not exist within the game. Here is a quote from the PoE WIKI: Why would the Engwithans create three gods of death each different? Why would they create one god that had grandeur and possibly greater powers than the other gods and put him at odds with the other gods? The gods are split into factions. Magran hates Eothas. Why?
  23. Those are very good questions. In my opinion the soul is the most important thing in the game. Every living thing has a soul including those nasty black ooze, sporlings, forest lurkers. The hung dwarf at Gilded Vale tells us that when souls are reborn they may lose part of themselves and or gain part of another soul. Is this fact or opinion. Do souls suffer entropy? Are souls infinete or finite? What is the orgin of souls? Do we have any information about this? Souls can be placed in Ardra and we have several examples of this. The soul of kith retain memories but it also appears to me that these memories are not normally cumulative. By that I mean you can have multiple personalities awaken. When the game ends you are no longer a Watcher or are you? I look forward to where OE goes with this. Will they be able to carry this forward and keep it fresh and with a sense of reality or will they back themselves into a corner asking questions that cannot be answered. Only Wael may know,,,maybe.
  24. RPGs do force your character into a role whether it is the Dragonborn, Assassin or Watcher. Whether a player finds the role interesting or not depends on his or her individual interests and likes and dislikes. I found being the Dragonborn a joke and played it that way. the role playing comes into how you play that role, good, evil, selfish, benevolent etc. In Planescape/Torment you play a guy who has no name and doesn't have any idea who he is but you can build that character the way you want.
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