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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. I think Durance is well written because he is so unlikable. Each potential party member is well written and each one is different as they should be. They balance each other out nicely in my opinion.
  2. Based on the OP's comments I would say this is not the game for him. It is an isometric 2D graphics game with a lot of reading required to understand and enjoy the game. The combat is tactics based with RTwP combat. I would not recommend it to someone who wants a fast paced game. It can take 40 mins or more just to create your character. You travel with a party of up to six members either pre made or custom made. The game was designed as a spiritual successor to the Infinity Engine games. I backed the game and am very happy with it but then I was a big fan of the IE games and love story driven games with lots of dialogue and choices. I think the game is worth every penny of 45 USD but it is not for everyone.
  3. Eder does suggest feeding him to the Amancer in the Heritage Hill tower. I will say this for Durance he does seem to be the one person in game that suspects that the gods aren't what they appear/claim to be.
  4. I like random selection. This play through I found a diamond where I hadn't before. I like surprises otherwise I get bored.
  5. We do seem to have a language problem here. I admire anyone who can communicate in a second language. It certainly isn't easy. As I see it a good general takes advantage of not only the terrain but the flaws of the enemy. In PoE the player is the general and if they take advantage of flaws in the combat design that is their choice. They are not cheating but simply using the mechanics as the devs have developed it. PotD is supposed to be insanely hard so why shouldn't the player use any means available to win? It is up to the devs to decide whether the system should be changed or not. Players can make suggestions of course. As for enemies chasing you to the ends of the universe no I don't think they should. However luring is not fleeing. You are not running away from the enemy your are luring them to a choke point. My experience with PoE is the enemy gets to the choke point and one or two foes stand in the door or whatever and battle your melee fighters while the rest tromp around trying to get to the melee fighter. How could this be improved? I am not a programmer but is there a possibility that enemies could switch to range weapons? Maybe the two fighting in the choke point should draw back in an attempt to draw you out. Just some ideas. I play games for fun, to relax from the cares, problems and seriousness of real life. I come to forums like this one one to exchange experiences, to learn, to have friendly discussions.
  6. I can only go my my experience. Most games that I have played do allow luring, it depends on how the aggro is set which can vary from game to game. Luring is the ability to draw enemies to a spot you feel is more advantageous to you. It may be only one, a few or a whole group depending on how the aggro mechanics are set. I think PoE is actually good when it comes to luring compared to many other games I have played. I had a battle in the Skaen temple where I was fighting a group when I was attacked from the rear by a small group from another room. I think that is a plus for PoE. Could the aggro mechanics in PoE be improved? I think they could be. I am happy to discuss the pros and cons of the design system itself.
  7. I am playing with a moon godlike ranger with bear companion and am happy with him. He does seem best for taking out other ranged foes and when melee enemies gang up on you front line. The bear gets extra health and you should take companion passive bonuses.
  8. I think you are a very good judge of character. I like Kana too. He is an intellect and intellects can be annoying or boring to some people.
  9. I don't understand why in a single player game there are some people who begrudge those of us who like the ability to lure and find it adds to the game play the ability to use it. The use of lure is optional and the results vary. Sometimes when I try to lure one enemy a whole bunch attack. I also like being able to lure a mob to a choke point. If you think luring is cheesy or cheating don't do it but don't bother telling me not to do it. I find it fun and that it adds to the tactics of the game.
  10. I agree with MunoValente. Video games are no washing machines but software written to go a multitude of complicated and diverse machines. There is simply no way developers can find or anticipate all the problems that may arise. Professional testers do miss things which when played by thousands of players will turn up.
  11. 1) You don't just stumble on the Stronghold you get sent there to find an Ol Watcher named Maerwald. 2) You have to deal with him before you can take over the Stronghold. The Steward in the Adra Throne explains all this and also why and how the Stronghold was originally founded. 3) The only supplies provided are for the Eastern Barbican. Think I got that right. This isn't a sim game, city builder and the devs in-game comment explains the problems they had making the Stronghold. It would be nice to have more servants visible. Maybe a cook and assistant where you could purchase food. A librarian. It does bother me that I get little or even no loot after defending the Stronghold. Also those escaping prisoners are annoying especially when it is only after one day. You also lose any loot from them by taking them prisoner.
  12. Sorry I don't remember if it was the one in Copperlane or Brackenbury. I think it was in the upstairs area of one of those but not positive it was upstairs. Sorry for being so vague.
  13. Who's Meredith? Did you mean Medreth the Doemenel hire who's looking for the orlan in Dyrford? Or did you mean Maerwith who's the daughter of the banshee? Medreth the Doemenel hire , thank you for the correction I am terrible at spelling the names. Corrections always welcome.
  14. I agree with Gromnir until consumers change their behavior we will get buggy, unpolished, unfinished games. When I backed the game in the Kickstarter I knew I was taking a gamble. I did it based on the fact that I had played games made by Obsidian that I liked, that many of the Leads' names were known to me from older games. As for buying other games after being one of the statistics that Gromnir mentions I have made a rule for myself, wait until the game is out for a while, check what those who have played the game have to say. Consumer beware.
  15. They will automatically be paid every week. Don't worry about that "currently unpaid" notation. I hope the devs do change that as it is confusing. I think it should only show up if you do not have the money to pay them.
  16. I play on Normal and not on Hard or PotD which may explain why I haven't even noticed that wizards have unlimited spells. I have Kana with his Aqueous target a mage. Aoth also is set to hit them with spells and if I have a free melee fighter I may send them after a mage.. I was one of those who didn't care for IE mage chess so not every one loved it. My tactic is take the wizards out as fast as possible.
  17. Since the op, Badass l has opened the thread up to general discussion about games I am going to state my opinion on the state of modern games in general. I agree that modern games are released in poor condition, CTDs, bugs, broken quests, misleading advertisement, They lack any real story, many of them. They rely on graphics to impress but make the games for consoles which means that PC users end up with less advanced graphics. I don't know what the new consoles have to offer but a few years ago I understand their graphic quality was at least five years behind what a PC could offer. There is one publisher that I will not buy from. I know the loss of my purchase means nothing to them but it is all I can do besides tell other people not buy their games. I backed Obsidian because I was sure that I would get at least a good story and I did. I got a very complicated story which made me really think and raises interesting questions. The pre-made companions are interesting. The amount of minute detail is amazing. For me the game was relatively bug free at launch. I even like the combat, RTwP, although there are moments I do fine rather funny because of the enemy AI. Sure there are things I feel could be improved but considering the small budget I am not going to nitpick. I am looking forward to the expansion.
  18. Because I read threads and reviews that initially expressed that the game was relatively bug free at launch. Then after playing for some time people discovered some bugs that were missed because the full game was never beta tested, only the beta backer which was only a sample of the game, then more bugs were found, then some more and so on..... So I compiled a bug list. Then I made this post. That is the story so far. What? Obsidian has a group of !A people. I have no idea how many but they tested the game and there were people assigned to play the game as their job. Badass, I am truly sorry you had such an awful time with the game. I mean that but you do come across as trying to prove that your experience is some how the major one when as far as I can tell it is a small minority one. That does happen and can actually benefit the devs when properly reported.
  19. Sorry, but that's how the internet works. Meanwhile, back in reality, anyone with eyes and an internet connection can easily peruse the tech support section and see that there were many challenges across all platforms. People naturally want to jump to the defense of thing they like, even if it prevents them from seeing the forest for the trees. Not sure I understand what you are saying. Yes the developers have made a lot of changes, not only bug fixing but rebalancing and adding stuff. They have also done it quickly and have respond quite well to bug reports. Kudos to them. My disagreement with the OP is his insistence that PoE was broken and unplayable. Perhaps I misunderstand him but to me a broken game is one I can not play or complete. Obviously my experience was very different from his. My experience may not invalidate his but his experience does not invalidate mine. Also when someone attacks something or someone I love my reaction is to defend. I have made the effort to try and be polite. For the record, Gfted1, I am merely responding as one of the dissenting posters in this thread and not taking your post personally.
  20. Yes, Badass, those are opinions. What early games are being used to back up that opinion As I have stated I have been playing computer games for years. Early games did have bugs in the. Not game breaking bugs but still bugs. Those were simpler games. Graphics was much simpler. Sound was much simpler. However may I point out you have stated that in your opinion PoE should have been called Early Access. In other words that it was still in Alpha or at most beta stage. To me you seem to want to prove yourself right despite differing opinion. If you want any of us to accept your opinion as correct you must prove it with facts. Specific hard facts. Quoting other opinions about games in general, games pushed out by publishers for consoles is not proof that PoE is a buggy, broken, unfinished game.
  21. Yes it is, but it is still an opinion. And it is one I, and other people, agree with. Some people on this thread are trying to make out like my opinion is totally rouge, when clearly it is not. You can have an opinion on whether my opinion is valid according to others opinion and my opinion of that opinion is as valid as anyone else's opinion on yours, mine or anyone else opinion. However, that is only my opinion. Is it clear yet that this is an opinion? I am glad that you realize that the article is just an opinion and that your opinion is just an opinion. My opinion and based on your poll and other posts herein other people have a different opinion from yours. Side note: Why do people buy Early Access games/ Why do people donate to Kickstarters? Why do people pre-purchase games? Why do people eat junk food they know is bad for them? Why do we do all the crazy things we do? Because we are human beings not robots.
  22. Opinion by Brian Crecente (This is an opinion and opinions are subject to disagreement and discussion) http://www.polygon.com/2014/11/24/7277363/broken-video-games-are-the-new-norm-what-developers-need-to-do-to-fix
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