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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. Nah since I already paid for the expansion I am technically 1/10000 his boss so I conclude that he doesn't deserve any rest until he finishes his part in its' development and I get to play it. No sleep ,no sleep for the Sawyer! I have also paid for the expansion so I am also 1/10000 the boss and I say he should rest, relax and come back refreshed.
  2. Since I love the game I hope Mr. Sawyer has gotten some well deserved rest.
  3. I like voice overs but I consider it icing on the cake. It can enhance the game but it is not the game.
  4. I am not sure I understand the question. Quests vary in the amount of XP they give, tasks give less, side quests give more than tasks but less than main quests. My experience is that doing tasks and side quests will help you level up significantly.
  5. The cipher ability is the ability to manipulate other minds with your mind and reminds me of ESP. As long as you can keep the cipher's endurance up he or she can do this manipulation. I didn't even think of mana when I first saw it described. When the magic system was first discussed in the Kickstarter the majority of posters were against the mana system and wanted something that more nearly resembled the D&D rest system. As has been already said "You can't miss something that was never there". Maybe those who did not play the IE games can miss mana but not those who did play them and were fans of them. edit: The Online dictionary defines mana as "a generalized, supernatural force or power, which may be concentrated in objects or persons."
  6. With the system PoE uses you get a certain number of spells per rest and per encounter. You can choose four different spells for a wizard per spell level. You can also use scrolls based on your lore level. You also have talents. I feel the system works very well.
  7. I like Eder's and Aloh's "voices". All the voices in the game are well done but there could be more variety. I am surprised at how many voice actors there are. I would have thought maybe at best half that many. The voice of the Dwarf that was hanged is very good. Pallegina's voice is also good and I think fits the character well. My biggest complaint is the lack of accent (to me) in many of the voices. How many people living in the USA actually speak what we call standard American English? It is an accent that was developed for radio announcers.
  8. The male voice acting was very good. Kana is one of my favorites. However I found the use of the standard American accent over done and a bit boring. The female VAing was good but did sound as if only one or two people did it. I also think who ever did Durance was good at doing that cranky, annoying part.
  9. When I played DAO there were some bugs which had to be worked around. Maybe they have since been fixed but I found it quite annoying.
  10. I made my initial pledge on the first day of the Kickstarter so yes I would be playing the game whatever it contained.
  11. As far as I know you need the third part of the main quest to activate this sequence.
  12. I just gave up and sell the lower level traps. This one time I am in full agreement with the "this needs to be fixed" group.
  13. You recall correctly. After that go to Dyrford crossing and if I recall correctly exit from the north, top of map. Good luck.
  14. Althernai's reply is excellent just what I wanted to say but think how to say it. :D Obsidian's Kickstarter was a ground breaker. The fact that they reached their starting goal in around 31 hours was headline game news. Also as a backer I really think Obsidian does appreciate what we did and our support. Thank you, Althernai. for your post.
  15. You do not need to upgrade the stronghold other than to repair the Eastern Bastion which is free and immediate. I am also fairly sure I could enter the Endless Paths before I upgraded the Main Keep. I put off doing any upgrades for quite a while.
  16. Snip I mean, I personally don't know if I agree with OP's list or not, but Kickstarter is a poor justification. Not when you are trying to raise money and people have requested specific items. Originally we requested a player's house but being perfectly normal game players we got greedy and wanted a stronghold. Remember the majority of backers were gradates of the IE games. IWD games are still popular. My avatar and PDN come from a character I created in IWD II. When the devs agreed to those two features I increased my pledge. Moral of that - want more money give your backers what they want if at all possible.
  17. I love everything the OP feels should be removed. I don't think the stronghold is crap but it could use some improvement. As already posted the stash unlimited is optional. Since I like crafting and enchanting I like having a place I stick any and all reuired ingredients. I think of it as a storage area. The stash is only available to access when resting. To me it is a kind of invisible donkey where I can stick things for later use or sale. I love being able to make custom companions although I mainly travel with the scripted ones. They are also handy to keep at the stronghold for those odd adventurers so I don't tie up a companion. Camping supplies I think should be limited. The devs have scattered camping supplies rather liberally. I don't play on hard and the limit of two is probably a problem there. Crafting and enchanting I love and just wish it was a wee bit easier to get ingredients and I would like to be able to enchant capes and helmets at least. I know for balance there should be restriction but maybe just a little more chance to enchant would be possible.
  18. The battle part I can help you with due to the fact that in another thread someone told me how. Click the ESC key which brings up the menu and pauses the game but the commentary will continue. Can't help with the repeating the comentary but maybe some one else will.
  19. Defiance Bay was not a disappointment to me as I did not expect a really big city. Dyrwood itself has a forlorn and empty feel. I do think the city could have been improved with more refugees especially since that seems to be the main complaint of the guards. I expected more refugees. First Fires was a disappointment although it was very attractive for some reason it not impress me as the cneter of government. Graphically good but with no life to it.
  20. I can't resist. The best cRPG game ever was Betray at Krondor. There will never be another game as good, as much fun, as awesome and wonderful. Why? Because it was my first cRPG game. Thus began my love afair with role playing games. The game was good and set the standards for its time. There is always a nostalga for your first experience if it was a good one. Nothing can ever rival it. I have already given my opinion of PoE. It is a great game and let no one tell you different.
  21. I have six hirelings, two of them special expensive ones and security in the forties. Prestige is only in the twenties currently. I have had Gramifel escape. Don't think it is a bug but a scripted even but based on what I have no idea. All walls are build, towers, bastions, training grounds, barracks and anything that gives security. I didn't have that problem in a prior play but my prestige was higher.
  22. I agree with those who say medium or heavy armour at the lower levels for spell casters and priests. Lighter armour or enchanted robes at level eight when there are a lot more spells available. Priest spells can be very effective.
  23. Enter every building you can they count as map locations and add up. Do every quest you can find that adds up. Get your Stronhold upgraded, do the Enless paths, Bounty hunt from the Warden's Lodge, do the stronghold quests with your extra party members. Explore everything. Get the Beastury XP. Leveling up even with a six party group isn't as hard as I thought it would be.
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